【評論主題】25. Kelly: Were you the captain of our school team? Ken: ____ (A) Too bad. (B) You bet. (C) I see. (

【評論內容】(A) Too bad. 太糟糕了(B) ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆. ...

【評論主題】【題組】34. The word “   occur   ” means:(A) blow(C) happen(B) hurt(D) tie up


【評論主題】【題組】29. Which animals are NOT mentioned in the reading?(A) Sharks.(C) Zebras.(B) Dogs.(D) Kangaroos.


【評論主題】五、閱讀測驗        Do you like animals? Guess what animals are on the lists of four of thestudents in Ms.

【評論內容】題目:誰的動物不是住在陸地上(D)從Th☆☆ ...

【評論主題】10. Wanda is as__________ as Carlos, but she is __________ than Ralphie.(A) slim; thinner (B) slimme




【評論主題】25. Do you smell someone _________ something in the kitchen? It smells so_________ .(A) cooking;yumm


【評論主題】31. When did you come home? I didn’t hear you thedoor.(A) open (B) opened (C) to open (D) opens


【評論主題】24. Listen! My favorite singer, Sarah Brightman, ___________ on TV.(A) is singing songs (B) is sing

【評論內容】Sarah Brightman正在唱歌--&☆☆;☆☆ ...

【評論主題】17. Mooncakes are not very             . Try to eat one at a time or our stomach may hurt easily. 


【評論主題】11. Vatican is the smallest country in the world.選出與上句意義不同的句子。(A) Vatican is smaller than all the ot


【評論主題】【題組】33. (A) sit; ask (B) sitting; asking(C) was sitting; asking (D) sat; asked

【評論內容】整篇文章的時態為過去是(從第一句的 la...

【評論主題】【題組】3.(A) am taking(B) took (C) takes (D) was taking

【評論內容】Now I still like to ☆☆☆, ☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】18. I failed math and English last semester. I had to study at thecram school. Well, I asked _____ i

【評論內容】ask for 要求/請求ask abo☆☆ ★★☆☆☆...