【評論主題】20. The man _____ by the big India laurel tree is the person your sister talked about.(A) standing (

【評論內容】形容詞子句化簡為分詞片語(從關代開始更改)who which that 關係代名詞所引導的形容詞子句若屬限定修飾, 且該關係代名詞在子句中作主詞時, 可將該子句簡化為分詞片語, 步驟如下: 第一步: 刪除關係代名詞; 第二步: 將關係代名詞之後的動詞變成現在分詞; 第三步: 若動詞是be動詞, 變成現在分詞being之後再予省略。原句型:The man who stand by the big India laurel tree is the person your sister talked about.照上面的步驟修改即可

【評論主題】36 John surprised everyone by saying he would ______his million-dollar job the next day.(A) quit (B)

【評論內容】假設語氣          ...

【評論主題】20. The man _____ by the big India laurel tree is the person your sister talked about.(A) standing (

【評論內容】形容詞子句化簡為分詞片語(從關代開始更改)who which that 關係代名詞所引導的形容詞子句若屬限定修飾, 且該關係代名詞在子句中作主詞時, 可將該子句簡化為分詞片語, 步驟如下: 第一步: 刪除關係代名詞; 第二步: 將關係代名詞之後的動詞變成現在分詞; 第三步: 若動詞是be動詞, 變成現在分詞being之後再予省略。原句型:The man who stand by the big India laurel tree is the person your sister talked about.照上面的步驟修改即可

【評論主題】10. The company said they have donated at least _____ of their earnings to charity.(A) two-fifths (B

【評論內容】分數(分子-分母)分子=>基數 (1)one, (2)two, (3)three分母=>序號,分子2以上加s  (第一)first, (第二)second, (第三)third

【評論主題】8. I don’t like this weather. It _____ raining on and off since Tuesday.(A) had been (B) was (C) wou

【評論內容】時態                         現在                      過去                      未來簡單       he works                    he worked                    he will work進行       he is working              he was working            he will be working 完成       he has worked            he had worked              he will have worked完進式   he has been working   he had been working      he will have been working...

【評論主題】8. I don’t like this weather. It _____ raining on and off since Tuesday.(A) had been (B) was (C) wou

【評論內容】4.現在完進have been +ving =>一直進行+for a while /+all day long /+since 過去式v從星期二開始,雨斷斷續續地下著

【評論主題】7. I had no idea that this dinner would be so expensive – you _____ me.(A) could be warning (B) migh

【評論內容】原本該..作,但未作到should          have +PPought to you should have done …but 7. I had no idea that this dinner would be so expensive – you _____ me.7. 我不知道這頓晚餐會這麼貴——你應該警告我。

【評論主題】26. The magic show _____ to bring about 10,000 audiences, 50 % more than last year.(A) expecting (B)

【評論內容】2現在進行式1.現在正在進行的2.look! Listen!3.不久將發生的動作或預定的計劃now, right now, at present, at moment, **與always, constantly 連用,表示目前反覆進行的動作或情況,不耐煩或不良習慣

【評論主題】22. If you _____ me about his dishonesty, I wouldn’t have married him.(A) will tell (B) had told (C)

【評論內容】假設氣                                        if 子句                 主要子句中動詞形式1.與現在事實     were                         would/should           +原v   相反                 過去式v                   could /might                             過去式助v+原v            2.與過去事實        had +PP                would/should          +have+PP     相反...

【評論主題】22. If you _____ me about his dishonesty, I wouldn’t have married him.(A) will tell (B) had told (C)

【評論內容】假設語氣                                              if 子句                 主要子句中動詞形式1.與現在事實     were                         would/should           +原v   相反                 過去式v                   could /might                             過去式助v+原v            2.與過去事實        had +PP                would/should          +have+PP     相反...

