【評論主題】46. What is the passage mainly about? (A) Rumors about US presidents. (B) Stories about the White Ho

【評論內容】除了最後一段結語本文每一段都是在說美國(歷任)總統 與他們寵物的故事第一段  拜登+兩隻德牧第二段 柯林頓+先養貓再養狗(兩隻常打架)第三段  甘迺迪+四隻馬(兩隻給了女兒)第四段 羅斯福+整座動物園 (馬、狗、鸚鵡、天竺鼠、公雞、蛇)+別人送的熊和小獅子故選(B) Stories about the White House pets 白宮寵物的故事

【評論主題】50. What does the writer imply in the last paragraph? (A) You can’t judge a person by the pets they


(C) Love for animals makes one a better leader. 愛動物的人會成為好的領導者作者最後一段提到歷任沒有養寵物的總統 可能會被評價為史上最糟的總統們Perhaps that fact explains why the only three presidents not to have pets---Andrew Johnson, James Polk, and Donald Trump---might be ranked among the worst US presidents in history.比較容易選錯的 (D)Having pets is good for one both mentally and physically. 養寵物有助身心健康錯在最後一段首句其實只提到有助於心靈健康Pets are known to benefit mental health啊我就是選錯的那個  :_)

【評論主題】49. According to the passage, which of the following statements about John F. Kennedy is NOT true? (

【評論內容】The family of President John F. Kennedy lived up to their celebrity reputations by taking in glamorous pets--- horses. They had four of them during Kennedy’s short presidency between 1961 and 1963. Two horses, Macaroni and Tex, belonged to his young daughter Caroline. After she and Macaroni appeared on the cover of Life magazine, the popular singer Neil Diamond was inspired to write the hit song “Sweet Caroline.”只有兩隻馬送給小女兒 所以D選項錯

【評論主題】47. According to the passage, what did Joe Biden and Bill Clinton have in common? (A) They both got

【評論內容】這題要稍微運用點判斷力看選項再去回推(A) They both got into trouble because of their pets.       拜登和柯林頓都曾因為他們的寵物惹上麻煩第一段是說拜登的兩隻德國牧羊犬其中叫Major的那隻咬傷保鑣The German shepherds Champ and Major were sent away for training after Major bit one of the president’s security guards.第二段在說民眾抱怨柯林頓利用公帑在幫他的貓做公關there was a bit of trouble when an official criticized the president for spending government money on the cat’s public relations.柯林頓的部分有明確說到trouble,拜登的沒有 就只能用常理判斷 自己的狗咬傷人就是會造成麻煩或輿論壓力等等所以(A)是最佳解

【評論主題】59.有關台灣股權型群眾募資的法規,下列敘述何者正確?(A)投資人在所有證券商募資平台單一會計年度的投資金額不能超過 15 萬元(B)募資公司在單一募資平台每年度募資金額上限為 5,000 萬元(C)

【評論內容】P.288 第一段募資公司每年度透過所有平台辦理募資金額上限為新台幣3000萬元,且募資標的除普通股外,也包含不具債權性質之特別股。

【評論主題】59.有關台灣股權型群眾募資的法規,下列敘述何者正確?(A)投資人在所有證券商募資平台單一會計年度的投資金額不能超過 15 萬元(B)募資公司在單一募資平台每年度募資金額上限為 5,000 萬元(C)

【評論內容】P.288 第一段募資公司每年度透過所有平台辦理募資金額上限為新台幣3000萬元,且募資標的除普通股外,也包含不具債權性質之特別股。

【評論主題】59.有關台灣股權型群眾募資的法規,下列敘述何者正確?(A)投資人在所有證券商募資平台單一會計年度的投資金額不能超過 15 萬元(B)募資公司在單一募資平台每年度募資金額上限為 5,000 萬元(C)

