【評論主題】10. ( ) When people began growing crops, they also began herding and breeding wild animals.________w

【評論內容】10.  When people began growing crops, 當人們開始種植莊稼時,they also began herding and breeding wild animals.他們也開始放牧和飼養野生動物。_______wild plants and animals for people to use is called domestication.___野生動植物供人使用,叫馴化。

【評論主題】9. () In the past few decades, Samsung's televisions have _____Sony's in popularity.(A) ve

【評論內容】9. In the past few decades, Samsung's televisions have _____Sony's in popularity.在過去的幾十年裡,三星的電視機已經_____索尼的受歡迎程度。答案:D

【評論主題】6. () Tennis champion Novak Djokovic was_________from Australia after his visa was revokedbecause of

【評論內容】6. () Tennis champion Novak Djokovic was_________from Australia after his visa was revoked because of an invalid medical exemption.網球冠軍諾瓦克·德約科維奇是從澳大利亞_________,因為他的簽證因無效的醫療豁免而被吊銷。

【評論主題】4. () The long-distance runner dropped to her knees and released a________of emotion afterfinally cr

【評論內容】4. () The long-distance runner dropped to her knees and released a________of emotion after finally crossing the finish line.長跑運動員在終於越過終點線後,雙膝跪地,釋放出一種________的情緒。(A) perception   /pəˈsep.ʃən/知覺

【評論主題】3. ( )_______are space rocks that fall to Earth's surface. They are the last stage in the exist

【評論內容】3. ( )_______are space rocks that fall to Earth's surface. They are the last stage in the existence of these type of space rocks._______是墜落到地球表面的太空岩石。它們是這類太空岩石存在的最後階段。

【評論主題】2. ( )A tsunami–Japanese for "harbor wave"–is a series of powerful waves caused by thedisp

【評論內容】2.A tsunami–Japanese for "harbor wave"–is a series of powerful waves caused by the displacement of a large body of water. Most tsunamis, like the one that formed off Tohoku, are triggered by underwater _______activity, such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.海嘯——日語中的“海港波”——是由一大片水體的位移引起的一系列強大的海浪。大多數海嘯,例如在東北地區形成的海嘯,都是由水下_______活動引發的,例如地震和火山爆發。

【評論主題】【題組】48 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?(A) About one million 70-

【評論內容】48 According to the ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆, ...

【評論主題】【題組】50 According to the passage, what might NOT be a good solution to the phenomenon?(A) To ensure t

【評論內容】50 According to the ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆, ...

【評論主題】【題組】49 What does the phrase “genuine choice” allow older people to do in the passage?(A) To survive

【評論內容】49 What does the ph☆☆☆☆ “...

【評論主題】【題組】47 Which might NOT be the main cause of people working beyond retirement age in Britain?(A) Smal

【評論內容】47 Which might NOT ☆☆ ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆...

【評論主題】10. Upon arriving in a new place, I always _____ myself first by using the Google map.(A) consent (B

【評論內容】題目:到了一個新地方,我總是先用谷歌地圖_____自己。Upon arriving in a new place, I always _____ myself first by using the Google map.答案:(A) consen 同意(B) orient定向/定位  答案選b因為關鍵字是Google map

【評論主題】9. Your overcoat is water-_____ . You don’t need to worry about getting wet while walking in therain

【評論內容】9. 你的大衣是水的-____ 。 走路時不用擔心被淋濕。       雨。 Your overcoat is water-_____ . You don’t need to worry about getting wet while walking in the rain.       (一)nauseous噁心(B) provided提供 (C) repellent驅除的   water-repellent  防水的(D) twinkling閃爍

【評論主題】4. Because many people become “credit-card slaves,” banks around the world have slowed downtheir ___

【評論內容】4. 由於許多人成為“信用卡奴隸”,世界各地的銀行都放慢了腳步____他們的新信用卡。

【評論主題】1. Nowadays young people enjoy Elon Musk’s speeches very much because he always _____ themwith his e

【評論內容】題目:現在的年輕人非常喜歡埃隆馬斯克的演講,因為他總是用他的熱情和樂觀 _____他們。答案:(A) 渴望aspires (B) 合謀conspires(C) 啟發inspires(D) 出汗perspires啟發inspires某種觀念補充單字:Nowadays現今的/現在的enthusiasm熱情optimism樂觀

【評論主題】17 協助清朝起草民、刑律之制定,是何國的專家?(A)日本 (B)德國 (C)美國 (D)英國

【評論內容】答案A日本 學者岡田 朝太郎(日★:★★ ...

【評論主題】21 依據我國著作權法規定,有關著作權之敘述,下列何者正確?(A)所謂的「公眾」,不包含家庭及其正常社交之多數人(B)著作人於完成著作後,應向主管機關辦理著作權登記,始能享有著作權(C)行政院所發布之


著作財產法條題21 依據我國著作權法規定,有關著作權之敘述,下列何者正確?

(A) 所謂的「公眾」,不包含家庭及其正常社交之多數人 (正確答案:著作權法第3條第一項第四款)

(B) 著作人於完成著作後,應向主管機關辦理著作權登記,始能享有著作權 (著作權法第10條著作完成時享有著作權)

(C) 行政院所發布之新聞稿,得為著作權保護之標的  (著作權法第9條: 新聞稿不是著作權)

(D) 表演人對既有民俗創作之表演,不受著作權法保護  (著作權法第7-1條:民俗創作以獨立之著作保護)






【評論主題】5. I did not do my homework, so my teacher said I _________ stay after school to finish it.(A) faile

【評論內容】5. I did not do my homework, so my teacher said I _________ stay after school to finish it.   我沒有做作業,所以我的老師說我_________放學後留下來完成它。

【評論主題】4. Pam is a_________baseball player; she has more fans than any other player on her team.(A) boring

【評論內容】4. Pam is a_________baseball player;帕姆是一名________球員;

【評論主題】3. Peter is afraid of the dark. He even leaves the _________on when sleeping.(A) computer (B) fans (

【評論內容】3. Peter is afraid of the dark.彼得害怕黑暗 He even leaves the _________on when sleeping.他甚至在睡覺的時候留下...

【評論主題】2 I went to the amusement park last week and had a______.(A) blast (B) bless (C) boost (D) boast

【評論內容】2 我上週去遊樂園玩而且______。(A)爆炸/玩得很盡興 blast(B)祝福bless (C)提升boost(D)誇耀boast補充說明:1.blast 當名詞有「爆炸、爆破」的意思:例句:Several people were killed in the blast last night.(昨晚的爆炸使幾個人罹難。)2.blast 口語流行用法例句:Last night was a blast!(昨晚超好玩的!)就是在講「令人興奮、很愉快的體驗或活動,通常用來形容派對」,3.如果要跟別人說自己玩得很盡興,可以用 have a blast:Thanks for inviting me to your party. I had a real blast!(謝謝你邀請我到你的派對。我痛痛快快地玩了一場!)

【評論主題】03. That country has a large _______ of food, Wheat, for example, is put in storage and shipped abro

【評論內容】(D)surplus 剩餘,過剩,盈餘(a.)過剩的,剩餘的

【評論主題】03. That country has a large _______ of food, Wheat, for example, is put in storage and shipped abro

【評論內容】(D)surplus 剩餘,過剩,盈餘(a.)過剩的,剩餘的