【評論主題】在Miles and Snow的事業層級策略中,選定某一個區隔市場生產有限產品,同時利用規模經濟的優勢以防止對手進入市場,係為何種策略?(A)前瞻策略(Prospector)(B)防禦策略(Defen






【評論主題】【題組】8. ______A:What’s for l___ch? B:Beef noodles.編輯私有筆記及自訂標籤國一英文上第二次-108 年 - 2019高雄市市立大樹國中七年級108 上學期


(A)Abraham Maslow : 需求階層理論 生理-安全-社會-自尊-自我實現(B)Victor Vroom : 期望理論(C)Douglas McGregor : X理論-性惡論  Y理論-性善論 

【評論主題】在Miles and Snow的事業層級策略中,選定某一個區隔市場生產有限產品,同時利用規模經濟的優勢以防止對手進入市場,係為何種策略?(A)前瞻策略(Prospector)(B)防禦策略(Defen







【評論主題】【題組】8. ______A:What’s for l___ch? B:Beef noodles.編輯私有筆記及自訂標籤國一英文上第二次-108 年 - 2019高雄市市立大樹國中七年級108 上學期


(A)Abraham Maslow : 需求階層理論 生理-安全-社會-自尊-自我實現(B)Victor Vroom : 期望理論(C)Douglas McGregor : X理論-性惡論  Y理論-性善論 

【評論主題】44. The marathon will be held this Saturday, _____. It cannot be postponed.(A) sun or rain (B) dry o


The marathon will be held this Saturday, rain or shine. It cannot be postponed.n

馬拉松將在這個星期六風雨無阻地舉行  它不能延期postpone 延期

【評論主題】48. I’m going to say goodbye to Frank. He _____ to Kaohsiung next week.(A) will be moved (B) is movi


I’m going to say goodbye to Frank. He is moving to Kaohsiung next week.n

我將和Frank道別  他下個禮拜即將搬去高雄

【評論主題】43. The police _____ the bar last week because it was too noisy.(A) closed down (B) closed up (C) sh


The police closed down the bar last week because it was too noisy.n

警方上禮拜停止酒吧營業因為太吵了(A) closed down 停業(B) closed up 癒合(傷口) 堵塞(C) shut up 閉嘴(D) stopped停止

【評論主題】46. I lived next door to ______ when I was a kid. I know every one of them.(A) Johnson families (B)


I lived next door to the Johnsons when I was a kid. I know every one of them.n當我還小的時候  我住在Johnsons家隔壁 


the Johnsons= the Johnson family  : Johnson 一家人

【評論主題】47. Ken seems unable to keep a job. He _____ in six different companies in the past two years.(A) ha


Ken seems unable to keep a job. He has worked in six different companies in the past two years.n



【評論主題】26. Harry really liked the new Mazda, but the price was over his _____.(A) money (B) target (C) pock


Harry really liked the new Mazda, but the price was over his budget.n

Harry真的喜歡新馬自達 但是價格超過他的預算

(A) money  錢(B) target  目標(C) pocket 口袋(D) budget 預算

【評論主題】31. The government strongly recommended that people with cardiovascular diseases _______ surgical ma


The government strongly recommended that people with cardiovascular diseases wear surgical masks when the airnquality index rises.n


 recommend 建議cardiovascular (醫)心血管的surgical 外科(手術)的index 指標 指示

【評論主題】29. _______ highly recognizable, the brand logo stands itself out among all brands.(A) If (B) In ord


Being highly recognizable, the brand logo stands itself out among all brands.n

具有高辨識度 這個品牌標誌能在所有品牌脫穎而出


【評論主題】27. Mr. Jackson will not be able to finish the proposal ______ he can gather the data in two days.(A


Mr. Jackson will not be able to finish the proposal unless he can gather the data in two days.n

 Jackson先生將無法完成提案 除非他能在兩天內蒐集好資料

【評論主題】24. The candidate _______ his campaign speech before the protesters arrived.(A) has finished (B) was


