【評論主題】30. 2010年3月,台南女中的同學為了爭取穿著運動服的自由,透過手機簡訊與網路進行串連,在學校升旗典禮中,集體穿出運動短褲,抗議教官的不當管制。試問:學生所追求的權利係屬於下列哪一類的人權? (A


第一代人權是一種「消極人權」 包含自由權、平等權、救濟權、參政權

第二代人權是一種「積極人權」 主要例子是社會權

第三代人權 偏向團體利益 包含和平權、環境權

【評論主題】11. My brother ______ every evening after dinner. That’s why he stays in good shape.(A) used to jog


be used to +Ving  習慣做某事

【評論主題】8. The audience was greatly moved by the mayoral candidate’s______ speech in which they were convinc


obedient 聽話 服從 adj

persuasive 說服力adj

【評論主題】7.My mother does not respect my _______. She never knocks on the door before getting into my room.(A


(A)privacy  隱私

(B) democracy 民主

(C) emergency  緊急/突發事件

(D) pregnancy  懷孕

【評論主題】6.The Great Wall of China was built to protect Chinese people from northern enemies in ______ times.


(A)complex  複雜的/綜合

(B) ancient 古代的 /古老的

(C) numerous 大量的/眾多的

(D) imaginary 假想的/虛構的

【評論主題】5.More and more customers made _______ about the rude waiter’s poor service, so he was soon fired.(A


(A)conclusion  結論

(B) introduction 介紹/採用

(C) quarrel 爭吵

(D) complaints  投訴

【評論主題】4.Be patient and study hard. Learning a new language can be a long _______.(A)process (B) sacrifice


(A)process  過程

(B) sacrifice 犧牲

(C) discipline  學科

(D) inspiration 靈感

【評論主題】3.Every student felt frustrated at the _______ of the English question; even the top student had no


(A)significance  意義

(B) illustration  插圖

(C) complexity  複雜

(D) discussion 討論

都是名詞 n.

【評論主題】2.The national park in Africa attracts visitors worldwide because it offers _______ to thousands of


(A)tension 拉緊/緊張/張力

(B) access  訪問/進入

(C) addiction 嗜好/癮頭

(D) opportunity 機會/時機

【評論主題】1.The key to a healthy body includes balanced diet and regular exercise. _______, being positive at


(A)Frequently 經常

(B) Occasionally 偶爾(C) Otherwise  否則/不然/要不是的話

(D) Additionally 另外

【評論主題】25. Some people think that bad dreams ______ unpleasant experiences.(A) make their way to (B) do the



【評論主題】4. 請寫出下列核種的衰變反應式。(例:)【題組】1.


D 陶淵明寫作不合當時文風 ,更喜歡古文

【評論主題】4. 請寫出下列核種的衰變反應式。(例:)【題組】1.


D 陶淵明寫作不合當時文風 ,更喜歡古文

【評論主題】13. ______ the heavy rain, the sports meet will be held as scheduled.(A) Although (B) Despite (C) In


Despite the heavy rain, the sports meet will be held as scheduled


【評論主題】9. William is a high school student ______ dream is to be a famous pitcher in MLB.(A) which (B) whos


whose dream is to be   某人的夢是成為~~

【評論主題】30. 2010年3月,台南女中的同學為了爭取穿著運動服的自由,透過手機簡訊與網路進行串連,在學校升旗典禮中,集體穿出運動短褲,抗議教官的不當管制。試問:學生所追求的權利係屬於下列哪一類的人權? (A


第一代人權是一種「消極人權」 包含自由權、平等權、救濟權、參政權

第二代人權是一種「積極人權」 主要例子是社會權

第三代人權 偏向團體利益 包含和平權、環境權

【評論主題】3. Many visitors like to go to Taipei 101 ______ is located in northern Taiwan.(A) which (B) , which


like to go to Taipei 101 =which

【評論主題】13. The locals ______supported the construction of a college in the town; no one opposed it.(A) arti


artificially 人為的

consequently 所以

【評論主題】6. After being hospitalized for several weeks, my grandfather is______ recovering from his leg surge


gradually 逐漸的


increasingly  日漸

【評論主題】8. The audience was greatly moved by the mayoral candidate’s______ speech in which they were convinc


obedient 聽話 服從 adj

persuasive 說服力adj

【評論主題】18. Don’t jump to ______ too fast before you really find out all the facts.(A) procrastinations (B)


procrastination 拖延


【評論主題】4.Be patient and study hard. Learning a new language can be a long _______.(A)process (B) sacrifice


(A)process  過程

(B) sacrifice 犧牲

(C) discipline  學科

(D) inspiration 靈感

【評論主題】7.My mother does not respect my _______. She never knocks on the door before getting into my room.(A


(A)privacy  隱私

(B) democracy 民主

(C) emergency  緊急/突發事件

(D) pregnancy  懷孕

【評論主題】6.The Great Wall of China was built to protect Chinese people from northern enemies in ______ times.


(A)complex  複雜的/綜合

(B) ancient 古代的 /古老的

(C) numerous 大量的/眾多的

(D) imaginary 假想的/虛構的

【評論主題】5.More and more customers made _______ about the rude waiter’s poor service, so he was soon fired.(A


(A)conclusion  結論

(B) introduction 介紹/採用

(C) quarrel 爭吵

(D) complaints  投訴

【評論主題】3.Every student felt frustrated at the _______ of the English question; even the top student had no


(A)significance  意義

(B) illustration  插圖

(C) complexity  複雜

(D) discussion 討論

都是名詞 n.

【評論主題】2.The national park in Africa attracts visitors worldwide because it offers _______ to thousands of


(A)tension 拉緊/緊張/張力

(B) access  訪問/進入

(C) addiction 嗜好/癮頭

(D) opportunity 機會/時機

【評論主題】1.The key to a healthy body includes balanced diet and regular exercise. _______, being positive at


(A)Frequently 經常

(B) Occasionally 偶爾(C) Otherwise  否則/不然/要不是的話

(D) Additionally 另外

【評論主題】【題組】9(A) thoughtful (B) thoughtfulness (C) thoughts (D) thoughtless


thoughtful  關心

【評論主題】【題組】42. (A) said (B) depended (C) migrated (D) sparkled


said to 據說

【評論主題】4. 請寫出下列核種的衰變反應式。(例:)【題組】1.


D 陶淵明寫作不合當時文風 ,更喜歡古文

【評論主題】4. 請寫出下列核種的衰變反應式。(例:)【題組】1.


D 陶淵明寫作不合當時文風 ,更喜歡古文