【評論主題】23 下列關於臺灣原住民社會文化的敘述,何者正確?(A)布農族擁有嚴格的頭目制度及階級社會(B)魯凱族以日月潭一帶為主要的生活領域(C)邵族以「祭團」組織作為其部落社會的重心(D)卑南族傳統上為母系社





【評論主題】23 下列關於臺灣原住民社會文化的敘述,何者正確?(A)布農族擁有嚴格的頭目制度及階級社會(B)魯凱族以日月潭一帶為主要的生活領域(C)邵族以「祭團」組織作為其部落社會的重心(D)卑南族傳統上為母系社





【評論主題】16 You can_________ a little before deciding what to buy.(A)fall apart(B) look out (C) pass out (D)s



【評論主題】15 He always keeps promises and never breaks his__________ .(A)ground (B) stride(C)word (D)zone


(A) 地面(B) 大步(C) word(D) 區域

【評論主題】14 Many historical stores and buildings have been_________ into fantastic restaurants.(A)transformed



A) 改變。(B) 深信。(C) 保留。(D) 運輸

【評論主題】12 Most people________ using both verbal and nonverbal communications, so paying attention tofacial



【評論主題】13 Wang Ye and Matsu are two of the most common gods according to folk belief in Taiwan, but theritu



【評論主題】11 A tour guide needs to be people-friendly,_________ about travel, and able to work in stressfulcir




【評論主題】9 Taiwan has some ________fruit that you are not going to see anywhere else, such as pink guava,wax


台灣有一些________fruit,你是不會看到其他地方,如粉紅番石榴,蓮霧,和“佛頭” (A)塑料 (B)精確的 (C)特殊 (d)直


【評論主題】10 Always keep one backup credit card and bank card with you in case of __________.(A)emergencies (B


(A) 緊急情況。 (B) 進程。 (C) 決議

【評論主題】2 Be prepared to________ your country, because many foreigners will expect you to know a lotabout hi


準備 to________ 你的國家, 因為很多外國人會希望你知道很多關於歷史和文化在你的祖國

(A) 選舉(B) 管理(C) 代表(D) 分裂

【評論主題】6 One of the most _________things about Taiwan is the overwhelming friendliness of its people.(A)ama


6臺灣最 _________things 的一個是人民的壓倒性友好。(A) 令人驚歎的(B) 過境(C) 大膽 (D) 守衛

【評論主題】1 The traveling office________ 10 locations to offer people multiple choices to enjoy themagnificent


旅遊 office________ 10 個地點提供給人們多種選擇, 享受美麗的日落, 以一個放鬆的方式

(A) 批評(B) 防止(C) 建議(D) 警告

【評論主題】21 Overconsumption is having a serious ____ on natural resources.(A) demand (B) efficiency (C) compo


(A)  需求




【評論主題】7 Legal hotels should have public _____ insurance.(A) executive(B) exempt(C)liability(D) immune







【評論主題】61 The fund-raising project ______ fortwoweeks by the time you join us.(A) ran(B)will have been runn


當你加入我們的時候, 籌款專案已經兩個星期了。

【評論主題】20 The _____ will provide the excitement of direct contact with animals on land.(A) snorkeling(B) bu



(A)潛水(B)蹦極Ĵumping (C)野生動物園(d)巡航

【評論主題】25The _____ hotel frightened many timid tourists away.(A) enchanting(B) haunted(C)modernized(D)old-f


這家___旅館嚇跑了許多膽小的遊客。(A) 迷人的(B) 鬧鬼(C) 現代化(D) 老式

【評論主題】15 With a sweet smile and voice to match, Teresa Teng has become a _____ figurein Taiwan.(A) traditi

【評論內容】(A) 傳統(B) 敵對(C) 傳奇(D) 獨裁

【評論主題】59 西元 2015 年,雲林縣通過禁止使用生煤及石油焦自治條例。生煤是燃燒效率較低,成本較便宜的煙煤,大量燃燒生煤最可能造成下列那一項環境問題? (A)逆溫現象 (B)聖嬰現象 (C) PM 2.5

