【評論主題】9. 已知x的一元一次方程式為197x − 1 = 4(25 − 3x), 試求836x =?(A) 404(B) 303(C) 202(D) 0。

【評論內容】先整理方程式。197X + 12X = 101209☆ ...

【評論主題】8.下列各式的值哪個最大? (A)(-7)+7(B)5+(-7) (C)(- 5)+(- 7) (D)- 5+ 7。

【評論內容】A| 0B| -2C| .....觀看完★★★,...

【評論主題】29. A: ____ B: Yes, they are.(A) Are the PE teachers tall? (B) Is the PE teachers tall ?(C) Is the P

【評論內容】回答使用be 動詞簡答,因此原問句一定也★...

【評論主題】11. Teacher: Please ______ and come here.Student: OK.(A) stand up(B) turn off(C) make noise(D) sit d


【評論主題】21 下列何者為民眾向政府機關直接表達意見的管道?(A)公聽會 (B)政黨 (C)利益團體 (D)民間社團



【評論主題】17 下列那一種策略特徵不屬於創新性學習?(A)強調相同性 (B)系統化 (C)變革 (D)轉化




【評論主題】【題組】38. Why did Layne need Betty’s parents’ phone number?(A) Betty’s parents are Layne’s parents’ fr


【評論主題】26. In the pencil case _____ an eraser and a highlighter.(A) are (B) is (C) am (D) ×


【評論主題】25. Cindy: Your costume is cool.Meg: Thank you very much. This is _____ mygrandparents.(A) in (B) at


【評論主題】18. _____ of your hands are dirty. Wash your hands first.(A) A lot (B) Last (C) Both (D) Second


【評論主題】11. Tina: Is she your aunt? Vivian: No, she is my cousin. Tina:____(A) That’s right. (B) I see. (C)

【評論內容】A 正確!!!B 我瞭解了.....觀看...

【評論主題】【題組】5.Who is that young girl?


【評論主題】(二) Leo: Oh, no! My English book is not in my schoolbag.  (16)  is it?Jan: It is on the table.  Leo:


【評論主題】9. Sandy’s and Hanna’s grandfathers are __________.(A)their teacher (B) good friends (C) his parents

【評論內容】中文翻譯: Sandy 的爺爺和Hann☆★★★★...

【評論主題】2. Annie: Where’s your sister, Cindy? Catherine: She’s _____ school.(A)front of (B) between (C) at (

【評論內容】本題考地點相關介系詞的使用。A選項 |不...

【評論主題】【題組】27. (A) at (B) on (C) in (D) off



【評論主題】8. 下列式子有幾個正確的? (A) 2個(B) 3個(C) 4個(D) 5個


【評論主題】6. 的相反數與 的相反數的和為多少? (A)  (B)  (C)0 (D)

【評論內容】先分別判斷兩數的相反數|-2/5 | 的...

【評論主題】4.下列哪一選項中的兩數互質? (A)14、35 (B)20、21 (C)22、33 (D)42、51


【評論主題】4. 下列各數中既是 3 又是 9 的倍數為何數?(A) 69 (B) 288 (C) 519 (D) 3369。


【評論主題】2. 下列哪些算式是正確的?:(甲) 7-10=7+(-10)=-(10-7)=-3(乙) (-8)-6=(-8)+(-6)=-14(丙) 5 ×(-30)=-(5 × 30)


【評論主題】9. 已知甲為質數,且 為最簡分數,若 則滿足這樣關係的甲數共有幾個?(A)9 (B)7 (C)3 (D)1

【評論內容】先將頭尾兩個分數擴分。48/64   甲/64   ...

【評論主題】1. 下列哪些選項其值為正數?答:   ①  。(以代號作答)(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


【評論主題】14. 關於指數的運算,下列何者正確?(A)(103)5=108 (B) (C) (D) 25×55=105


【評論主題】5. 求-1+2-3+4-5+6+……-99+100 之值為何? (A) 25(B) -25 (C) 50(D)-50


【評論主題】8. 計算 × …… × =? (A) (B) (C) (D)

【評論內容】整理算式可得:(5/4) X (6/5) ☆ (7/6)...

【評論主題】4. 若一個四位數 126□的標準分解式為 ,則下列選項何者正確?(A) □=5 (B) a=1 (C) b=3 (D) c=7


【評論主題】三、克漏字測驗第一篇:        Have you been making New Year   31   at the beginning of every new year? If you d

【評論內容】new year resolutions .....★★★★★★,...

【評論主題】八、字彙選填  When you want to spend time with your friends, what do you do? You can go to a movie, go sho



【評論主題】【題組】35. Mr. Huang is doing a new one by himself. The answer is MOUSE. And he needs four pictures. Wh


【評論主題】1.若某數可用科學記號表示成3.1875×108,則某數為幾位數?(A) 9 (B) 8(C) 5 (D) 4


【評論主題】25. Listen! _______ voices are beautiful. What are _______ singing? Let’s sing with ______.(A)Them ;


【評論主題】10.Everything in the shop ________ very good.(A)do (B)does (C)are (D)is


【評論主題】9. Lucy is watching TV, but her sisters ________.(A) can’t (B) isn’t (C) don’t (D) aren’t


【評論主題】9. 臺灣原住民各族群是屬於哪一種語系? (A)南島語系 (B)阿爾泰語系 (C)閃米語系 (D)漢藏語系。


【評論主題】【題組】5. What is right about Harry Styles?(A) He is a student in s small town.(B) He is 23 years old.(

【評論內容】A|Nelly 才是。B|正確。C|........

