【評論主題】9.將地表畫分為東半球、西半球和北半球、南半球的依據,是下列哪些經緯線? (A)本初經線、北回歸線(B)本初經線、赤道 (C)北回歸線、南回歸線(D)南回歸線、赤道。

【評論內容】(B) 選項中:本初經線、赤道本初經線 即是指 0度經線;而 赤道 則應該是 0度緯線             因此答案選 (B)

【評論主題】7.下列有關經線的敘述,何者正確? (A)地表上和赤道平行的線,稱為經線 (B)通過臺北天文臺的經線,稱為本初經線 (C)經線的長度均一樣長 (D)本初經線平分地球為南、北半球。

【評論內容】(C) 經線的長度均一樣長,因為皆是連接南-北極的大圓弧線 (這是在地球是正圓形的前提下才正確)

【評論主題】6.地球經緯線座標中的 0° 經線為重要的地理分界線,該線通過下列哪一座城市? (A)日本東京 (B)美國紐約(C)英國倫敦 (D)中國北京。

【評論內容】可以從第八題得知,"倫敦 (經度 0 度,北緯 51 度)",因此選C或格林威治線經過倫敦為基本素養,因此可以判斷出0度經線經過倫敦

【評論主題】5.地圖上通常以網格表示其位置,如在附圖的網格座標中,「甲」的座標位置為何? (A)(07,B) (B)(07,C) (C)(07,07)(D)(C,C)。

【評論內容】題目的圖:  甲對應到上方的數字是07;對應到左方的是C,因此選(B) (07, C)

【評論主題】2.嘉明發現每當升旗的時候生教組長得面迎刺眼的陽光在司令台上向同學宣布事情,請問以生教組長的位置來說,北方在組長的哪個方向? (A)左方 (B)右方(C)前方 (D)後方。


【評論主題】1.「嘉玲坐在操場東邊的榕樹下。」請問:這種位置的敘述方式稱為下列何者? (A)相對位置 (B)絕對位置(C)網格位置 (D)海陸位置。


【評論主題】24. Use the medicine that _______________ and found to be safe.(A)tested (B) have been tested (C) ha

【評論內容】has been tested.....★★★★★★,...

【評論主題】23. The man ___________ in front of the restaurant is Sally’s brother.(A) you saw him (B) you saw (C

【評論內容】前部分The man __________★★★★★★★...

【評論主題】20. The little girls ___________ next to me on the train ate sweets the whole way.(A)sit (B) sat (C)


【評論主題】19. The man with big ears ________ an excellent actor and popular YouTuber.(A)are (B) is (C) are kno

【評論內容】is是指The man而不是ears

【評論主題】15. Neighbor: Mr. Lee, you were not home when the mail carrier came. He said you should go to the __

【評論內容】post office 郵局郵.....★★★★★★,...

【評論主題】13. Teddy has a ________ of turning the lights off when leaving the room to save the electricity.(A)

【評論內容】D.habit 習慣,文意通順,故選D

【評論主題】12. Sandy: Why don’t you go out with Edward? He is so kind and handsome. Belle: Well, he’s just not

【評論內容】type 類型Someone is no.....★★★★★★...

【評論主題】【題組】8.What is true?  true 正確的(A) It’s 3:05 in the afternoon now.(B) George isn’t playing frisbee wi

【評論內容】【D】   (A)It’s three ☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】【題組】7.Where is George?(A) He is in the tree.(B) He is in front of the birds.(C) He is between Adam a


【D】   It’s three after five in the afternoon.

Adam and his family are in the park.

Adam is playing frisbee with his dog, Maya.

Adam is shouting and Maya is running over to him.

Adam’s father and mother are having a picnic under a big tree.

They are eating cake and drinking tea.

Adam’s Little brother, George, is beside his parents.

He is drawing the birds in the tree.

They are having a lot of fun.

