【評論主題】15 It is hard to imagine how people did laundry before_____ was invented.(A) lotion (B) detergent (C


(A) lotion 乳液(B) detergent 清潔劑(C) conditioner 護髮乳(D) shampoo 洗髮乳

【評論主題】15 It is hard to imagine how people did laundry before_____ was invented.(A) lotion (B) detergent (C


(A) lotion 乳液(B) detergent 清潔劑(C) conditioner 護髮乳(D) shampoo 洗髮乳

【評論主題】15 It is hard to imagine how people did laundry before_____ was invented.(A) lotion (B) detergent (C


(A) lotion 乳液(B) detergent 清潔劑(C) conditioner 護髮乳(D) shampoo 洗髮乳