【評論主題】Just as technology helped create the attention deficit generation, technology is also providing ways

【評論內容】Just as technology helped create the attention deficit generation, technology is also providing ways of coping with fragmented lives. 原句意思:正如科技幫助創造了一個專注意力不足世代,科技也提供了處理一些緒亂生活的方法。 (a) Interrupting people too frequently, technology also allows people to regain their attention to find back their lives.(a) 科技過於頻繁打亂人們,但也讓人可以重獲他們對尋回生活的關注(b) Damaging people’s attention capacity, technology also enables people to pay better attention to pieces of their lives.(b) 科技傷害了人們的專注空間,但也讓人能夠對他們的生活片段給予更大的關...

【評論主題】【題組】9 (A)by far (B)by then (C)by no means (D)by all means

【評論內容】genetic genealogy遺傳家譜學

【評論主題】【題組】8 (A)Far-flung (B)Far-fetched (C)Far-gone (D)Far-reaching

【評論內容】far-fetched 牵强的Far-flung 遥远的;偏僻的

【評論主題】3 ________technology’s advances in medicine, it becomes debatable whether survival or quality of lif

【評論內容】In the wake of 在......之後For the sake of  為了

【評論主題】1 John appeared embarrassed and ill at_____ with the compliment made by his teacher.(A)ease (B)all (

【評論內容】ill at ease 是心神不寧;不安的意思

【評論主題】40 The role of Customs enforcement is to effectively protect society and secure the collection of le

【評論內容】答案應為B原文出處The role of Customs enforcement is to effectively protect society and secure the collection of legally due revenue by fighting against cross-border crimes. In discharging this mandate, Customs compliance and enforcement teams are involved in a wide range of activities ranging from combating commercial fraud; counterfeiting; smuggling of highly taxed goods (such as  cigarettes, alcohol and motor spirits), and drugs and precursors; money laundering and terrorist financing; electronic crime; wildlife trafficking; smuggling of arms, nuclear materials, ozone depleting substances, ...

【評論主題】37 The commodity tax collected by the Customs _____ the authorities concerned shall be offset or ref

【評論內容】in terms of :就.....而言;根據in the light of :根據

【評論主題】37 Chuang Tzu’s _________are famous in Chinese culture, both as works of intrinsic literary merit an

【評論內容】literary merit 文學價值

【評論主題】8.在以生物特徵進行身分辨識時,會存在 False Acceptance Rate,請問下列何者為 False Acceptance Rate 的定義?(A)將授權的使用者鑑別成為沒有授權的使用者,因

【評論內容】一種是FRR(False Rejection Rate)應該辨識通過的卻沒通過,另一種是FAR(False Acceptance Rate )應該不能通過辨識的卻通過了

【評論主題】7.下列何項備援技術,是將相關的設備皆設定好,只要注入備援的資料即可提供服務?(A)熱備援(Hot Site) (B)冷備援(Cold Site) (C)溫備援(Warm Site) (D)混合備援(

【評論內容】異地備援又可分為Cold Site、Warm Site、Hot SiteCold Site:只有場地沒有設備,事件發生時自行準備軟硬體去回復Warm Site:有提供設備,但仍須自行安裝系統以回復Hot Site:異地備援端備有同樣之系統,事件發生於可接受時間內啟動 災難發生時,可隨時接替使用,確保資料不致受損,作業也不致中斷

【評論主題】4.在網路安全中,常會使用到的 Snort 軟體,其可歸屬於下列哪一種技術的軟體?(A)防火牆(Firewall) (B)內容過濾(Content Filtering)(C)記錄(Logging) (



偵測模式(Sniffer Mode):此模式下,Snort將在現有的網域內擷取封包,並顯示在螢幕上。封包紀錄模式(packet logger mode):此模式下,Snort將已擷取的封包存入儲存媒體中(如硬碟)。上線模式(inline mode):此模式下,Snort可對擷取到的封包做分析的動作,並根據一定的規則來判斷是否有網路攻擊行為的出現。

【評論主題】【題組】20. The underlined phrase “per capita” is closest in meaning to _______ .(A)every company (B)eve

【評論內容】per capita income 每人平均收入

【評論主題】Just as technology helped create the attention deficit generation, technology is also providing ways

【評論內容】Just as technology helped create the attention deficit generation, technology is also providing ways of coping with fragmented lives. 原句意思:正如科技幫助創造了一個專注意力不足世代,科技也提供了處理一些緒亂生活的方法。 (a) Interrupting people too frequently, technology also allows people to regain their attention to find back their lives.(a) 科技過於頻繁打亂人們,但也讓人可以重獲他們對尋回生活的關注(b) Damaging people’s attention capacity, technology also enables people to pay better attention to pieces of their lives.(b) 科技傷害了人們的專注空間,但也讓人能夠對他們的生活片段給予更大的關...

【評論主題】5.如右圖,若∠P=35°,=50°,則 =___________度


【評論主題】二、某公司正在考慮投資商業不動產,目前有兩個方案可供選擇,方案 A,租賃期限 10年,租金成本於第一年及第五年年底分兩次給付,每次給付 6,500,000 元,若採取此方案,該公司稅後現金流量每年為










【評論內容】C++是物件導向 並不歸類於結構化壓