【評論主題】23. _____ you watched any movies lately?(A) Is (B) Are (C) Do (D) Have

【評論內容】3.現在完成式                      1.完成2.經驗3.繼續 have lived here for 10 years 副詞=>just, already, yet, recently, lately=of late, so far=up to now=up to present, this week, this month, this year 經驗=>never, ever, once, before, twice, three time , how many times..?**主詞+has        +PP +       for+一段時間              have                      since+過去式s+過去式v (或+名詞)**主詞+ has        +PP+        in the past +一段時間               have...

【評論主題】23. _____ you watched any movies lately?(A) Is (B) Are (C) Do (D) Have

【評論內容】3.現在完成式                      1.完成2.經驗3.繼續 have lived here for 10 years 副詞=>just, already, yet, recently, lately=of late, so far=up to now=up to present, this week, this month, this year 經驗=>never, ever, once, before, twice, three time , how many times..?**主詞+has        +PP +       for+一段時間              have                      since+過去式s+過去式v (或+名詞)**主詞+ has        +PP+        in the past +一段時間               have...

【評論主題】19. The exam won’t start _____ all students have put their books into their school bags.(A) until (B

【評論內容】直到…才…not...........untilNot until…V+S (倒裝)it is not until ….that +子句

【評論主題】21. David: Honey, I’m so sorry that I missed your birthday party; I had to work last minute.Melody:

【評論內容】原本該..作,但未作到should          have +PP            l應該打電話,但實際卻沒打ought to you should have done …but 原本不該..但作了should not         have +PPought not to you should not have done…but 原本... ..但未發生could                                     原本能/可能/會…但未發生might             have PP would He could have been hit by car. 原本... ..但發生了could                                     原本不能/不可能/不會…但未發生might             not ha...

【評論主題】21. David: Honey, I’m so sorry that I missed your birthday party; I had to work last minute.Melody:

【評論內容】原本該..作,但未作到should          have +PPought to you should have done …but 1. 大衛:親愛的,我很抱歉錯過了你的生日聚會;我必須在最後一刻工作。 美樂蒂:我知道你最近很忙,但是你應該打電話。

【評論主題】20. This poor child _____ confidence and needs a lot of encouragement.(A) lacking (B) lacks (C) lack

【評論內容】the 1.the+前面出現過的名詞2. the+最高級/序數/only/same/very+名詞3. the+比較級+of the two 4. play+the +樂器5. 宇宙獨一無二的東西 the earth, the moon, 6. 方位 the right, the left 7.by the +計量名詞 by the dozen 8. the+ 身體部位9.the 形 =複數普通N +are=> 指人   the 形=抽象名詞+is                                  the poor 接單數10 the +名詞+名語片語/名詞子句 =>表特定的人、事物c

【評論主題】20. This poor child _____ confidence and needs a lot of encouragement.(A) lacking (B) lacks (C) lack

【評論內容】the 1.the+前面出現過的名詞2. the+最高級/序數/only/same/very+名詞3. the+比較級+of the two 4. play+the +樂器5. 宇宙獨一無二的東西 the earth, the moon, 6. 方位 the right, the left 7.by the +計量名詞 by the dozen 8. the+ 身體部位9.the 形 =複數普通N +are=> 指人   the 形=抽象名詞+is/單數v詞10 the +名詞+名語片語/名詞子句 =>表特定的人、事物

【評論主題】12. When people apply for jobs, they need to double check the _____ requirements for a certain posit

【評論內容】12. 當人們申請工作時,他們需要仔細檢查某個職位的_____要求。(A) minimum 最低

【評論主題】18. MayDay’s concert is always popular, so you _____ book your ticket in advance.(A) would rather (B

【評論內容】12 had better had better +原v=>最好had better not +原v=>最好不

【評論主題】14. She is going to give a presentation tomorrow, and she feels a lot of _____.(A) anxiety (B) anxio

【評論內容】a lot of 是形容詞,後接名詞可數及不可數lots of =a lot ofplenty of /some形容詞enough+可數/不可數=可數/不可數+enough 形容詞+副詞+enough+to +原v

【評論主題】21. The HR manager _____ back from his business trip when we have our meeting next Monday.(A) is com

【評論內容】3.未來完成式1.by next week=>by +未來時間2.When+S+現在式v+未來時間,S+will have +PP    when you come next time, I will have finished the book.

