【評論主題】30. The team _____ all the best players you can find in this country.(A) is made of (B) is composed

【評論內容】(A) is made of      改成is made up of(B) is composed of.  正解(C) is consisted of   改成consists of(D) composes of.     改成is composed of

【評論主題】22. You should _____ me to change lanes so that I could turn left at the intersection.(A) allow (B)

【評論內容】(D)let me to change 須把to去掉

【評論主題】20. Elsa never learned to communicate in Spanish _____ she lived in Spain for more than ten years.(A


despite 接名詞或動名詞作受詞,可與 in spite of 互換使用。

例:Despite the rain, the baseball game was not suspended.雖然下雨了,但那場棒球賽並沒有中止。

【評論主題】20. Elsa never learned to communicate in Spanish _____ she lived in Spain for more than ten years.(A


despite 接名詞或動名詞作受詞,可與 in spite of 互換使用。

例:Despite the rain, the baseball game was not suspended.雖然下雨了,但那場棒球賽並沒有中止。

【評論主題】11. 下列調整分錄何者不可作回轉分錄?(A) 借:應收利息,貸:利息收入 (B) 借:預付廣告費,貸:廣告費(C) 借:租金費用,貸:應付租金 (D) 借:預收佣金,貸:佣金收入

【評論內容】※應計項目及遞延項目回轉的判斷:調整分錄中的實帳戶為 A+或 L+,可以作回轉分

【評論主題】13. Brian was depressed for a long time because he couldn’t find a job. When he finally received a j

【評論內容】cloud nine當某人 on cloud nine,這表示他或她感到非常高興。

【評論主題】16. 有關會計帳簿之敘述,何者正確?(A) 會計憑證至少保存十年(B) 財務報表至少保存十五年(C) 會計事項應按發生次序逐日登帳,至遲不得超過二個月(D) 記帳應以新臺幣「元」為單位,但可因交易性

【評論內容】(A)(B)錯誤→商業會計法規定:會計憑證至少保存 5 年,帳簿及報表至少保存 10 年(C)正確→會計事項應按發生次序逐日登帳,至遲不得超過二個月(D)錯誤→記帳應以新臺幣「元」為單位,不能因交易性質而以萬元為單位

【評論主題】9. 下列敘述何者錯誤?(A) 收益及費損為虛帳戶 (B) 淨值乃指收益減費損(C) 費損將造成權益減少 (D) 業主提取商品自用為對外交易




【評論主題】43.夜市販售彎腰郵筒造型花器,僅印有「POST」字樣,依郵政法規定,下列敘述何者正確?(A)不罰(B)須事先獲得中華郵政公司同意,否則處以 2 萬至 10 萬元罰鍰(C)須事先獲得交通部同意,否則處

【評論內容】第 40 條違反第六條規定者,處新臺幣二十萬元以上一百萬元以下罰鍰,並通知其停止該等行為;未停止者,得按次處罰。