The candidate had finished his campaign speech before the protesters arrived.n

在抗議者到達以前 候選人已經完成他的競選演講

candidate 候選人campaign 競選活動

【評論主題】22. _______ you have any questions about the contract, you can contact us for further clarifications


Should  you have any questions about the contract, you can contact us for further clarifications.n

如果你有任何關於合約的問題 你可以聯絡我們做更深入的了解

 further 更深的clarification 說明

【評論主題】23. _______ it started raining, all students ran back to their classrooms.(A) As soon as (B) As fast


As soon as it started raining, all students ran back to their classrooms.n

一下起雨 所有的學生就跑回教室(A) As soon as 一...就(B) As fast as 像...一樣快(C) As far as  直到...為止(D) As much asn盡可能

【評論主題】二、文法測驗21. _______ the cold weather, shoppers were lining up in front of the store for the big sale.(


In spite of the cold weather, shoppers were lining up in front of the store for the big sale.n

儘管氣候酷寒 購物的人在特賣會店門口排隊(A) Owing to 因為 由於(B) In terms of 就...方面而言(C) Rather than 而不是(D) In spite of 儘管


【評論主題】20. The War Memorial displays a series of documentaries featuring World War II veterans’ _______ of


The War Memorial displays a series of documentaries featuring World War II veterans’ reminiscences of the war for visitorsnto learn more about the history.n

戰爭紀念館展示一系列針對二次大戰老兵的戰爭回憶給參觀者 讓他們更了解這段歷史(A) bureaucracies 官僚(B) compensations 補償(C) territories 領土(D) reminiscences 回憶

veteran 老兵 

【評論主題】13. Many travel agencies attended the International Travel Fair to distribute leaflets to their ____


Many travel agencies attended the International Travel Fair to distribute leaflets to their potential customers.n

許多旅遊業者參加旅展發傳單給潛在客戶(A) lengthy 長的(B) muscular 肌肉的(C) naked 裸露的(D) potential 潛在的

distribute 分配leaflet 傳單

【評論主題】18. The fragrance shop announced that the 90% off discount is available _______ for customers on Chr


The fragrance shop announced that the 90% off discount is available exclusively for customers on Christmas Day.n

香氛店宣布聖誕節那天有一折專屬折扣給客戶(A) abundantly 豐富地(B) exclusively 專門地(C) initially 最初 開頭(D) unconsciously 無意地

fragrance 香氛 

【評論主題】19. The newly founded company couldn’t survive the economic breakdown. Its financial condition has _


The newly founded company couldn’t survive the economic breakdown. Its financial condition has  deteriorated sincenthen.n


財務狀況從那時起就已經惡化(A) confiscated 沒收(B) deteriorated 惡化(C) rehabilitated 復興(D) vindicated 辯護


【評論主題】15. Ms. Huang filmed a video showing a _______ insect crawling on the sidewalk. No one had ever seen


Ms. Huang filmed a video showing a bizarre insect crawling on the sidewalk. No one had ever seen such a strangencreature.n


沒有人看過這麼奇怪的生物(A) bizarre 古怪的(B) divorced 離婚的(C) mature 成熟的(D) passive 被動的

crawl 爬 

【評論主題】16. United Airlines was _______ criticized for its rude treatment to a passenger on board who didn’t


United Airlines was harshly criticized for its rude treatment to a passenger on board who didn’t want to give up hisnseat.n

聯合航空在受嚴厲的批評因為粗魯對待不願意放棄座位的機上乘客(A) boldly 勇敢地(B) casually 偶然地(C) harshly 嚴厲的(D) patiently有耐心的


【評論主題】17. After a stroke, Bob had a _______ damage to his frontal lobe and was diagnosed with aphasia. The


After a stroke, Bob had a permanent damage to his frontal lobe and was diagnosed with aphasia. The doctor said thenbrain injury might never recover.n