【評論主題】18. Today’s news included the results of a study by Veterans General Hospital on the rise in alcohol

【評論內容】cross 用在平面,跨過acr☆☆☆...

【評論主題】22. You should _____ me to change lanes so that I could turn left at the intersection.(A) allow (B)


【評論主題】17. The deadline was announced. The manager made us _____ our project proposal by next Monday.(A) su

【評論內容】受詞補語-使役v詞                      主                 被make              原v                pphave                原v                pplet                   原v                be PPget                 to V                 PP叫人去作=>主動叫物被修理=>被動

【評論主題】17. The deadline was announced. The manager made us _____ our project proposal by next Monday.(A) su

【評論內容】使役v=受詞補詞have make主動=>原v 被動=> pp主動(Active)用法 簡單來說,這裡最大的重點就是: 在使役動詞的「主動」用法中,受詞後面要加的是「原型動詞」(base verb),也就是常聽到的: 使役動詞要加原V

【評論主題】33. I was used to ______ alone, so travelling with friends has been a big adjustment for me tomake.(

【評論內容】11 used to he didn't used to drink =>他從前習慣不喝酒 疑問句 did …use to? ** 人+used to +原v =>過去的習慣**人+be used to+N/ving =>某人現在習慣於…?**物 be used to +原v =>某物被用來?

【評論主題】34. The hamburger smells ______ good ______ I can’t wait to have a bite.(A) such, that (B) such, wha

【評論內容】如此…以致於So+形容詞/副詞+that+S+can/could+原v=so 形容詞/副詞 +as to 原vSo+形容詞/副詞+a+名詞+that….=such a +形容詞+名詞+that

【評論主題】31. By the end of this month, the bridge_______.(A) will have been built (B) would be built (C) migh

【評論內容】3.未來完成式1.by next week=>by +未來時間2.When+S+現在式v+未來時間,S+will have +PP    when you come next time, I will have finished the book.

【評論主題】26. Cynthia is so innocent _____ believe Jasper will marry her in five years.(A) as to (B) for (C) w

【評論內容】如此…以致於So+形容詞/副詞+that+S+can/could+原v=so 形容詞/副詞 +as to 原vSo+形容詞/副詞+a+名詞+that….=such a +形容詞+名詞+that

【評論主題】20. Judy _____ have curly hair, but it is straight now.(A) is used to (B) was used to (C) used to (D

【評論內容】11 used to he didn't used to drink =>他從前習慣不喝酒 疑問句 did …use to? ** 人+used to +原v =>過去的習慣**人+be used to+N/ving =>某人現在習慣於…?**物 be used to +原v =>某物被用來?

【評論主題】18. That movie _____ by David Fincher.(A) was directed (B) directed (C) did directed (D) had directe

【評論內容】被動語態                    現在                      過去                       未來簡單式         am                             was                           will be +PP                     is  +p.p.                     Were +PP                      are 進行式        am                            was                           ...

【評論主題】39. _____ carefully in advance, the activity should be very successful.(A) Planning (B) If planned (

【評論內容】假設語氣                                        if 子句                 主要子句中動詞形式1.與現在事實     were                         would/should           +原v   相反                 過去式v                   could /might                             過去式助v+原v            2.與過去事實        had +PP                would/should          +have+PP     相反...

【評論主題】25. To build a new building, we need materials like steel and concrete, the production of _____ take

【評論內容】of which 的另外一個意思是「其中」...

【評論主題】24. Not only _____ the American student speak Chinese well, but she also understands Taiwanese.(A) d

【評論內容】後面的動詞跟AA with B ☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆...

【評論主題】23. According to the research reports, the loss of mass from Antarctica’s ice shelves has been twice

【評論內容】倍數倍數+as+形+as (…的幾倍)=&☆☆;...