【評論主題】【D】   It’s three after five in the afternoon. Adam and his family are in the park. Adam is playing f

【評論內容】【D】   It’s three aft☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】【題組】5. Which is NOT right about the town?(A) There are not many people there.(B) Max, Jason, and Car

【評論內容】【B】My name is Max. I ☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆...

【評論主題】【B】My name is Max. I am living in a small town. There aren’t a lot of people here, but it’s quiet an

【評論內容】【B】 My name is Max. ☆ ☆☆ ...

【評論主題】【題組】2. What is Nick doing in the garden?(A) He is sleeping.(B) He is watering flowers.(C) He is trai

【評論內容】【A】Polly: Good morn☆☆☆, ...

【評論主題】【題組】5. (A) dance(B) dancing(C) is dancing(D) are dancing

【評論內容】Aria: It’s 11:50, an☆ ☆ ☆☆  1. ...

【評論主題】【題組】4. (A) They are(B) It is (C) There are(D) There is

【評論內容】Aria: It’s 11:50, an☆ ☆ ☆☆  1. ...

【評論主題】【題組】3. (A) eleven o’clock(B) twelve o’clock(C) eleven thirty(D) eleven fifty

【評論內容】Aria: It’s 11:50, an☆ ☆ ☆☆  1. ...

【評論主題】【題組】2. (A) aren’t(B) are(C) isn’t(D) is

【評論內容】Aria: It’s 11:50, an☆ ☆ ☆☆  1. ...

【評論主題】【B】Aria: It’s 11:50, and I am  1.  now.Joey: There is a tea house over there. Let’s eat lunch there.

【評論內容】Aria: It’s 11:50, an☆ ☆ ☆☆  1. ...

【評論主題】【題組】5. (A) Come back.(B) Let’s find out.(C) See you. (D) Wake up.

【評論內容】【A】 Philip: Hello, A☆☆☆?  1.  ...

【評論主題】【題組】4. (A) am(B) is(C) are (D) be

【評論內容】【A】 Philip: Hello, A☆☆☆?  1.  ...

【評論主題】【題組】3. (A) hurry(B) worry(C) jump (D) cry

【評論內容】【A】 Philip: Hello, A☆☆☆?  1.  ...

【評論主題】【題組】2. (A) go(B) to go(C) going(D) to going

【評論內容】【A】 Philip: Hello, A☆☆☆?  1.  ...

【評論主題】4.A: Let’s have lunch at the tea shop!B: Sorry.     Can we eat at home?(A) I’m really busy today.(B)


【評論主題】2.A: Is that boy Maggie’s brother?B: Well,    .(A) he is having lunch.(B) he is in front of an ice c


【評論主題】1.A:    B: A dog house for Spot. It can sleep here.(A) What are you doing?(B) What is our dog doing?


【評論主題】10. A: Is it     ? B:Yes, it is 4:58.(A) four to forty-eight(B) fifty-eight past four(C) forty-eight

【評論內容】回答Yes 現在是4.58可知.....★★★★★★...

【評論主題】9.Marie is standing between    .(A) he and I(B) the bathroom(C) the tall men(D) a big box


【評論主題】6. Look! Peter and Mary_________ frisbee over there.  Let’s _______ with them.(A) play; play(B) play


【評論主題】5.A:     are my sisters?B: They are singing under the table.(A) What(B) Where (C) Who (D) How

【評論內容】B回答: 他們在桌子下唱歌.....觀看★★★★...

【評論主題】4. Those students are here _____ the great food.(A) for(B) at(C) to(D) in


【評論主題】3.There     any     in the pond.(A)is; dog(B) isn’t; flowers(C) are; girls(D) aren’t; men


【評論主題】2.A: What time is the talent show? B: It is      .(A) six twenty(B) six twenty o’clock(C) in six twe

【評論內容】A問才藝表演幾點開始 B.....看完整...

【評論主題】9. The fastest way to get to the Taipei Zoo is ______ theMRT.(A) take (B) to take (C) taken (D) have

【評論內容】to V. 為動詞不定式,由於此處文意沒★★“...