中風之後 Bob的大腦前葉受到永久性的傷害 被診斷出罹患失語症


(A) constructive 有建設性的(B) diligent 勤勉的(C) permanent 永久的(D) thrilling 毛骨悚然的

stroke 中風 frontal 前面的lobe 腦葉 肺葉diagnose 診斷

【評論主題】14. To get ready for the upcoming annual baseball _______, the organizer called for 150 volunteers f


To get ready for the upcoming annual baseball tournament, the organizer called for 150 volunteers for the opening day.n

為了準備即將到來的年度棒球錦標賽 開幕式那天主辦者招集150名志願者(A) commercial 廣告 (B) funeral 喪禮(C) migration 遷移 移民(D) tournament 比賽

【評論主題】12. With months of practice, the shy boy _______ his stage fright and could finally speak confidentl


With months of practice, the shy boy overcame his stage fright and could finally speak confidently in front of thenpublic.n

經過數月的練習 害羞的男孩克服了舞台恐懼 最後能自信地在人群前演說(A) assisted 幫助(B) imported 進口(C) overcame 克服(D) underwentn經歷

【評論主題】11. The waiter was carrying several greasy plates back to the kitchen after a group of _______ left


The waiter was carrying several greasy plates back to the kitchen after a group of diners left the steakhouse.n

在一群用餐者離開牛排店後 服務生把油膩的餐盤送回廚房(A) diners 用餐的人(B) fibers 纖維(C) leathers 皮革(D) quarters 四分之一

greasy 油膩的 

【評論主題】10. To renew the _______ of the magazine, a simple phone call will be enough.(A) subscription (B) de


To renew the subscription of the magazine, a simple phone call will be enough.n

恢復雜誌訂閱 一通電話就能搞定(A) subscription 訂閱(B) description 描述(C) participation 參與(D) registration 註冊

renew 更新 恢復 

【評論主題】9. The old city hall will be _______, and soon be rebuilt as a new shopping mall.(A) preserved (B) d


The old city hall will be demolished , and soon be rebuilt as a new shopping mall.n

舊的市政府將被拆除 很快會被重建成新的購物中心(A) preserved 保留 保存(B) demolished 拆除(C) facilitated 促進(D) furnished 供應

city hall 市政府 

【評論主題】7. The problem of _______ cannot be easily solved just by methods of checking authenticity.(A) manua


The problem of counterfeit cannot be easily solved just by methods of checking authenticity.n

偽造的問題不能只靠檢查真實性的方法輕易的解決(A) manual 手冊 簡介(B) counterfeit 偽造的(C) deduction 扣除 剪除(D) evaluation 評估

authenticity 誠實 真實性 

【評論主題】8. A(n) _______ charge was incurred due to payment delay.(A) substitute (B) loan (C) overdue (D) inv


An overdue charge was incurred due to payment delay.n

逾期費用的產生是因為付款延遲(A) substitute 替代(B) loan 借款(C) overdue 逾期未還得(D) investment 投資

overdue charge 逾期費用 incur 遭致

【評論主題】5. The first task to _______ projects is to assemble the key persons in different departments.(A) di


The first task to streamline projects is to assemble the key persons in different departments.n

使計畫有效率的的首要任務是集合不同部門的關鍵人物(A) disorient 使迷惘(B) streamline 使簡化 使有效率(C) undermine 暗中破壞(D) propagate 繁殖

assemble 集合 聚集 

【評論主題】6. The new sales strategies have _______ fruitful results so far.(A) avoided (B) concentrated (C) re


The new sales strategies have yielded fruitful results so far.n

到目前為止 新的銷售策略已經產生豐厚的成果(A) avoided 避免(B) concentrated 關注(C) responded 回應 (D) yielded 產生

fruitful 收益好的 富饒的so far 到目前為止

【評論主題】2. The workshop provided _______ and effective methods to solve software problems.(A) tedious (B) re


The workshop provided informative and effective methods to solve software problems.n

工廠提供有益且有效的方法解決軟體問題(A) tedious 冗長乏味的(B) redundant 多餘的(C) informative 情報的 有益的(D) chaotic 混亂的

workshop 工廠 

【評論主題】4. The company offers ______ services to their valued customers.(A) inferior (B) customized (C) dete


