【評論主題】【題組】7. (A)your (B)his (C)her (D)he's




【評論主題】2.袋中有7顆紅球、3顆白球共10顆球,從袋中任取一顆,每顆球被取出的機會都相等,則取出紅球的機率是多少?(A) (B) (C) (D)


【評論主題】【題組】25. (A) How are you?(B) What is your name?(C) Are you a new student, too?(D) What’s your number

【評論內容】下一句的回答:我的名字是Kate 。He☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】二、 克漏字:        Nora’s family had Thanksgiving dinner    (31)    Uncle Jerry    (32)    November 22.

【評論內容】跟someone(Uncle Jerry) 一起享用.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】【題組】37.Which is true?(何者正確?)(A) Kobe is short and heavy.(B) Yu-Fen and Babe are basketball fans.(C)

【評論內容】(A) Kobe is short an☆ ☆☆☆☆☆. ...

【評論主題】【題組】4. (A)burry(B) burries(C) burrying(D) to burry

【評論內容】want常見的句型為「want + 名詞」★「...

【評論主題】10. Daddy wants us______ 45 inutes every day afterschool.(A) exercises (B) to exercising(C) to exerc


【評論主題】【題組】32.Pingnan Junior High School is planning a school trip for next year. Who most possibly (最可能) d

【評論內容】Chris 說:「你知道嗎?每個人都想當...

【評論主題】題組(31-33)Students from Pingnan Junior High School went on a field trip last Monday. They went to the


【評論主題】【題組】35. What would be Jenny’s message to Tom last night?(A) “Hey. What did you have for dinner?” (B)


【評論主題】【題組】40.( ) In the reading, which is NOT a right thing to do when you decide to apologize?(A) Tell th
