【評論主題】3 v. to turn into profit; to generate revenue(A) fleet (B)articulate (C)tie (D) monetize


(A) fleet n. 舰队;港湾;小河 vi. 飞逝;疾驰;掠过(B)articulateadj. 发音清晰的;口才好的;有关节的(C)tie n. 领带;平局;鞋带;领结;不分胜负(D) monetize vt. 定为货币,使成为合法货币;铸造成货币

【評論主題】3 v. to turn into profit; to generate revenue(A) fleet (B)articulate (C)tie (D) monetize


(A) fleet n. 舰队;港湾;小河 vi. 飞逝;疾驰;掠过(B)articulateadj. 发音清晰的;口才好的;有关节的(C)tie n. 领带;平局;鞋带;领结;不分胜负(D) monetize vt. 定为货币,使成为合法货币;铸造成货币

【評論主題】3 abbr. American corporation headquartered in Virginia, owner and operator of on line and interactiv



(A) AOLAmerican On-Line 美國在線服務(B) C.V.  Curriculum Vitae 個人簡歷(C) Inc.  有限責任(D) C.I.O.Chief Information Officer 資訊長/Chief Investment Officer投資長

【評論主題】7 abbr. signed note acknowledging a debt(A) ASAP (B) mth. (C) I.O.U. (D) C.I.O.


(C) I.O.U : I owe you

【評論主題】6 abbr. public limited liability company in Britain(A) C.S.O. (B) C.E.O. (C) no. (D) plc


(D) plc ...Public Limited Company

【評論主題】4 The train for London at platform 6 is still there and is not ....... to leave for at least 20 minu


(A) intended adj. 故意的,有意的;打算中的 v. 打算;准备

(B) expected adj. 预期的;预料的  v. 预期;盼望

(C) proposed adj. 被提议的;所推荐的 v. 提议;计划

(D) awaited 等候

【評論主題】7 Interviewer: I think there must be a mistake, I ........(A) put it you're Mr Johnson(B) take


【評論主題】6 Candidate: Not to me, ........(A) it isn't (B) it can't be (C) it won't be (D) it w


Candidate: I'm sorry I don't understand what you're on about.

應試者:我很抱歉! 我不了解什麼是你的主張。

Interviewer: I should have thought this was pretty obvious.


Candidate: Not to me, it isn't.

應試者:對我而言 ,並不是相當清楚。

【評論主題】4 As we have all worked very hard this year, I'm hoping that our efforts will bear ........(A)


bear fruit, 開花結果

bear in mind, 牢記在心

bear out證實;證明

bear with sb. 忍耐某人

bear on sth. 對某事物有影響

bear left 靠左

【評論主題】4 The only reason for them going to the cinema on that day was to find some form of ........(A) inte


.4 The only reason for them going to the cinema on that day was to find some form of enterainment.


(A) internment  n.埋葬

(B) involvement n.纏繞/財政困難

(C) engrossment n.全神貫注/大量收買

(D) entertainment n.娛樂

on that day 那天

【評論主題】10 Quite honestly the two cases are so completely different that they really don't bear .......



【評論主題】2 We were in a small rowing boat and were terrified that the steamer hadn't seen us as it was b



【評論主題】2 v. to recognize; to show to be the same; to sympathize; to relate(A) bias (B) identify (C) subscri


題目:v. to recognize(識別); to show to be the same(要表現的一樣); to sympathize(支持,認同); to relate (符合)(A) bias       (n)(adj)(v)偏見、偏向      e.g.Some people have a bias against foreigners.有些人對外國人有偏見。

(B) identify   (vt)確認 (n)認同    e,g.She identified him as her attacker.她認出他就是襲擊她的人。     e.g.I cannot identify this signature.我識別不出這是誰的簽字。

(C) subscribe (vt)認捐,簽名 (vi)訂閱     e.g.He subscribed his name to a petition.他在請願書上簽名。     e.g.He subscribed to Reader's Digest.他訂閱《讀者文摘》。

(D) establish (vt)建立    e....

【評論主題】5 n. instructions; manual; handbook; indication of acceptable conduct or procedure(A) concrete (B) g



accelerator (n)油門

accelerograph (n)油門,加速器

gas pedal (n)油門


accelerate (vt)使…加快

acceleration (n)加速

accelerating (adj)促進的,加速的

【評論主題】6 v. to crash; to meet head on; to come together with solid or direct impact(A) notice (B) levy (C)


題目:6 v. to crash; to meet head on; to come together with solid or direct impact (直接衝擊)(A) notice   (B) levy       (v)(n)徵收 e.g.The government levies taxes for national expenses .(C) collide [kəˋlaɪd] (vi)  e.g.They collided with another ship . 他們的船與另一條船相撞(D) adjourn (v)延期 (+for/till/until)  e.g.The case was adjourned until next Thursday . 該案延至下星期四審理。

【評論主題】3 n. letter of recommendation(A) fertilizer (B) testimonial (C) change (D) butcher


testimonial  (n)證明書

a formal written statement describing someone’s character and abilities


testimony (n)證詞

testimonies (n)證據

testimonials (n)客戶評價

【評論主題】2 n. claim; requirement; strong request(A) grant (B) influence (C) scene (D) demand