The company offers customized services to their valued customers.n

這公司提供重要客戶客製化服務(A) inferior 低等的(B) customized 客製化的(C) determined 果斷的(D) exterior 外部的


【評論主題】3. All employees were _______ not to use the front entrance due to the lobby renovation.(A) allowed


All employees were notified not to use the front entrance due to the lobby renovation.n

所有的員工都被通知不要使用前門應為大廳在整修(A) allowed 允許(B) adorned 裝飾(C) notified 通知(D) inhibited禁止

renovation 更新 修理 

【評論主題】1. Most scientists agree that global warming is a(n) _______ to our environment.(A) threat (B) surpl


Most scientists agree that global warming is a threat to our environment.n

大部分的科學家都同意全球暖化是環境的威脅(A) threat 威脅(B) surplus 過剩 盈餘(C) alien 外星人(D) benefit 利益


【評論主題】【題組】47. What does the word “telescoping” in paragraph 4 mean?(A) able to slide out or retract(B) abl


What does the word “telescoping” in paragraph 4 mean?n

  第四段的字 (telescoping)是何意義 ?

(A) able to slide out or retractn

能夠滑出去或者縮回來(B) able to view distant objectsn

能夠看遠方的物體(C) able to observe outer spacen

能夠觀察外太空(D) made of steel but not woodn

  由鋼鐵製成的 而非木頭

 telescoping -  telescope (v) 疊縮(n)望遠鏡

【評論主題】【題組】45. Which of the following is suggested by the passage?(A) Churchill gave great speeches during


Which of the following is suggested by the passage?n

 下列哪一個選項在文章中被提及 ?

(A) Churchill gave great speeches during a world war.n


(B) In his movie, Joe Wrights looks at Churchill as a demon.n

在Joe Wrights的電影裡 導演是邱吉爾為惡人

(C) Gary Oldman prefers Churchill to Shakespeare.n

Gary Oldman喜歡邱吉爾更勝莎士比亞

(D) Churchill is a better athlete than a politician.n

相較於政治家  邱吉爾是個更好的運動員


【評論主題】【題組】39. (A) and (B) also (C) as well as (D) or


In both new product design and existing product modification, the most important thing is to consider the benefits required by customers. 

在新產品設計與既有產品的修改兩者之間 最重要的是考慮到被顧客要求的利益

【評論主題】【題組】35. (A) Though (B) Therefore (C) Through (D) Throughout


Through deliberate effort we can become more aware of our gut feelings.


【評論主題】13. Tina’s grandfather suffers from ________ back pain, which causes a constant disturbance in his s


Tina’s grandfather suffers from chronic back pain, which causes a constant disturbance in his sleep.n

Tina的祖父長期遭受背痛之苦 造成睡眠不斷地中斷

(A) barren 不孕的(B) chronic 長期的(C) deadly 致命的 非常的(D) fragile 易碎的

disturbance 打擾 

【評論主題】三、克漏字測驗【請依照句子前後文意,選出最適當的答案】 第一篇: The ability to recognize a feeling as it happens is the building bl


People with greater certainty about their feelings are better pilots of their lives.


(A) pilots 領航員 (B) descendants 子孫 後裔(C) crowds 人群(D) subscribers 訂閱者

certainty 確實 必然 

【評論主題】【題組】32. (A) with (B) of (C) on (D) in


Gut feelings can occur without a person being consciously aware of them.

