【評論主題】60.下列何種抗生素屬於carbapenems類?(A)ampicillin (B)cefepime (C)imipenem (D)bacitracin

【評論內容】A) ampicillin是beta-l☆☆☆☆☆☆...

【評論主題】10. We have to__________ the connection between these two events in order to solve the problems they



★★(☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆)...

【評論主題】13. When Sebastian fainted, we quickly laid him down on his back. Fortunately he__________ before we



【評論主題】12. Much of Ethan's house had already been destroyed before the firemen finally __________the f


在消防員終於把火撲滅(put ou☆)★★,...

【評論主題】14. I know this discussion is an uncomfortable one, but please don't__________ . Let's com



【評論主題】6. There are some easy ways to__________water. For example, we can turn off the water while we are s




【評論主題】9. Some people__________ that spiders are insects. But in fact, they are relatives of insects.(A) as




【評論主題】7.__________diseases, such as the flu or colds, spread from person to person in several ways.(A) Con




【評論主題】8. Michigan Stadium has a seating__________ of 107,601. It is the second largest stadium in the worl



密西根體育館的座位數(seating capacity)有107601個.這是世界上第二大、美國最大的體育館

(A) 消化

(B) 香味

(C) 發明



(C) 缺氧鹽分過高

【評論主題】二、克漏字選擇(At Costco)Lucy: __(26)__ you free ____(27)____?Snoopy: Yes, and do you have any plans?Lucy:


【評論主題】25.Mr. Stark: ________________Pepper: It’s at 14:40.(A) What time is it now?(B) What day is your bir


【評論主題】【題組】32. (A) in (B) at (C) on (D) X




【評論主題】【題組】31. (A) come (B) to come (C) comes (D) are coming


【評論主題】【題組】30. (A) is there (B) there (C) there is (D) be there

【評論內容】翻譯: 1樓有什麼?What is.....★★★★★★...

【評論主題】(Philip is calling Mrs. Dunn about her apartment rental.) Philip: Hello. My name is Philip Rubin. My

【評論內容】翻譯: 我妻子和我正在尋找一間公寓選........

【評論主題】24. Andy:______ John: It is on Monday.(A) What day is today? (B) Is it Monday? (C) What day is Cindy

【評論內容】翻譯:Andy: Cindy的生日在哪一★?☆☆☆☆:...

【評論主題】22. Jason,______ your homework right now.(A) is doing (B) does (C) do (D) to do


【評論主題】18. ______late for school again. Miss Wu is angry about that.(A) Don’t (B) Do (C) Be (D) Don’t be

【評論內容】翻譯: 上學不要再遲到了片語: be........

【評論主題】6.和血糖調節無直接關係的內分泌物為何?(A)升糖素 (B)胰島素(C)腎上腺素 (D)生長激素。


【評論主題】13 The University makes it clear in writing that students’ poor academic performance or class attend


【評論主題】11 Most women will be offered an ultrasound scan during pregnancy, although it’s not______ .(A) exce


【評論主題】7 During the civil war, his church became a ______for thousands of people who fled the war zone.(A)

【評論內容】翻譯:在內戰(civil war)期間,...

【評論主題】5 With thousands of universities around the world to choose from, everyone pursuing postgraduate stu

【評論內容】翻譯: 世界上有數以千計的大學可以選擇,...

【評論主題】4 ______aid is an important resource for students who want to attend college but do not have enoughm


【評論主題】3 Palermo Protocol calls for countries to ______human trafficking, punish offenders and provide shel

【評論內容】翻譯:巴勒摩議定書(Palermo Pr☆☆☆☆☆☆...

【評論主題】四、閱讀測驗(每題 2 分,26%) A. (38~39)【題組】38. Mr. Smith: Lora,_______ in class.Lora: Oh, sorry, Mr. Smith. I

【評論內容】回答是"我會安靜"所以前一句應是(A) ...

【評論主題】【題組】37. (A) Come (B) Coming (C) Let’s come (D) You are coming


【評論主題】【題組】36. (A) Are you looking at the trees?(B) Aren’t you singing?(C) What are you playing?(D) What ar

【評論內容】(D) 你在這邊做什麼?(A) 你正在看★★?(...

【評論主題】【題組】35. (A) Let (B) Let’s (C) We (D) You

【評論內容】Let's 即 Let us.....觀★★★★★,...

【評論主題】【題組】34. (A) No, she isn’t. (B) Yes, she is.(C) No, it isn’t. (D) Yes, it is.

【評論內容】前面的問句是Isn't that Wen........

【評論主題】C.(At school)Mia: __33.__ a girl under the tree. Isn’t that Wendy?Ted: __34.__Mia: __35.__ go and ta

【評論內容】(A) There isThere is ☆ ☆☆........

【評論主題】30.A: I am a K-pop fan._______ , Lauren?B: I am a fan of K-pop, too.(A) How are you (B)What are you


(C) How about you?


【評論主題】32.下列那兩種檢查可以協助區分leukemoid reaction與CML?①cytogenetics ②peroxidase stain ③acidphosphatase stain ④LAP s


CML有染色體t(9;22)轉位形★★★★★★★ ...

【評論主題】36.使用vaccinia virus當作疫苗載體的開發,通常會將外來基因插入TK(thymidine kinase)基因中,再利用什麼藥物來篩選出重組後的病毒? (A)Tritium thymidi




【評論主題】【題組】24. (A)in (B) on (C) behind (D) in front of


【評論主題】【題組】32. (A)hats(B)faces(C)colors(D)animals

【評論內容】翻譯:他們可以是很多(lots of)不★★"★★(...

【評論主題】3. A: Aren’t these Peter’s English workbooks ?  B: Yes, ______. (A) they are (B) it is (C) they aren


【評論主題】25. In Taiwan’s schools, _________ a break of ten minutes between classes. Students play, talk, and

【評論內容】翻譯:在台灣的學校裡,課堂之間有(the☆☆ ...

【評論主題】27. Don't _____ the TV. I want(想要) to watch Jay’s new MV.It’s on now.(A)turn on (B) close (C) t

【評論內容】翻譯:不要關掉(turn off)電........