【評論內容】空氣中存在許多污染物,其中漂浮在空氣中類似灰塵的粒狀物稱為懸浮微粒(particulate matter, PM),PM粒徑大小有別,小於或等於2.5微米(μm)的粒子,就稱為PM2.5,通稱細懸浮微粒,單位以微克/立方公尺(μg/m3)表示之,它的直徑還不到人的頭髮絲粗細的1/28,非常微細可穿透肺部氣泡,並直接進入血管中隨著血液循環全身,故對人體及生態所造成之影響是不容忽視的。

【評論主題】52 The color blue is often ________ with sadness.(A)associated(B)enunciated(C)fascinated(D)initiated



【評論主題】3 A ____ is simply another name for a small specialty shop.(A) boutique (B) body shop (C) bonus (D)


(A)精品店(B)車身店 (C)獎金  (D)美容院

【評論主題】57 Visitors to San Francisco this morning might be quite disappointed because the Golden Gate Bridge



【評論主題】3 As one source of human-induced global warming, airplanes ____large volumes of greenhouse gases.(A)


作為人類引起的全球變暖的一個來源, 飛機 ____large 大量的溫室氣體。

【評論主題】18 We have seen a marked increase in the number of visitors to the theme park, but cannot understand



【評論主題】44.John’s families moved to the United States. They intended to live there 【for good】.(A) comfortabl


【評論主題】15.__________ birds are suspected to be major carriers of avian flu.(A) Immigrating(B) Migratory(C)




【評論主題】4.Mike forgot to save the file and the computer __________ suddenly. It was a real disaster.(A) brok



【評論主題】2.Rescuers from many countries went to the __________ of the earthquake to help the victims.(A) capi



【評論主題】31.After the plane touches down, we have to remain in our seats until we __________ to the gate.(A)

【評論內容】飛機著陸後, 我們必須留在座位上, 直到登機門.......

【評論主題】16.Taipei, Taiwan’s ________ capital city, is one of CNN’s top ten New Year Eve destinations.(A) vic



【評論主題】20.Applicants who do not have strong computer skills will not be as ________ as those who do.(A) com


【評論主題】13.The young man ________ to dazzle everyone by scoring 25 points and handing out 7 assists, leading



(A)進行   (B)  設置(C)移交(d)precancelled 

【評論主題】70 有關「極光」(aurora)的敘述,何者錯誤?(A)南極與北極地區皆可能看到極光(B)美國阿拉斯加是適宜觀賞極光的地區(C)低溫晴朗的冬季是觀賞極光的好條件(D)極光是來自月球的高速粒子撞擊地球



【評論主題】52 The color blue is often ________ with sadness.(A)associated(B)enunciated(C)fascinated(D)initiated



【評論主題】3 A ____ is simply another name for a small specialty shop.(A) boutique (B) body shop (C) bonus (D)


(A)精品店(B)車身店 (C)獎金  (D)美容院

【評論主題】57 Visitors to San Francisco this morning might be quite disappointed because the Golden Gate Bridge



【評論主題】3 As one source of human-induced global warming, airplanes ____large volumes of greenhouse gases.(A)


作為人類引起的全球變暖的一個來源, 飛機 ____large 大量的溫室氣體。

【評論主題】18 We have seen a marked increase in the number of visitors to the theme park, but cannot understand



【評論主題】44.John’s families moved to the United States. They intended to live there 【for good】.(A) comfortabl


【評論主題】15.__________ birds are suspected to be major carriers of avian flu.(A) Immigrating(B) Migratory(C)




【評論主題】4.Mike forgot to save the file and the computer __________ suddenly. It was a real disaster.(A) brok



【評論主題】2.Rescuers from many countries went to the __________ of the earthquake to help the victims.(A) capi



【評論主題】31.After the plane touches down, we have to remain in our seats until we __________ to the gate.(A)

【評論內容】飛機著陸後, 我們必須留在座位上, 直到登機門.......