【評論主題】21. We find _____ really hard to believe that Mr. White is the man pickpocketing tourists at themuse


【評論主題】22. Too much time with digital devices (such as computers, tablets, and cellphones) has been linked

【評論內容】關係代名詞所引導的形容詞子句若屬限定修飾, 且該關係代名詞在子句中作主詞時, 可將該子句簡化為分詞片語, 步驟如下: 第一步: 刪除關係代名詞; 第二步: 將關係代名詞之後的動詞變成現在分詞; 第三步: 若動詞是be動詞, 變成現在分詞being之後再予省略原句型 Too much time with digital devices (such as computers, tablets, and cellphones) has been linked to a lot of problems, which include sleep disorders, low self-confidence, and poorer academic performance.

【評論主題】20. The man _____ by the big India laurel tree is the person your sister talked about.(A) standing (

【評論內容】形容詞子句化簡為分詞片語(從關代開始更改)who which that 關係代名詞所引導的形容詞子句若屬限定修飾, 且該關係代名詞在子句中作主詞時, 可將該子句簡化為分詞片語, 步驟如下: 第一步: 刪除關係代名詞; 第二步: 將關係代名詞之後的動詞變成現在分詞; 第三步: 若動詞是be動詞, 變成現在分詞being之後再予省略。原句型:The man who stand by the big India laurel tree is the person your sister talked about.照上面的步驟修改即可

【評論主題】11. Judy is one of my most valued friends; our friendship has _____ over thirty years.(A) spared (B)

【評論內容】**主詞+ has        +PP+        in the past +一段時間               have                       during +一段時間                                             over   +一段時間

【評論主題】36 John surprised everyone by saying he would ______his million-dollar job the next day.(A) quit (B)

【評論內容】假設語氣          ...

【評論主題】10. The company said they have donated at least _____ of their earnings to charity.(A) two-fifths (B

【評論內容】分數(分子-分母)分子=>基數 (1)one, (2)two, (3)three分母=>序號,分子2以上加s  (第一)first, (第二)second, (第三)third

【評論主題】8. I don’t like this weather. It _____ raining on and off since Tuesday.(A) had been (B) was (C) wou

【評論內容】時態                         現在                      過去                      未來簡單       he works                    he worked                    he will work進行       he is working              he was working            he will be working 完成       he has worked            he had worked              he will have worked完進式   he has been working   he had been working      he will have been working...

【評論主題】8. I don’t like this weather. It _____ raining on and off since Tuesday.(A) had been (B) was (C) wou

【評論內容】4.現在完進have been +ving =>一直進行+for a while /+all day long /+since 過去式v從星期二開始,雨斷斷續續地下著

【評論主題】7. I had no idea that this dinner would be so expensive – you _____ me.(A) could be warning (B) migh

【評論內容】原本該..作,但未作到should          have +PPought to you should have done …but 7. I had no idea that this dinner would be so expensive – you _____ me.7. 我不知道這頓晚餐會這麼貴——你應該警告我。

【評論主題】26. The magic show _____ to bring about 10,000 audiences, 50 % more than last year.(A) expecting (B)

【評論內容】2現在進行式1.現在正在進行的2.look! Listen!3.不久將發生的動作或預定的計劃now, right now, at present, at moment, **與always, constantly 連用,表示目前反覆進行的動作或情況,不耐煩或不良習慣

【評論主題】21. David: Honey, I’m so sorry that I missed your birthday party; I had to work last minute.Melody:

【評論內容】原本該..作,但未作到should          have +PP            l應該打電話,但實際卻沒打ought to you should have done …but 原本不該..但作了should not         have +PPought not to you should not have done…but 原本... ..但未發生could                                     原本能/可能/會…但未發生might             have PP would He could have been hit by car. 原本... ..但發生了could                                     原本不能/不可能/不會…但未發生might             not ha...