(B) influence 

(n) Mr. Smith is a man of influence in this town . 史密斯先生是這個鎮上有權勢的人物。

(vt)I don't want to influence you. You must decide for yourself . 我不想影響你。你必須自行決定。

【評論主題】10 n. agreement; settlement; harmony(A) firm (B) revenue (C) inspection(D)accord


agreement; (法律常用字)雙方合作時的協議

settlement; (法律常用字)不爽後和解協議

harmony ;(和聲的和諧) Harm是損傷,損傷後的和諧? harmony

accord; (有"符合"意思,但似乎感覺沒到"協議"的位子) n. 符合;一致;协议;自愿   vi. 符合;一致

These results are in accord with earlier research. 这些结果和先前的研究一致。

【評論主題】7 v. to produce; to supply; to bear (profit, harvest, fruit, etc.)(A) yield (B) withdraw (C) request



Yield ① (v.) 屈服;生利;生產;獲利;出產 ② (n.) 收益;產量

Field (n)領域;牧场;旷野;战场

Wield (v)使用,行使

Jield=yowl=yell  (n)吼叫

yard (n)院子  (<<抱歉這隔壁鄰居…)

【評論主題】2 v. to render insusceptible to a disease by inoculating(A) sort (B)vaccinate (C)diversify (D) span


insusceptible adj. 不为所动的;不受感动的;不受…影响的

(B)vaccinatevt. 给…注射疫苗(C)diversifyvt. 使多样化,使变化;增加产品种类以扩大(D) span  n. 跨度,跨距;范围

【評論主題】3 v. to turn into profit; to generate revenue(A) fleet (B)articulate (C)tie (D) monetize


(A) fleet n. 舰队;港湾;小河 vi. 飞逝;疾驰;掠过(B)articulateadj. 发音清晰的;口才好的;有关节的(C)tie n. 领带;平局;鞋带;领结;不分胜负(D) monetize vt. 定为货币,使成为合法货币;铸造成货币

【評論主題】1 n. practice; training; furrow; seeding machine; row of seeds in a furrow(A) neglect (B) drill (C)


題目:n. practice(實行); training(訓練); furrow(犁溝); seeding machine; row of seeds in a furrow (在犁溝里的一排种子。)

(A) neglect  (v)(n)忽視(B) drill   (n)鑽 (vt)訓練(C) publication   (n) 出版(D) threat     (n)威脅

【評論主題】1 n. state of not being a derivative of anything else(A) originality (B) messenger (C) feasibility (


1 n. state of not being a derivative of anything else ‧不是任何其他事物的衍生物的狀態

(A) originality (n) 獨創性

(B) messenger  (n)送信人

(C) feasibility(n.) 可行性;可能性;現實性

(D) visit 

【評論主題】The general ordered his troops to _________ fire.(A)buoyant (B)collapse (C)commonplace (D)cease



【評論主題】His arrival was a happy ________________.(A)commerce (B)circumstance (C)clarification (D)cohesion


In normal circumstances I would have resigned immediately . 在正常情況下,我本會馬上辭職的。


His arrival was a happy circumstance . 他的來到是一件令人高興的事。


They have been living in reduced circumstances since John lost his job . 約翰失業後,他們一直生活拮据。


The explorer told of his adventure with great circumstance . 探險者詳細敘述了他的冒險經歷。


He became a victim of circumstances . 他成了命運的犧牲品。

from: yahoo字...

【評論主題】Was Ben Jason  __________ with Shakespeare?(A)consent(B)consolidate(C)contend(D)contemporary



【a. 形容詞】


His lecture is on contemporary American novelists . 他的演講是關於當代美國小說家的。


Was Ben Jonson contemporary with Shakespeare ? 班強森是否與莎士比亞同輩?

【n. [C] 可數名詞】


He was looked down upon by his contemporaries . 他被他同時代的人瞧不起。

【評論主題】His rocking __________ is familiar to millions of baseball enthusiasts.(A)managerial(B) merited(C) m



【評論主題】Analysts found the marketing strategy of CompuBuzz to be too _____. Many thought they should have be


分析人士認為CompuBuzz的營銷策略太過於消極。 許多人認為他們應該更加積極。

【評論主題】Ms. Peterson watched the candlelights _____ in the wind and worried that they would caused a fire.(A



(A) blinking  「眨眼睛」的意思

(B) flickering 閃爍; 搖曳; 忽隱忽現

(C) twinkling 閃爍;閃耀

(D) winking   使眼色、打眼色

A ex: The glaring sun is killing my eyes!  I can't stop blinking.  (刺眼的太陽令我不斷眨眼睛。) 

B ex:She was reading by the flickering light of the candle . (她借著閃爍的燭光讀書。)

C ex: The stars twinkled in the sky . (星星在天空閃爍。)

D ex:Fletcher has the habit of winking at girls in his class.  (Fletcher 習慣向班中的女生使眼色。) 

【評論主題】The government's spokesman released a warning on the nuclear _____ of the neighboring country.(


(A) brinksmanship   邊緣政策(將危險的政策推到極限)(B) craftsmanship   技术;技艺(C) gamesmanship 搅乱战术;制胜绝招(D) grantsmanship(美)筹措资助款的本事