【評論主題】21. When you walk out in the sun, ultraviolet light _____ into your living skin cells and kills them

【評論內容】promenadenKK[͵prɑməˋned] DJ[͵prɔmiˋnɑ:d]n美式 nnn.[C]散步;(開車、乘遊艇)兜風;散步場所;海濱人行道nvi.散步nvt.在……散步;(尤指為炫耀而)帶著(某人)散步

【評論主題】2. It was beyond the boy’s____ to understand the complex formula.(A)capacity(B)agony(C)furor(D)musta


Furor n. 喧鬧,轟動;狂熱. 釋義. n. 名詞; 1. 喧鬧,轟動

Agony n.極度痛苦;苦惱[C][U];臨死的痛苦[P]

【評論主題】20. Constant arguing doesn’t ______ a happy marriage. You and your husband really need to find a bet


"beating the odds"  克服困難

答案應該為(B) make for

【評論主題】24. Remember to _____ and push the emergency button for help if you are stuck in an elevator.(A) put


keep your head:保持鎮靜,保持清醒頭腦

bury your head in the sand:逃避現實

put your heads together: 集思廣益

 give a heads up: 提醒

【評論主題】18. In an attempt to impress the manager of the company, the young man, who just graduated from coll


填表格應該為fill out/in