【評論主題】3. malicious: (A) cogent (B) esoteric (C) spiteful (D) waggish


3. malicious 惡意的,惡毒的,意在傷人的(A) cogent使人首肯的,使人信服的,切實的

(B) esoteric 1. 深奧的;難解的。 2. 秘密的;機密的。 3. 秘教的(opp. exoteric)

(C) spiteful (a.)懷恨的,懷有惡意的,心眼壞的

(D) waggish (a.)愛開玩笑的,滑稽的

【評論主題】2. sordid: (A) filthy (B) gyrate (C) jocund (D) nugatory



filthy 骯髒的;汙穢的




【評論主題】I. Synonym: Please choose the word which is closest in meaning to the underlined word.(5%)1. gullibl


gullible: 容易上當的,易受欺騙的;輕信的

(A) abominable極壞的;惡劣的;可惡的;討厭的

(A) abominable極壞的;惡劣的;可惡的;討厭的(B) credulous  輕信的;易上當(C) protuberant(D) truculent

【評論主題】3. malicious: (A) cogent (B) esoteric (C) spiteful (D) waggish


3. malicious 惡意的,惡毒的,意在傷人的(A) cogent使人首肯的,使人信服的,切實的

(B) esoteric 1. 深奧的;難解的。 2. 秘密的;機密的。 3. 秘教的(opp. exoteric)

(C) spiteful (a.)懷恨的,懷有惡意的,心眼壞的

(D) waggish (a.)愛開玩笑的,滑稽的

【評論主題】2. sordid: (A) filthy (B) gyrate (C) jocund (D) nugatory



filthy 骯髒的;汙穢的




【評論主題】I. Synonym: Please choose the word which is closest in meaning to the underlined word.(5%)1. gullibl


gullible: 容易上當的,易受欺騙的;輕信的

(A) abominable極壞的;惡劣的;可惡的;討厭的

(A) abominable極壞的;惡劣的;可惡的;討厭的(B) credulous  輕信的;易上當(C) protuberant(D) truculent

【評論主題】2、 Even though Reese Witherspoon ______ matched her clothing with accessories, she still made the wo

【評論內容】fugacious(a.)易逃逸的,難捕捉的,無常的imperiously(ad.)傲慢地;迫切地 meticulously(ad.)拘泥地;小心地 obliviously(ad.)遺忘地;忘卻地

【評論主題】5.The curtain is advertised to _______ cacophonies of vehicles from the street. The feature intrigue


affirm 證實;確認;斷言

【評論主題】1.「齧」 咬:



【評論內容】drop in/by 顺便拜访(偶然拜访)drop in on sb 拜访某人drop in at some place 到某地走走


【評論內容】come into: 發生,產生,出現,形成

【評論主題】一、在方興未艾的工業 4.0(Industry 4.0)趨勢下,目前即已存在的 ERP 及 MES 仍在未來智慧製造中扮演重要角色。MES(Manufacturing Execution System


untenable: 站不住腳

pretentious: 自命不凡

posthumous: 死後的

antipathetic: 生來嫌惡的

【評論主題】Auschwitz complex started as a camp to ease the _______ at Auschwitz I, the largestconcentration cam


embargo: 名詞  禁運, 阻止

congestion: 名詞  擁塞, 過剩


recession : 衰退,不景氣

【評論主題】Local authorities claimed that investment was needed not only to build new homesand replace ___


dilapidated :殘破


sullen: 憂鬱


【評論主題】Christopher was diagnosed as _____. He has odd obsessions, is terrified of loud noises and doesn’t p


【評論主題】36. The teacher _____ get in the lab.(A) does not allow us (B) does not let us (C) permit that we (D

【評論內容】(B) let 後面用原形動詞

【評論主題】18.Which of the following about “silent period in language learning” is NOT correct?(A) Silent perio

【評論內容】Silent period

The silent period hypothesis is the idea that when a language is learned, there should be a period in which the learner is not expected to actively produce any language. This is based on observations of a listening period in infants when they learn a first language.

Example When learners begin to study a new language, they can go through a silent period where they are exposed to sufficient comprehensible input to allow them to begin to acquire language.

In the classroom

Common classroom techniques can address the needs of learners in a silent period, e.g. listening comprehen...