【評論主題】21. David: Honey, I’m so sorry that I missed your birthday party; I had to work last minute.Melody:

【評論內容】原本該..作,但未作到should          have +PPought to you should have done …but 1. 大衛:親愛的,我很抱歉錯過了你的生日聚會;我必須在最後一刻工作。 美樂蒂:我知道你最近很忙,但是你應該打電話。

【評論主題】23. _____ you watched any movies lately?(A) Is (B) Are (C) Do (D) Have

【評論內容】3.現在完成式                      1.完成2.經驗3.繼續 have lived here for 10 years 副詞=>just, already, yet, recently, lately=of late, so far=up to now=up to present, this week, this month, this year 經驗=>never, ever, once, before, twice, three time , how many times..?**主詞+has        +PP +       for+一段時間              have                      since+過去式s+過去式v (或+名詞)**主詞+ has        +PP+        in the past +一段時間               have...

【評論主題】23. _____ you watched any movies lately?(A) Is (B) Are (C) Do (D) Have

【評論內容】3.現在完成式                      1.完成2.經驗3.繼續 have lived here for 10 years 副詞=>just, already, yet, recently, lately=of late, so far=up to now=up to present, this week, this month, this year 經驗=>never, ever, once, before, twice, three time , how many times..?**主詞+has        +PP +       for+一段時間              have                      since+過去式s+過去式v (或+名詞)**主詞+ has        +PP+        in the past +一段時間               have...

【評論主題】22. If you _____ me about his dishonesty, I wouldn’t have married him.(A) will tell (B) had told (C)

【評論內容】假設氣                                        if 子句                 主要子句中動詞形式1.與現在事實     were                         would/should           +原v   相反                 過去式v                   could /might                             過去式助v+原v            2.與過去事實        had +PP                would/should          +have+PP     相反...

【評論主題】22. If you _____ me about his dishonesty, I wouldn’t have married him.(A) will tell (B) had told (C)

【評論內容】假設語氣                                              if 子句                 主要子句中動詞形式1.與現在事實     were                         would/should           +原v   相反                 過去式v                   could /might                             過去式助v+原v            2.與過去事實        had +PP                would/should          +have+PP     相反...

【評論主題】20. This poor child _____ confidence and needs a lot of encouragement.(A) lacking (B) lacks (C) lack

【評論內容】the 1.the+前面出現過的名詞2. the+最高級/序數/only/same/very+名詞3. the+比較級+of the two 4. play+the +樂器5. 宇宙獨一無二的東西 the earth, the moon, 6. 方位 the right, the left 7.by the +計量名詞 by the dozen 8. the+ 身體部位9.the 形 =複數普通N +are=> 指人   the 形=抽象名詞+is                                  the poor 接單數10 the +名詞+名語片語/名詞子句 =>表特定的人、事物c

【評論主題】20. This poor child _____ confidence and needs a lot of encouragement.(A) lacking (B) lacks (C) lack

【評論內容】the 1.the+前面出現過的名詞2. the+最高級/序數/only/same/very+名詞3. the+比較級+of the two 4. play+the +樂器5. 宇宙獨一無二的東西 the earth, the moon, 6. 方位 the right, the left 7.by the +計量名詞 by the dozen 8. the+ 身體部位9.the 形 =複數普通N +are=> 指人   the 形=抽象名詞+is/單數v詞10 the +名詞+名語片語/名詞子句 =>表特定的人、事物

【評論主題】19. The exam won’t start _____ all students have put their books into their school bags.(A) until (B

【評論內容】直到…才…not...........untilNot until…V+S (倒裝)it is not until ….that +子句

【評論主題】18. MayDay’s concert is always popular, so you _____ book your ticket in advance.(A) would rather (B

【評論內容】12 had better had better +原v=>最好had better not +原v=>最好不

【評論主題】14. She is going to give a presentation tomorrow, and she feels a lot of _____.(A) anxiety (B) anxio

【評論內容】a lot of 是形容詞,後接名詞可數及不可數lots of =a lot ofplenty of /some形容詞enough+可數/不可數=可數/不可數+enough 形容詞+副詞+enough+to +原v

【評論主題】12. When people apply for jobs, they need to double check the _____ requirements for a certain posit

【評論內容】12. 當人們申請工作時,他們需要仔細檢查某個職位的_____要求。(A) minimum 最低

【評論主題】22. You should _____ me to change lanes so that I could turn left at the intersection.(A) allow (B)


【評論主題】21. The HR manager _____ back from his business trip when we have our meeting next Monday.(A) is com

【評論內容】3.未來完成式1.by next week=>by +未來時間2.When+S+現在式v+未來時間,S+will have +PP    when you come next time, I will have finished the book.