直覺的發生是不自覺的Gut feelings 直覺consciously 有意識地

【評論主題】19. It is John ________ I admire most.(A) whom (B) which (C) whose (D) so that


 It is John whom I admire most.n


【評論主題】17. The rescue team rushed the ________ tourists to hospital.(A) injury (B) injuring (C) injure (D)


The rescue team rushed the injured tourists to hospital.n

營救團隊急送受傷的旅客去醫院(A) injury (n)傷害(B) injuring --- V ing 通常修飾非人的物或事情(C) injure (v)傷害(D) injured(a)受傷的

tourist 旅客 : 名詞用形容詞修飾 所以(A)(C)刪除 

【評論主題】15. The revolutionary army has been conducting ________ operations to overthrow the dictator and ins


The revolutionary army has been conducting clandestine operations to overthrow the dictator and install a newnregime.n

革命軍已經帶領暗中作戰推翻獨裁者建立新政權(A) clandestine 暗中的 偷偷摸摸的(B) expired 滿期 到期(C) obstinate 固執的(D) vernacular 方言

revolutionary 革命的 conduct 引導 帶領overthrow 打倒 推翻dictator 獨裁者regime 政權

【評論主題】14. In the job interview, the applicant established her ________ by referring to her previous experi


In the job interview, the applicant established her credentials by referring to her previous experience as a salesnmanager.n

在工作面試時 申請人藉由提及先前當銷售經理的經驗得到她的資格認可 (A) allocations 分派 分配(B) credentials 證書 資格(C) indictments 控告 起訴書(D) hospitalities 殷勤招待 理解力

applicant 申請人

【評論主題】12. The corporation ________ 10 million USD to the local government for the repair of school buildin


The corporation donated 10 million USD to the local government for the repair of school buildings and thenpurchase of books for school libraries.n

公司捐款一千萬美元給當地政府修復學校建築以及購買學校圖書館的書籍(A) donated 捐款(B) enclosed 關閉 圍繞(C) intruded 侵入 闖入(D) withdrew 抽回 撤退 離開

corporation 公司 

【評論主題】11. To ensure everyone has an equal opportunity to participate, the teacher ________ selected studen


To ensure everyone has an equal opportunity to participate, the teacher randomly selected students to share theirnanswers.n

為了確保每個人有同等的機會參與 老師隨機選擇學生分享他們的答案(A) implicitly 含蓄地(B) partially 部分地(C) occasionally 偶爾 有時候(D) randomly 隨機地


【評論主題】10. The director was ________ in his demands on actors for promptness in rehearsals. He was passiona


The director was zealous in his demands on actors for promptness in rehearsals. He was passionate, intolerantnof any mistake, grabby, and bossy.n


他十分急躁 無法容忍錯誤 貪婪而跋扈(A) indifferent 漠不關心的(B) feeble 虛弱的(C) serene 安詳的(D) zealous 熱情的 積極的

demand 要求 promptness 敏捷 迅速 rehearsal 排練passionate 熱情的 暴躁的grabby 貪婪bossy 跋扈

【評論主題】9. The boat ________ on the rough sea.(A) fluctuated (B) swore (C) urged (D) mediated


The boat fluctuated on the rough sea.n

船在暴風雨的海上漂流(A) fluctuated 波動(B) swore 發誓(swear)(C) urged 催促(D) mediated 調解

rough 暴風雨的 

【評論主題】8. A ________ may cause long- or short-term damage by changing the growth rate of animals or plants,


A pollutant may cause long- or short-term damage by changing the growth rate of animals or plants, or byninterfering with human health or comfort.n

汙染物藉由改變動植物的生長率造成長期或短期的傷害 或者妨礙人類的健康與安逸(A) comedy (B) pollutant 汙染物 汙染源(C) microscope 顯微鏡(D) slogann

interfere 妨礙 干預comfort 舒適 安慰

【評論主題】7. More than one hundred years after his death Charles Dickens ________ one of the world’s greatest


More than one hundred years after his death Charles Dickens remains one of the world’s greatest novelists.n

Charles Dickens(狄更斯)死後超過一百年仍是世界最偉大的小說家之一

(A) foresees 預見 預知(foresee)(B) imitates 模仿(C) remains 保持 繼續存在(D) prohibits 禁止

Charles Dickens 查爾斯 狄更斯 

【評論主題】6. I don’t trust John. His behavior is not ________ with his words.(A) changeable (B) vivid (C) cons


