【評論主題】1.After the company’s data records mysteriously went missing overnight, new password protection prog

【評論內容】imitate 模仿involved 有關implement 執行;工具;手段implicate 連累

【評論主題】12 You could not _____ all of your readings the night before the exam. You had better start to prepa

【評論內容】jam 塞住squeeze 擠壓cram 硬塞;死記硬背

【評論主題】10. 「ㄇㄧˋ」食:

【評論內容】I am not sure if I follow you.我沒有聽懂你再說什麼

【評論主題】He worked hard but failed. = He worked hard ______ fail.(A)to(B)only to(C)so as to(D)in order to

【評論內容】only conj.1. 【口】可是,不過

【評論主題】【題組】 ⑶物件關聯式資料庫(Object-Relational Database)。(5 分)

【評論內容】visible 顯而易見的