【評論主題】【題組】37. (A)exceptable (B)examinable (C)extensible (D)explicable

【評論內容】(A)exceptable  可例外的(B)examinable 可被檢視的

【評論主題】三、克漏字測驗 (23-27)           Euthanasia, the act of intentionally ending a person’s life to __(23)__ th

【評論內容】安樂死,一種蓄意藉由終止他人生命以達到______ 痛苦目的之行為,一直都是爭議性的話題。

【評論主題】34. Which of the following refers to the ability to use language for social purposes, such as making

【評論內容】Pragmatic 語用Syntactic 文法Phonological 語音

【評論主題】【題組】37. (A)exceptable (B)examinable (C)extensible (D)explicable

【評論內容】(A)exceptable  可例外的(B)examinable 可被檢視的

【評論主題】三、克漏字測驗 (23-27)           Euthanasia, the act of intentionally ending a person’s life to __(23)__ th

【評論內容】安樂死,一種蓄意藉由終止他人生命以達到______ 痛苦目的之行為,一直都是爭議性的話題。

【評論主題】34. Which of the following refers to the ability to use language for social purposes, such as making

【評論內容】Pragmatic 語用Syntactic 文法Phonological 語音