【評論主題】18. Today’s news included the results of a study by Veterans General Hospital on the rise in alcohol

【評論內容】cross 用在平面,跨過across用在立體空間,穿過_____ the country. 國家要用acorss

【評論主題】17. The deadline was announced. The manager made us _____ our project proposal by next Monday.(A) su

【評論內容】受詞補語-使役v詞                      主                 被make              原v                pphave                原v                pplet                   原v                be PPget                 to V                 PP叫人去作=>主動叫物被修理=>被動

【評論主題】17. The deadline was announced. The manager made us _____ our project proposal by next Monday.(A) su

【評論內容】使役v=受詞補詞have make主動=>原v 被動=> pp主動(Active)用法 簡單來說,這裡最大的重點就是: 在使役動詞的「主動」用法中,受詞後面要加的是「原型動詞」(base verb),也就是常聽到的: 使役動詞要加原V

【評論主題】33. I was used to ______ alone, so travelling with friends has been a big adjustment for me tomake.(

【評論內容】11 used to he didn't used to drink =>他從前習慣不喝酒 疑問句 did …use to? ** 人+used to +原v =>過去的習慣**人+be used to+N/ving =>某人現在習慣於…?**物 be used to +原v =>某物被用來?

【評論主題】34. The hamburger smells ______ good ______ I can’t wait to have a bite.(A) such, that (B) such, wha

【評論內容】如此…以致於So+形容詞/副詞+that+S+can/could+原v=so 形容詞/副詞 +as to 原vSo+形容詞/副詞+a+名詞+that….=such a +形容詞+名詞+that

【評論主題】31. By the end of this month, the bridge_______.(A) will have been built (B) would be built (C) migh

【評論內容】3.未來完成式1.by next week=>by +未來時間2.When+S+現在式v+未來時間,S+will have +PP    when you come next time, I will have finished the book.

【評論主題】26. Cynthia is so innocent _____ believe Jasper will marry her in five years.(A) as to (B) for (C) w

【評論內容】如此…以致於So+形容詞/副詞+that+S+can/could+原v=so 形容詞/副詞 +as to 原vSo+形容詞/副詞+a+名詞+that….=such a +形容詞+名詞+that

【評論主題】20. Judy _____ have curly hair, but it is straight now.(A) is used to (B) was used to (C) used to (D

【評論內容】11 used to he didn't used to drink =>他從前習慣不喝酒 疑問句 did …use to? ** 人+used to +原v =>過去的習慣**人+be used to+N/ving =>某人現在習慣於…?**物 be used to +原v =>某物被用來?

【評論主題】18. That movie _____ by David Fincher.(A) was directed (B) directed (C) did directed (D) had directe

【評論內容】被動語態                    現在                      過去                       未來簡單式         am                             was                           will be +PP                     is  +p.p.                     Were +PP                      are 進行式        am                            was                           ...

【評論主題】39. _____ carefully in advance, the activity should be very successful.(A) Planning (B) If planned (

【評論內容】假設語氣                                        if 子句                 主要子句中動詞形式1.與現在事實     were                         would/should           +原v   相反                 過去式v                   could /might                             過去式助v+原v            2.與過去事實        had +PP                would/should          +have+PP     相反...

【評論主題】22. Too much time with digital devices (such as computers, tablets, and cellphones) has been linked

【評論內容】關係代名詞所引導的形容詞子句若屬限定修飾, 且該關係代名詞在子句中作主詞時, 可將該子句簡化為分詞片語, 步驟如下: 第一步: 刪除關係代名詞; 第二步: 將關係代名詞之後的動詞變成現在分詞; 第三步: 若動詞是be動詞, 變成現在分詞being之後再予省略原句型 Too much time with digital devices (such as computers, tablets, and cellphones) has been linked to a lot of problems, which include sleep disorders, low self-confidence, and poorer academic performance.