【評論主題】【題組】50. Which is NOT right about the town?(A) It’s 5:00 in the afternoon now.(B) Max, Jason, and Car

【評論內容】My name is Max. I l☆☆☆ ☆☆ ☆ ...

【評論主題】【B】   My name is Max. I live in a small town. There aren’t a lot of people here. It’s quiet and beau

【評論內容】My name is Max. I l☆☆☆ ☆☆ ☆ ...

【評論主題】【題組】48. Which is true?(何者正確?)(A) Hamburgers are Bonnie’s favorite food.(B) Nick is sleeping in his b

【評論內容】Ronald: Good morning.(★★)☆☆☆…. ...

【評論主題】【題組】47. What is Nick doing in the garden?(A) He is sleeping.(B) He is training a dog.(C) He is water

【評論內容】Ronald: Good morning. ☆☆☆…. ☆☆☆☆...

【評論主題】【題組】45. (A) Here we are.(B) Watch out.(C) See you.(D) Let’s go.


【評論主題】【題組】43. (A) Be quiet.(B) Take a seat, please.(C) Be nice. (D) Hurry up.

【評論內容】後面in a library.....觀★★★★★,...

【評論主題】40.A: What day is the meeting? B: _______   (A) It’s on Monday. (B) It’s in the morning.(C) It’s in


【評論主題】39.A: _______    B: A book about flowers.(A) What are you doing?(B) What is our dog doing?(C) What a

【評論內容】由B:一本有關花的書 .....觀看完整★★,...

【評論主題】38.A: Look! That’s our bus! _______    B: Hey! Don’t run so fast(快速地).(A) Let’s hurry.(B) Be quiet.(


【評論主題】37.A: Where is my seat? B: It’s over there. _______   (A) Follow me.(B) That’s life.(C) Stand up. (D


【評論主題】36.A: Hey! That’s my dinner, not your dinner. B: Oops! _______   (A) Please be nice.(B) I’m sorry.(C


【評論主題】35._______on the Metro, please.(A) Not eat (B) Don’t eat(C) Eat don’t (D) Eat not

【評論內容】Don't .....看完整詳...

【評論主題】34.Oh, no. We’re late_______ school.(A) on(B) in(C) for(D) to

【評論內容】We are "late for"(........

【評論主題】33._______ a good girl at school.(A) Please (B) Please,(C) Please be (D) Please, be


【評論主題】31._______ sad. Everything will(將會)be fine.(A) Don’t(B) Don’t be(C) Be(D) Not be

【評論內容】Don't b.....看完整詳...

【評論主題】30. A: Is Dad reading in the living room? B: _______ He’s sleeping in the room.(A) Yes, he isn’t.(B)


【評論主題】29.A:_______ are my brothers? B: They are reading over there.(A) Who(B) Where(C) What(D) How


【評論主題】28.A: What _______?B: They are playing with the dog.(A) they doing(B) they are do(C) are they do(D)

【評論內容】由回答的 They a.....觀看完整★★,...

【評論主題】27.A: What time is the baseball game?  B: It is_______ .(A) six o’clock(B) six twenty(C) twenty o’cl

【評論內容】A問棒球比賽幾點開始B回答 "........

【評論主題】26.A: Where_______ Mom _______?  B: To the station.(A) is; go(B) are; go(C) is; going (D) are; going

【評論內容】(A) is後接Ving(B)are後接☆☆........

【評論主題】21.週末 (A) day (B)with (C) week(D) weekend

【評論內容】周末 we.....看完整詳...

【評論主題】20.There are lots of pictures and photos in the_______ .(A) museum (B) life(C) about (D) tonight


【評論主題】18.A: Mom, I’m still_______ .B: There is a piece of cake on the dining table.(A) late (B) life (C) g


【評論主題】17.I have some math_______ . Can(可以)you help(幫助)me?(A)days (B)times (C) weekends(D)problems
