【評論主題】24.當民眾從郵局領取 10 萬元郵政儲金,並存進其在商業銀行的活期存款帳戶,這對 M1A、M1B 與 M2 的影響為何?(A) M1A 增加,M2 增加 (B) M1B 減少,M2 不變 (C) M




【評論主題】【題組】38. (A) for example (B) in conclusion (C) to summarize (D) at will


(A) for example 例如(B) in conclusion 總結(C) to summarize 總結(D) at will 隨意

【評論主題】27. The politician was found to have “systematically lied, not only to the public _____ to Congress.


not only A but also B 是指「不只 … 還 …」

【評論主題】24.當民眾從郵局領取 10 萬元郵政儲金,並存進其在商業銀行的活期存款帳戶,這對 M1A、M1B 與 M2 的影響為何?(A) M1A 增加,M2 增加 (B) M1B 減少,M2 不變 (C) M




【評論主題】【題組】38. (A) for example (B) in conclusion (C) to summarize (D) at will


(A) for example 例如(B) in conclusion 總結(C) to summarize 總結(D) at will 隨意

【評論主題】27. The politician was found to have “systematically lied, not only to the public _____ to Congress.


not only A but also B 是指「不只 … 還 …」