【評論主題】16.Taipei, Taiwan’s ________ capital city, is one of CNN’s top ten New Year Eve destinations.(A) vic



【評論主題】20.Applicants who do not have strong computer skills will not be as ________ as those who do.(A) com


【評論主題】13.The young man ________ to dazzle everyone by scoring 25 points and handing out 7 assists, leading



(A)進行   (B)  設置(C)移交(d)precancelled 

【評論主題】70 有關「極光」(aurora)的敘述,何者錯誤?(A)南極與北極地區皆可能看到極光(B)美國阿拉斯加是適宜觀賞極光的地區(C)低溫晴朗的冬季是觀賞極光的好條件(D)極光是來自月球的高速粒子撞擊地球



【評論主題】16 You can_________ a little before deciding what to buy.(A)fall apart(B) look out (C) pass out (D)s



【評論主題】13 Wang Ye and Matsu are two of the most common gods according to folk belief in Taiwan, but theritu



【評論主題】15 He always keeps promises and never breaks his__________ .(A)ground (B) stride(C)word (D)zone


(A) 地面(B) 大步(C) word(D) 區域

【評論主題】11 A tour guide needs to be people-friendly,_________ about travel, and able to work in stressfulcir




【評論主題】14 Many historical stores and buildings have been_________ into fantastic restaurants.(A)transformed



A) 改變。(B) 深信。(C) 保留。(D) 運輸

【評論主題】10 Always keep one backup credit card and bank card with you in case of __________.(A)emergencies (B


(A) 緊急情況。 (B) 進程。 (C) 決議

【評論主題】12 Most people________ using both verbal and nonverbal communications, so paying attention tofacial



【評論主題】9 Taiwan has some ________fruit that you are not going to see anywhere else, such as pink guava,wax


台灣有一些________fruit,你是不會看到其他地方,如粉紅番石榴,蓮霧,和“佛頭” (A)塑料 (B)精確的 (C)特殊 (d)直


【評論主題】6 One of the most _________things about Taiwan is the overwhelming friendliness of its people.(A)ama


6臺灣最 _________things 的一個是人民的壓倒性友好。(A) 令人驚歎的(B) 過境(C) 大膽 (D) 守衛

【評論主題】2 Be prepared to________ your country, because many foreigners will expect you to know a lotabout hi


準備 to________ 你的國家, 因為很多外國人會希望你知道很多關於歷史和文化在你的祖國

(A) 選舉(B) 管理(C) 代表(D) 分裂

【評論主題】1 The traveling office________ 10 locations to offer people multiple choices to enjoy themagnificent


旅遊 office________ 10 個地點提供給人們多種選擇, 享受美麗的日落, 以一個放鬆的方式

(A) 批評(B) 防止(C) 建議(D) 警告

【評論主題】50 The catering for all wedding _____ at Princeton Hall is often done by Joy Eats.(A) checks (B) exh


在普林斯頓大廳所有婚禮_____餐飲往往是由Joy eats做。(A)的檢查(B)展(C)招待(d)mangagement 

【評論主題】38 Tourist: I’d like to buy a ____ to take back for my girlfriend. What do you recommend?Shop assist






【評論主題】3 Unlike local people, you’ll carry guide books, ____ maps, take photos and look up at buildings.(A)






【評論主題】21 Overconsumption is having a serious ____ on natural resources.(A) demand (B) efficiency (C) compo


(A)  需求




【評論主題】57 There was a ______ ofpeople in Taiwan who participated in the fund-raising concert after the 921E


921地震後, 臺灣有很多人參加了募捐音樂會。(A) 從眾(B) 學校(C) 眾多(D) 數量

【評論主題】31The income brought in by tourism will _____ thetownspeople’ life.(A) assimilate(B)better(C)worsen(



【評論主題】32 The political _____ willdefinitely undermine the development of tourism.(A) turnaround(B)turmoil(




【評論主題】39 This non-profit organization was designed to help _____families to apply for social welfare.(A)un




【評論主題】63 The purpose of this seminar is to make all the participants understand the ______ nature of envir



【評論主題】61 The fund-raising project ______ fortwoweeks by the time you join us.(A) ran(B)will have been runn


當你加入我們的時候, 籌款專案已經兩個星期了。

【評論主題】13 As a frugal _____ traveler,he shunned away from fancy hotels.(A) bargain(B) bounty(C)boundary(D)







【評論主題】15 With a sweet smile and voice to match, Teresa Teng has become a _____ figurein Taiwan.(A) traditi

【評論內容】(A) 傳統(B) 敵對(C) 傳奇(D) 獨裁

【評論主題】52 New Orleans has a reputation for having a unique ______ bornofmanyculturesthat came together in t



【評論主題】29They apply military and economic _____ againstterrorism to effectively deter its spreading.(A) mon