【評論主題】36-40 題 : 閱讀測驗 ( 每題 2 分, 共 10%) (I). Betty: Amy is having a party on her birthday. Are you going? Ja


【評論主題】37. He is a ______ person, so he always makes many goodfriends soon.(A) rich (B) healthy (C) lonely


【評論主題】【題組】3.What does Emily think she can do?(A)Run faster than Matt. (B)Beat Matt in a second game.(C)Jum



【評論主題】Matt and Emily are playing basketball. Matt is standing under the net. Emily tells him to jump and t


【評論主題】5. Cindy: Is your son a driver? Mike: _________(A) He is an English teacher.(B) He’s from Japan.(C)


【評論主題】9. A: Isn’t your watch new? B: ________(A) Yes, it’s new.(B) No, it’s new.(C) Yes, it’s old.(D) No,


【評論主題】8. Julie is a very _______ girl. Her face always becomes red when people talk to her.(A) smart(B) sh


【評論主題】3. That is _________ house. They like it very much. (A) Jay (B) Jay's and Jolin (C) Jay's


【評論主題】【題組】6. (A) the (B) an (C) a (D) am


【評論主題】(1).   My name is Zeus. I am   1.   actor. My wife, Hera is a famous artist. This picture is herwork


【評論主題】4. Sam:______ your mom a nurse? Debbie: Yes.(A) Are (B) is (C) Is (D) Am


【評論主題】14.( )下圖為酵素參與某物質合成反應的示意圖,請問酵素是其中哪種分子? (A)甲 (B)乙 (C)丙 (D)丁


【評論主題】4. The pencil is old. = ___________.(A) It is a old pencil (B) The old is a pencil(C) The old pencil

【評論內容】A|It is an old penci☆........

【評論主題】【題組】48. What is not from Austraila?(A) Kangaroos. (B) Elephants. (C) Wallabies. (D) Koalas.


【評論主題】39. We can use cloth shopping bags to save ___.(A) Earth (B) the earth (C) the Earth (D) a earth


地球,習慣用法the Earth。

【評論主題】29. Miss Lin is very kind. She is my teacher. she ___ myfriend.(A) is also (B) is too (C) too is (D)

【評論內容】本題考肯定句『也』的用法。She is ☆☆ ...

【評論主題】26. Some kids are painting,____ some kids are reading.(A) but (B) and (C) x (D) or


【評論主題】五、 閱讀測驗:每題 2 分,共 10%  1. Amanda is going to take her daughter, Sandy, to see a doctor,but Sandy has

【評論內容】直接看各個選項A選項 禮拜三早上醫院有開...

【評論主題】【題組】32. (A) and (B) so (C) with (D) for

【評論內容】本題考介系詞的使用。with 用於 跟XXX...

【評論主題】【題組】27. (A) speak (B) Say (C) Take (D) Talk


【評論主題】17. Eric: Mark’s birthday is this Saturday. Is this watch agood gift for ______ ?Sam: Let(讓) me see.

【評論內容】Is this watch a goo☆ ☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】12. Joseph, you’re late again. Please ______ late for school.(A) be not (B) let’s not (C) is not (D)

【評論內容】本題測驗否定祈使句。don't + 原........

【評論主題】23. A: Are _________any caps on the sofa? B: Yes. for you three.(A) there; It’s (B) they; They are (


【評論主題】【題組】38. “B” is __________.(A) a teacher(B) a cook(C) a police officer(D) doctor


【評論主題】【題組】30. (A) her(B) his(C) their(D) your


【評論主題】【題組】29. (A) girl’s(B) girls(C) girl(D) girls’


【評論主題】【題組】42.(A)world (B)farmer (C)son (D)photo

【評論內容】People from all over.....★★★★★★,...

【評論主題】【題組】40.(A) late (B) more (C) easy (D) clean


【評論主題】22. ___ name is Edward. ___ a clerk.(A) He’s; He’s (B) His; His(C) He; He’s (D) His; He’s


【評論主題】12.A: What is that?B: It is _____. (A)the book (B) book (C) two books (D)a book

【評論內容】本題測驗冠詞的使用。the 用在物品被指...

【評論主題】【題組】29.( )(A) Is this (B) Is it (C) Is your phone number (D) Is it your number

【評論內容】『是不是』用be 動詞現在簡單式問句就好。...

【評論主題】8.下列各式的值哪個最大? (A)(-7)+7(B)5+(-7) (C)(- 5)+(- 7) (D)- 5+ 7。

【評論內容】A| 0B| -2C| .....看完整...

【評論主題】29. A: ____ B: Yes, they are.(A) Are the PE teachers tall? (B) Is the PE teachers tall ?(C) Is the P

【評論內容】回答使用be 動詞簡答,因此原問句一定也★...

【評論主題】11. Teacher: Please ______ and come here.Student: OK.(A) stand up(B) turn off(C) make noise(D) sit d