【評論內容】P.288 第一段募資公司每年度透過所有平台辦理募資金額上限為新台幣3000萬元,且募資標的除普通股外,也包含不具債權性質之特別股。

【評論主題】【題組】7. According to the passage, which of the following is true?(A) The pandemic has saved employers

【評論內容】第一段雖然沒有明確說明遠端工作的好處但可以從文意中看出 大家不排斥 Now, many companies are questioning the worth of offices at all. 很多公司在質疑辦公室的價值再來第二段就提到遠距工作的問題1.  if people can’t chat often with colleagues, they trust them less

【評論主題】44. 下列那些因素是市場失靈的原因?(A)自然獨占 (B)資訊對稱 (C)公共財 (D)外部效果


【評論主題】29.My sister happens to dislike hiking. I, _____, go hiking with my friends almost every weekend.(A)

【評論內容】on the other hand 的兩種用法「雖然…但是…」用以表達兩個不同事實或相反想法 (本題)On one hand, he is obedient to his wife; on the other hand, he treats parents badly.雖然他對太太很服從,但是卻對孩子父母很壞。「一方面是…另一面則是…」則是表達兩個互相支持的想法I never go abroad because for one thing, I don’t like flying, and for another, I can’t afford it.我從未出國,因為首先,我不喜歡坐飛機;再說,我也買不起機票。

【評論主題】28. I favor Thai food _____ Korean food.(A) over (B) than (C) to (D) against

【評論內容】favor A over B  喜歡 A 勝過 B

【評論主題】59.有關台灣股權型群眾募資的法規,下列敘述何者正確?(A)投資人在所有證券商募資平台單一會計年度的投資金額不能超過 15 萬元(B)募資公司在單一募資平台每年度募資金額上限為 5,000 萬元(C)

【評論內容】P.288 第一段募資公司每年度透過所有平台辦理募資金額上限為新台幣3000萬元,且募資標的除普通股外,也包含不具債權性質之特別股。

【評論主題】44. 下列那些因素是市場失靈的原因?(A)自然獨占 (B)資訊對稱 (C)公共財 (D)外部效果


【評論主題】59.有關台灣股權型群眾募資的法規,下列敘述何者正確?(A)投資人在所有證券商募資平台單一會計年度的投資金額不能超過 15 萬元(B)募資公司在單一募資平台每年度募資金額上限為 5,000 萬元(C)

【評論內容】P.288 第一段募資公司每年度透過所有平台辦理募資金額上限為新台幣3000萬元,且募資標的除普通股外,也包含不具債權性質之特別股。

【評論主題】【題組】14. Elena can’t come to the phone right now. She’s    taking    a shower.(A) drawing (B) out of

【評論內容】have 可做為進行,從事(某事)hav☆ ☆ ...

【評論主題】1.1 Studies show that ______ are easily passed from one person to another by failure towash hands fr

【評論內容】Be動詞前面+名詞 inf.....觀看★★★★,...

【評論主題】【題組】140. (A)regarding (B)including (C)added to (D) given that

【評論內容】regarding 關於includin☆ ★★ (★★........

【評論主題】【題組】14. Elena can’t come to the phone right now. She’s    taking    a shower.(A) drawing (B) out of

【評論內容】have 可做為進行,從事(某事)hav☆ ☆ ...

【評論主題】1.1 Studies show that ______ are easily passed from one person to another by failure towash hands fr

【評論內容】Be動詞前面+名詞 inf.....看完...

【評論主題】【題組】140. (A)regarding (B)including (C)added to (D) given that

【評論內容】regarding 關於includin☆ ★★ (★★........

【評論主題】A 公司每年每單位持有成本為$0.75,每次訂購的固定成本為$50,總銷量為 46,800 單位。請問經濟訂購量(EOQ)約為多少單位?(A) 936 (B) 2,498 (C) 5,000 (D)




EOQ = √2╳D╳O÷S




- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

另一種EOQ公式表現方式EOQ = √2╳D╳S÷H

S=Set up=準備成本H=Hold=也就是題目說的單位持有成本