I don’t trust John. His behavior is not consistent with his words.n

我無法相信John  他的言行不一

(A) changeable 易變的(B) vivid 栩栩如生的(C) consistent 始終如一的 一貫的(D) random 隨機的


【評論主題】3. The refugees flooded into Europe to ________ a better life.(A) avoid (B) relax (C) fake (D) seek


The refugees flooded into Europe to seek a better life.n

難民大量湧進歐洲去尋求更好的生活(A) avoid 避免(B) relax 放鬆(C) fake 假的(D) seek 尋找

refugee 難民 flood into 大量湧入

【評論主題】2. The swimming pool in this community is only ________ in summer.(A) liberal (B) chronic (C) neutra


The swimming pool in this community is only available in summer.n


(A) liberal 自由的(B) chronic 長期的(C) neutral 中立的(D) available 可得到的

 community  社區

【評論主題】4. One of the objectives of the government may be to keep the price of a product at a level at which


One of the objectives of the government may be to keep the price of a product at a level at which most people can afford it.n

政府的目標之一是保持讓大多數人可以負擔的物價水準(A) persuade 說服(B) afford 負擔得起(C) resist 抵抗(D) postpone 使延期

objective 目標 

【評論主題】5. New technologies usually take longer than expected to ________ market acceptance, but once they a


New technologies usually take longer than expected to achieve market acceptance, but once they are accepted,ntheir growth rate and impact often exceed expectations.n


但是 一旦被接受了 成長率和影響常常超乎預期(A) desert (v)拋棄 (n)沙漠(B) mute  消(音)(C) achieve  達到(D) underestimate  低估


【評論主題】1. I don’t need to know the exact cost. An ________ is good enough.(A) ambulance (B) estimate (C) in


I don’t need to know the exact cost. An estimate is good enough.n


估計值就夠了(A) ambulance 救護車(B) estimate 估計(C) infant 嬰兒(D) opponent 對手

exact 正確的 準確的

【評論主題】9. We _______ postpone the meeting, or we won’t be able to make a final decision by tomorrow.(A) hav


We had better not postpone the meeting, or we won’t be able to make a final decision by tomorrow.n

我們最好不要延期會議 否則我們將不能在明天之前做最後的決定

postpone 延期 推遲

【評論主題】二、文法測驗【請在下列各題中選出最適當的答案】 8. _______ for the collaboration of the entire team, this project would not


Had it not been for the collaboration of the entire team, this project would not have succeed.n如果沒有整個團隊的合作 這個計畫不可能成功

collaboration 合作

【評論主題】三、克漏字測驗【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案】    What many young college graduates need is career advice. Deciding on


Deciding on a career may seem intimidating , but it is easiernwhen you give yourself a lot of options and time to consider it.

選擇職業似乎很嚇人 但是當你給自己許多選項和時間去思考時變得較簡單容易

(A) harmonious 和諧的(B) illegitimate 非法的(C) generous 慷慨的(D) intimidating 嚇人的

【評論主題】13. A rule of thumb at office politics is not to get _______ in personal gossips.(A) involved (B) to


A rule of thumb at office politics is not to get involved in personal gossips.n


thumb 拇指A rule of thumb 經驗法則office politics辦公室政治gossip - gossips 閒聊 流言蜚語

【評論主題】【題組】17. (A) determine (B) terrify (C) sacrifice (D) commute


Although the idea of a job for life is quickly becoming anthing of the past, the field of work which you choose is important because it will determine where you will spend a large partnof your working life and will also define how many opportunities you will have to branch out using all of your professionalnskills.

雖然對人生而言職業的想法很快變成一件過去的事 你所選擇的工作領域是重要的 因為這將決定你投注大把時間精力於職場生活 而且也將定義你將有多少機會用你的專業技能擴展新的方向或興趣

(A) determine 決定(B) terrify 使害怕(C) sacrifice 犧牲(D) commute 通勤branch out 向新的方向擴...

