


【評論主題】24. Patty: Who_____the car to our dad? John: Uncle Tom __________.(A) sold; was (B) did sell; was (C


題目要改為Patty: Who_____ the car to our dad? John: Uncle Tom_____ .

【評論主題】23. Sharon ______a card ____ her friend, Kelly, three days ago. She was so happy about it.(A) sent,

【評論內容】題目要改為Sharon ____ a card ____ her friend, Kelly, three days ago. She was so happy about it.

【評論主題】5.Because ____________the heavy(繁忙的) traffic(交通), I was latefor work this morning.(A) to  (B) x  (C)


題目應改為.Because _____ the heavy(繁忙的) traffic(交通), I was late for work this morning.

【評論主題】3. A: ________notebook is it? There isn’t any mark(標記)on it.B:It’s Lucy’s. She put it here.(A) Who (


題目應改為A:_____ notebook is it? There isn’t any mark(標記)on it. B:It’s Lucy’s. She put it here.

【評論主題】2. Teacher’s Day is coming. How about making ______?(A) a card for Ms. Chen(B) for Ms. Chen a card(C


題目應改為Teacher’s Day is coming. How about making _____? 

【評論主題】【題組】33.圖中第二級階梯和第三级階梯的分界不為哪一座山?(A)巫山 (B)秦嶺 (C)太行山 (D)大興安嶺。



【評論主題】1.下列哪個史前遺址,最有可能發現稻米的化石和掘土用的農具「骨耜」? (A)山頂洞人 (B)北京人 (C)仰韶文化 (D)河姆渡文化。

【評論內容】骨耜(si)是用偶蹄类动物的肩肿骨制成的。其上端厚而窄,是柄部;下端薄而宽,是刃部。柄部凿一横孔,刃部凿两竖孔。横孔插入一根横木,用藤条捆绑固定。两竖孔中间安上木柄(即耒),再用藤条捆绑固定。这样,一件骨耜就制造出来了。使用时,手持骨耜上的木柄,用脚踏插入横孔的木棍,推耜入土,然后手腕一翻,就能掀起土来。骨耜比石器轻便灵巧,而且表面光滑,不容易沾泥,适宜在江南水田里使用。 骨耜的使用,充分地显示了河姆渡人的聪明智慧。

【評論主題】24. Patty: Who_____the car to our dad? John: Uncle Tom __________.(A) sold; was (B) did sell; was (C


題目要改為Patty: Who_____ the car to our dad? John: Uncle Tom_____ .

【評論主題】23. Sharon ______a card ____ her friend, Kelly, three days ago. She was so happy about it.(A) sent,

【評論內容】題目要改為Sharon ____ a card ____ her friend, Kelly, three days ago. She was so happy about it.

【評論主題】19. The kids at the______arepoor. They don’t have parents to take care of them.(A) true world (B) hi

【評論內容】題目應改為The kids at the______ are poor. They don’t have parents to take care of them. 

【評論主題】5.Because ____________the heavy(繁忙的) traffic(交通), I was latefor work this morning.(A) to  (B) x  (C)


題目應改為.Because _____ the heavy(繁忙的) traffic(交通), I was late for work this morning.

【評論主題】2. Teacher’s Day is coming. How about making ______?(A) a card for Ms. Chen(B) for Ms. Chen a card(C


題目應改為Teacher’s Day is coming. How about making _____? 

【評論主題】3. A: ________notebook is it? There isn’t any mark(標記)on it.B:It’s Lucy’s. She put it here.(A) Who (


題目應改為A:_____ notebook is it? There isn’t any mark(標記)on it. B:It’s Lucy’s. She put it here.

【評論主題】9.試計算 之值為何?(A)(B)(C)(D)


Answer: D

【評論主題】6. 下列物質在定壓下,何者的沸點固定不變? (A)糖水 (B)鹽水 (C)米酒 (D)水銀。




(B)鹽水 (鹽+水)

(C)米酒 (酒精+水)


【評論主題】25. A: Sometimes, watching TV and eating junk food with family____________ really fun.B: You be


A: Sometimes, watching TV and eating junk food with family______really fun.

B: You bet! I usually______ a lot of fun seeing movies and eating popcorns with them.

【評論主題】1. 下列根式中,哪一個選項為最簡根式? (A) (B) (C) (D)


【評論主題】3、如果一個二次多項式可因式分解成 ,那麼此二次多項式的x2項係數為 。(A)O(B)X



【評論主題】【題組】33.圖中第二級階梯和第三级階梯的分界不為哪一座山?(A)巫山 (B)秦嶺 (C)太行山 (D)大興安嶺。



【評論主題】6. Alice ___________ long hair before, but now her hair_______________ short.(A) had ; has (B) ha


題目應改為Alice ___________ long hair before, but now her hair ___________ short. 

【評論主題】1.下列哪個史前遺址,最有可能發現稻米的化石和掘土用的農具「骨耜」? (A)山頂洞人 (B)北京人 (C)仰韶文化 (D)河姆渡文化。

【評論內容】骨耜(si)是用偶蹄类动物的肩肿骨制成的。其上端厚而窄,是柄部;下端薄而宽,是刃部。柄部凿一横孔,刃部凿两竖孔。横孔插入一根横木,用藤条捆绑固定。两竖孔中间安上木柄(即耒),再用藤条捆绑固定。这样,一件骨耜就制造出来了。使用时,手持骨耜上的木柄,用脚踏插入横孔的木棍,推耜入土,然后手腕一翻,就能掀起土来。骨耜比石器轻便灵巧,而且表面光滑,不容易沾泥,适宜在江南水田里使用。 骨耜的使用,充分地显示了河姆渡人的聪明智慧。

【評論主題】30.根據這段文字,關於皎然與韋蘇州的敘述,下列何者正確? (A)韋蘇州覺得皎然名不符實(B)皎然臆測韋蘇州偏好古體(C)韋蘇州與皎然談論如何鑑賞詩作(D)皎然依從韋蘇州修改舊作,終獲讚賞