【評論主題】24. Not only _____ the American student speak Chinese well, but she also understands Taiwanese.(A) d

【評論內容】後面的動詞跟AA with B ☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆...

【評論主題】20. The man _____ by the big India laurel tree is the person your sister talked about.(A) standing (

【評論內容】形容詞子句化簡為分詞片語(從關代開始更改)who which that 關係代名詞所引導的形容詞子句若屬限定修飾, 且該關係代名詞在子句中作主詞時, 可將該子句簡化為分詞片語, 步驟如下: 第一步: 刪除關係代名詞; 第二步: 將關係代名詞之後的動詞變成現在分詞; 第三步: 若動詞是be動詞, 變成現在分詞being之後再予省略。原句型:The man who stand by the big India laurel tree is the person your sister talked about.照上面的步驟修改即可

【評論主題】25. To build a new building, we need materials like steel and concrete, the production of _____ take

【評論內容】of which 的另外一個意思是「其中」...

【評論主題】23. According to the research reports, the loss of mass from Antarctica’s ice shelves has been twice

【評論內容】倍數倍數+as+形+as (…的幾倍)=&☆☆;...

【評論主題】21. We find _____ really hard to believe that Mr. White is the man pickpocketing tourists at themuse

【評論內容】it1.代替前面所提過的2.指時間、天氣、距離3.形式的虛主詞, 真主詞為to V, Ving, that+s+V, wh..+s +v4.It is +加強語氣+that +句子其餘的部份

【評論主題】11. Judy is one of my most valued friends; our friendship has _____ over thirty years.(A) spared (B)

【評論內容】**主詞+ has        +PP+        in the past +一段時間               have                       during +一段時間                                             over   +一段時間

【評論主題】28.This chapter examines the research on graded readers to draw up a set of guidelines for setting u

【評論內容】對等連接詞(coordinating conjunction),用來連接兩個「重要性對等」的單字、片語、或子句,例如 and / or / but

【評論主題】52. It took Brian more than six months to bicycle ____ the USA all by himself.(A) cross (B) in (C) o

【評論內容】It Take 人 It takes+(人)+時間+to V  V-ing (動名詞當主詞) + takes + 人 + 時間.

【評論主題】19. The Harry Potter movies are among the most ____ movies in history.(A) profitable (B) money (C) p

【評論內容】最高級1前一定要有the the 形est /most +形+N+    of the amoung +人/物                                         in 範圍/場所

【評論主題】54. Mom doesn’t feel like cooking tonight, so we’ll have some spaghetti ____.(A) bought (B) delivere


【評論主題】48. Don’t prepare ____ for dinner because Jack is a big meat eater.(A) too many vegetables (B) so mu

【評論內容】左邊可數,                          右邊不可數

【評論主題】43. It is very unusual that the Japanese ramen shop ____ since last week.(A) is close (B) does not o

【評論內容】**主詞+has        +PP +       for+一段時間              have                      since+過去式s+過去式v (或+名詞)**主詞+ has        +PP+        in the past +一段時間               have                       during +一段時間                                            over   +一段時間

【評論主題】26. Ken’s father ____ at a chicken farm for a long time when he decided to start his ownfifteen year

【評論內容】現在完成式文法:*主詞+has        +PP +       for+一段時間              have                      since+過去式s+過去式v (或+名詞)**主詞+ has        +PP+        in the past +一段時間               have                       during +一段時間                                            over   +一段時間

【評論主題】26. Ken’s father ____ at a chicken farm for a long time when he decided to start his ownfifteen year

【評論內容】3.過去完成式在過去某個動作或某個時間點就已完成的動作或事情先發生用had+PP, 後發生用ved**before/after 用過去式代替過去完成式**As soon as +S+Ved…, S+Ved   =>一…就...=S+had+no sooner +PP…than S+Ved…(先後)Ken的爸爸作了自己的事業15年之前,在雞農場先作了很長時間,先發生是在雞農場工作,後發生是自己創業

【評論主題】28. Sally ____ to university, but instead she chose to work to help her parents financially.(A) went

【評論內容】原本... ..但未發生could                                     原本能/可能/會…但未發生might             have PP would He could have been hit by car.

