【評論主題】45 If two lines are_______ on the same plane, they are at equal distance from each other and will ne


(A) generous 大方的

(☆) ...

【評論主題】43 If_______ skills are taught in school, students will know how to save their own lives in the wild

【評論內容】(A) fantasy 奇幻(B) m☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】42 The soldiers under Napoleon’s_______ won the battle against Austria.(A)demand (B)command (C)devel

【評論內容】(A) demand 需求,要求(B) ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆...

【評論主題】38 We caught a_______ of the man through the window as his car sped past.(A)gladiator (B)glamour (C)

【評論內容】(A) gladiator 古羅馬的角鬥★(☆) ...

【評論主題】33 When our cells are damaged––for instance, by toxins or_______ from the environment––we may experi



【評論主題】45 If two lines are_______ on the same plane, they are at equal distance from each other and will ne


(A) generous 大方的

(☆) ...

【評論主題】42 The soldiers under Napoleon’s_______ won the battle against Austria.(A)demand (B)command (C)devel

【評論內容】(A) demand 需求,要求(B) ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆...

【評論主題】43 If_______ skills are taught in school, students will know how to save their own lives in the wild

【評論內容】(A) fantasy 奇幻(B) m☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】38 We caught a_______ of the man through the window as his car sped past.(A)gladiator (B)glamour (C)

【評論內容】(A) gladiator 古羅馬的角鬥★(☆) ...

【評論主題】33 When our cells are damaged––for instance, by toxins or_______ from the environment––we may experi



【評論主題】4. 若 135x+246y-111=0,則 13.5x+24.6y-11=?(A) 1.1 (B) -1.1 (C) 0.1 (D) 0

【評論內容】135x + 246y = 111等號兩★★★★10,★13....

【評論主題】23 執行下列 C 程式碼,若輸入值為2,則: (A) j=0 (B) j=3 (C) j=9 (D) j=27


【評論主題】3 作業系統中,banker algorithm 是用在解決下列那種問題?(A) memory management (B) process synchronization (C) deadlock


【評論主題】4. 若 135x+246y-111=0,則 13.5x+24.6y-11=?(A) 1.1 (B) -1.1 (C) 0.1 (D) 0

【評論內容】135x + 246y = 111等號兩★★★★10,★13....

【評論主題】23 執行下列 C 程式碼,若輸入值為2,則: (A) j=0 (B) j=3 (C) j=9 (D) j=27


【評論主題】1劣等財的所得彈性為:(A)大於 1(B)小於 1 的正數(C)0(D)負數



【評論主題】3 有關區域整合程度由低至高的排序,下列何者正確?(A)優惠貿易安排、自由貿易區、關稅同盟、共同市場、經濟同盟(B)關稅同盟、優惠貿易安排、自由貿易區、經濟同盟、共同市場(C)自由貿易區、經濟同盟、關


優惠貿易安排(Preferential Trade Arrangement,PTA)是經濟一體化中最低階的組織,成員國中對彼此特定商品提供特別的關稅優惠,貿易障礙仍然存在。也因為貿易自由化的程度不高,現代國家在洽談經貿合作時,往往會以下一層的自由貿易區做為合作的起點。

自由貿易區(Free Trade Area,FTA)為國家與國家,或多國家間所達成的自由貿易協定,透過取消關稅與非關稅障礙的方式實現區域貿易自由化,但對非成員國的貿易政策,個別國家仍保有獨立的決定權,也因為如此,非成員國在商品貿易上常以透過成員國將商品輸入貿易區的方式,使得難以判別商品實際來源,而使得自由貿易區政策失效。為解決這一問題,自由貿易區通常採取「原產地規則」,經由產地判斷是...

【評論主題】47 現行行政訴訟之審級制為何?(A)三級三審 (B)三級二審 (C)二級三審 (D)二級二審


三級二審 記得國中就教了~