【評論主題】14. Visitors should be able to find the lecture hall _______ on the campus map.(A) marking (B) to ma


Visitors should be able to find the lecture hall marked on the campus map.n


lecture hall 講堂

【評論主題】【題組】18. (A) utilizes (B) customizes (C) tracks (D) monitors


Choose wisely and select a field that utilizes as many of your talents as possible.


(A) utilizes 利用(B) customizes 訂做(C) tracks 追蹤(D) monitors 監控

【評論主題】15. _______ the concert only started selling tickets yesterday, it has already sold out.(A) Although

【評論內容】Although the concert only started selling tickets yesterday, it has already sold out.n雖然音樂會只有昨天開始賣票 已經一掃而空了

【評論主題】10. We _______ for two nights before we got some shut-eye.(A) have been staying up (B) are staying u


We had been staying upn for two nights before we got some shut-eye.n

在我們闔眼休息前 我們已經熬夜兩晚了

【評論主題】7. To _______ the value of properties based on the market need is essential in the business of real


To appraise the value of properties based on the market need is essential in the business of real estate.n

以市場需求為基礎來評估資產價值對房地產事業是重要的(A) plummet 墜落(B) renovate 更新 恢復(C) disclaim 放棄 否認(D) appraise 估計 評價

property - properties 財產 資產

【評論主題】6. By mobilizing all resources and dedicated efforts, the event organizer made the celebratory festi


By mobilizing all resources and dedicated efforts, the event organizer made the celebratory festival a resounding success.n

藉由調動所有的資源和付出的努力 活動組織者舉行慶祝活動(A) delinquent 犯法的 拖欠的 失職的(B) resounding 響亮的 轟動的 - resound 傳頌 盛讚(C) counterfeit 偽造的(D) suspending-suspend 停職 休學 懸掛

mobilize 動員 調動dedicate 奉獻 致力於organizer 組織者 創立者celebratory 慶祝的festival 節日 慶祝活動

【評論主題】5. In order to increase sales, the auto dealer offered a cash _______ and 0% APR up to 60 months.(A)


In order to increase sales, the auto dealer offered a cash rebate and 0% APR up to 60 months.n


(A) content 內容 (B) rebate 折扣(C) rival 競爭者(D) sprint 短跑比賽

auto dealer 汽車經銷商APR : 費用年百分率(Annual Percentage Rate):也稱作貸款的實質年利率

【評論主題】2. The process of product _______ is complicated and time-consuming, and costs a lot of money.(A) co


The process of product commercialization is complicated and time-consuming, and costs a lot of money.n

產品商業化的過程是複雜而且耗時的 花費相當多的金錢(A) commercialization 商業化(B) fossilization 固定化 變的陳腐(C) perspiration 汗水(D) memorization 熟記

process 過程 步驟

【評論主題】39. He didn’t seem very _______ about this baseball game. He was watching the game silently.(A) exci


He didn’t seem very excited about this baseball game. He was watching the game silently.n

他似乎對這場棒球比賽沒那麼興奮  他就靜靜的看比賽

【評論主題】【題組】47. Why was Yousafzai attacked in her hometown?(A) She wanted to win an honorary citizenship.(B)


Why was Yousafzai attacked in her hometown?n

為什麼Yousafzai在他的家鄉受到攻擊 ?

(A) She wanted to win an honorary citizenship.n

她想贏得榮譽公民頭銜(B) She supported girl education.n

  她支持女孩教育(C) She led young people to fight against the government.n

  她領導年輕人對抗政府(D) She complained about the judicial system.n


 根據文章 :For Yousafzai, it has been very difficult, indeed. When she was 15 years old, she was attacked on her way to school. Some people in the village where she lived in Pakistan didn’t think girls should be ...

【評論主題】四、閱讀測驗    Malala Yousafzai has a message for Canadian kids: Don’t wait, to make a difference. Just b


What is the possible meaning of “activist” in the article?n

什麼是文章中提及“activist”可能的意思 ?