【評論主題】6 You need to watch out because there ______ many thieves in the market.(A) is (B) was (C) should be

【評論內容】there ______ many thieves in the market.=>要接複數,所以只能選B

【評論主題】5 When I was downtown yesterday, I saw the police ______ a thief.(A) chase (B) was chasing (C) are c

【評論內容】5.不完全及物受詞補語大部份用分詞、形容詞、名詞、不定詞**主動:1.使役v(make have let)+原v2.感官v(see, hear, watch, notice)+原v或VING **常以形容詞或分詞為受補的動詞catch leave find keep 感官的被動語態主+be+seen、heard +to 原v            felt、made使役動詞的被動have +物+pp (某物被…)get ** 主動:have +人+原v=>請人~,叫人(去作)              get+人+to V=>**have 作請、希望=>故事讓此發生  have+N+原v   we like to have friends visit us on sundays. **have 遭到=>並非故意而是遇上什麼麻煩  have +N+PP   She had her car stolen last night.

【評論主題】5. If the spread of COVID-19 _______ more serious, I will stay home as muchas I possibly can.(A) tur

【評論內容】假設語氣if +主+現式v…,主+shall/will/may/can+原v                          , 祈使句 tellhim to wait.

【評論主題】4. Helen has made much more effort to prepare for this presentation _______any other student. As a r



強調修飾句型far/much/quite/even/a lot +比較級

【評論主題】3. You have to send your application by July 1 _______ the scholarship.(A) got (B) to get (C) gettin


In order to 的in o☆☆☆☆ ★★★★,...

【評論主題】40. I don’t know Michael. I have neither talked to him _____ met him in person.(A) or (B) nor (C) so

【評論內容】後面的動詞跟AA with B A besides B A but B A along with BA together with A as well as B A no less than B 後方的動詞跟BAor B Either A or B Neither A nor B not only A but also B

【評論主題】38. John’s mother made him _____ his room even though he was reluctant to do so.(A) to clean up (B)

【評論內容】使役v=受詞補詞have make 主動 人=>原v 被動 物=> pp

【評論主題】35. I still remember the summer _____ I went backpacking in Scotland with my colleagues.(A) how (B)

【評論內容】關代與關副不同關代+不完整子句(一定會缺主詞或受詞)關副+完整子句關係詞關係代名詞 who,whom, whose, which , that what as but than關係形容詞 which, what, whichever, whatever關係副詞 where why when複合關係代名詞 whoever ,whomever, whosever..複合關係副詞  wherever whenever however

【評論主題】36. One of the reasons for his being late to work today is _____ he was stuck in a traffic jam for a

【評論內容】that 用法1.放句首+單數v詞2. ☆+...

【評論主題】27. It took a long time to organize that party but the results were so good that it was worth the __

【評論內容】worthbe worth + 價值 2000 (N)be worth doing something。be worth it 值得作Worth +    N                 Ving

【評論主題】23. It was not until I raised the alert to Debbie _____ to take action to deal with her mother’s agi


【評論主題】24. Dealing with so many customers at a time _____ not easy to me because their needs are quite diff


動名詞開頭 加單數V詞   

【評論主題】19. The designer dresses in this store are more affordable than _____ in that store.(A) ones (B) the

【評論內容】指示代名詞this、these  ★★★★★,...

【評論主題】33. An apple every day _____ doctors away.(A) keep (B) keeps (C) kept (D) keeping



【評論主題】35.依URC522規定,下列何者為依託收指示,提示之對象?(A)委託人 (B)預備人 (C)付款人 (D)提示銀行