(A) A person who is good at sports.n

擅長運動的人(B) A person who likes to join all kinds of activities.n

  喜歡參加各式個樣活動的人(C) A person who supports social changes.n

  支持社會改變的人(D) A person who has positive thinking.n


根據文章 :In this case, “activist”nmeans that she tries to get that message out, no matter how difficult that may be for her.在這個情況下 “activist”意指她嘗試將訊息釋出 不論對她而言是多麼困難的狀況...

【評論主題】三、克漏字測驗【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案】    The air in the Indian capital, New Delhi, is among the most polluted


That is one reason India’s highest court has ordered a temporary ban on firecracker sales during Diwali, thenHindu festival of lights.


temporary 臨時的 暫時的firecracker 爆竹 鞭炮

【評論主題】【題組】45. (A) boundaries (B) creations (C) magicians (D) supporters


Yet supporters of the firecracker ban say the health of New Delhi’s 18-million residents is more important than traditions.


(A) boundaries 邊界(B) creations 創造(C) magicians 魔術師(D) supporters 支持者n

【評論主題】【題組】43. (A) But (B) For (C) Regarding (D) Since


But the court order has angered many Indians as they prepare for Diwali, which starts October 19th.

但是法院的規定已經讓許多印度教徒心生不滿 當他們開始在10月19日的排燈節的準備時

【評論主題】40. By the time she was 15 years old, she _______ five hit songs.(A) had written(B) has written(C) s


By the time she was 15 years old, she had written five hit songs.n

在她15歲大時 她已經寫了五首暢銷歌曲

【評論主題】【題組】44. (A) cafeteria (B) journey (C) literature (D) tradition


They say the order prevents them from taking part in a Hindu tradition : the lighting of fireworks.

他們說這項規定禁止他們參與印度教的傳統 : 煙火的燃放

(A) cafeteria 自助餐廳(B) journey 旅行(C) literature 文學(D) tradition 傳統

【評論主題】【題組】42. (A) During (B) For (C) Pass (D) While


During this period, many Hindus light oil lamps in homes,nwindows and on housetops.

在這段期間 印度教徒在家裡 窗戶邊和屋頂點亮油燈

【評論主題】33.Near the end of the football game, the _______ danced happily for the upcoming victory.(A) knuckl


Near the end of the football game, the mascot danced happily for the upcoming victory.n

接近足球比賽的尾聲 吉祥物開心地為即將到來的勝利跳舞(A) knuckle 關節(B) mascotn吉祥物(C) parachute 降落傘(D) vinegar 醋

【評論主題】38. I don’t know how _______ he exercises; maybe two times a week, I guess.(A) many(B) often(C) long


I don’t know how often he exercises; maybe two times a week, I guess.n

我不知道他做運動的頻率 我猜也許是一星期兩次how many  + 可屬名詞 : 問數量how oftenn: 問頻率 (多久一次)how long: 問時間長短

【評論主題】31. I seldom argue with my boss _______. Writing emails can help me express my ideas more clearly.(A


I seldom argue with my boss verbally. Writing emails can help me express my ideas more clearly.n

我很少口頭上跟老闆爭論  寫信能幫助我的想法更清楚的表達(A) downward 向下的(B) likewisen同樣地(C) thereafter 之後(D) verbally 口頭上

【評論主題】37. I don’t want to be late _______ my morning classes, so I usually get up early.(A) by(B) for(C) i


I don’t want to be late for my morning classes, so I usually get up early.n

我不想在早上的課遲到 所以我通常早起

be late for : 遲到

【評論主題】32. I need to call the dentist to _______ my appointment tomorrow.(A) confirm (B) loosen(C) prevent


I need to call the dentist to confirm my appointment tomorrow.n

我需要打電話給牙醫確認明天的約會(A) confirm 確定(B) loosenn使鬆弛(C) prevent 預防(D) release 釋放

【評論主題】29. Please use _______ paper to save the trees and protect the earth.(A) circulated (B) delivered(C)


Please use recycled paper to save the trees and protect the earth.n

請使用再生紙以拯救樹木與保護地球(A) circulated 循環的(B) delivered 含運費的 - deliver 運送(C) horrified 充滿恐懼的(D) recycled 回收的