【評論主題】7. As the venom surged through the mountain climber’s veins, he could do nothing but _____ in agony,

【評論內容】當毒液在登山者的血管中湧動時,他只能痛苦地翻滾,每一個動作都加劇了劇痛。(A) writhe 扭動;蠕動, 痛苦不安,難堪

【評論主題】5. Even when faced with continuing _________ , the graduate student indulged herself in spendthrift


【評論主題】2. Despite his moral principles, he chose to_______his friend’s unethical behavior, thereby tacitly


【評論主題】6. During the meeting, the senior engineer’s _____ attitude, along with his condescending tone and d


【評論主題】3. The meeting’s postponement turned out to be_______, allowing her to stumble upon a crucial piece


【評論主題】1. Ryan suspected that his coworkers were_______to get him fired when in reality they were planning

【評論內容】瑞安懷疑他的同事們正在密謀讓他被解僱,而實際上他們正在為他策劃驚喜生日派對。(A) descrying 看見

【評論主題】11. This is the most ridiculous excuse ______ I have ever heard of for being absent from class.(A) t


This is the most ridiculous excuse ______ I have ever heard of for being absent from class.關代前有最高級使用that這是我聽過的最荒唐的缺課藉口This is 主詞一+動詞二 I have 主詞二動詞二 關係代名詞必須使用that的狀況

【評論主題】10. I suggest _______. He does not fit in here.(A) to hire someone other than Tim(B) that Tim needs



S suggest that should s+v.或suggest ving 沒有A不定詞的用法suggest文法

【評論主題】8. ________, but he never lost heart. He kept on experimenting on new materials for his project.(A)


(A) Even though Jerry had failed several times→even though 即使不會與but連用

(B) While Jason’s proposal was rejected→while為連接詞,不會再使用but

(C) Collin failed on his experiment again

(D) Chris having failed several times→ving p.p.的格式完全時態錯誤科林的實驗再次失敗,但他從未灰心。他不斷為他的項目試驗新材料

【評論主題】6. The city government will _______ a new policy regarding bus and metro fare starting nextmonth.(A)



(A) complement補充物,補足物;配對物

(B) installment就任,就職;安頓,安置

(C) implement履行;實施;執行

(D) supplement增補,補充

【評論主題】5. The baseball game will be broadcast ______ on television, radio and online. You can chooseany one



(A) systematically有系統地;有組織地;有計畫地;有條不紊地

(B) simultaneously同時地

(C) spontaneously自然地;自發地;不由自主地

(D) sporadically偶爾,零星地;偶發地,個別地

【評論主題】4. Although we all need to spend time alone from time to time, human beings are _____ bynature. Ever



(A) dolorous悲哀的;悲痛的;憂傷的

(B) infectious傳染的;傳染性的;有感染力的,易傳播的

(C) facetious  滑稽的;好開玩笑的(D) gregarious群居性的;叢生的

【評論主題】3. Because of his illness, he gradually _____ his control of the company to his son.(A) relinquished


(A) relinquished放棄;撤出;棄絕;交出,讓與

(B) inhibited禁止;約束;抑制

(C) subjoined(在最後)增添,增補,添加

(D) subverted推翻;破壞


【評論主題】2. The Quest headset allows people to enter the so-called metaverse, an _____ online worldwhere they


(A) inactive不活動的;不活躍的;無生氣的;怠惰的;行動緩慢的

(B) immune免疫的;免除的;免於……的/免疫者

(C) immersive沈浸式的;身歷其境的;呈三維虛擬實境的

(D) intrinsic本身的;本質的;固有的;內在的


【評論主題】1. The _____ on her face when he asked her to the prom told him her answer was ‟no” beforeshe said a

【評論內容】(A) grimace(因疼痛或厭惡而)★★★,...

【評論主題】11. This is the most ridiculous excuse ______ I have ever heard of for being absent from class.(A) t


This is the most ridiculous excuse ______ I have ever heard of for being absent from class.關代前有最高級使用that這是我聽過的最荒唐的缺課藉口This is 主詞一+動詞二 I have 主詞二動詞二 關係代名詞必須使用that的狀況

【評論主題】10. I suggest _______. He does not fit in here.(A) to hire someone other than Tim(B) that Tim needs



S suggest that should s+v.或suggest ving 沒有A不定詞的用法suggest文法

【評論主題】8. ________, but he never lost heart. He kept on experimenting on new materials for his project.(A)


(A) Even though Jerry had failed several times→even though 即使不會與but連用

(B) While Jason’s proposal was rejected→while為連接詞,不會再使用but

(C) Collin failed on his experiment again

(D) Chris having failed several times→ving p.p.的格式完全時態錯誤科林的實驗再次失敗,但他從未灰心。他不斷為他的項目試驗新材料

【評論主題】6. The city government will _______ a new policy regarding bus and metro fare starting nextmonth.(A)



(A) complement補充物,補足物;配對物

(B) installment就任,就職;安頓,安置

(C) implement履行;實施;執行

(D) supplement增補,補充

【評論主題】5. The baseball game will be broadcast ______ on television, radio and online. You can chooseany one



(A) systematically有系統地;有組織地;有計畫地;有條不紊地

(B) simultaneously同時地

(C) spontaneously自然地;自發地;不由自主地

(D) sporadically偶爾,零星地;偶發地,個別地

【評論主題】4. Although we all need to spend time alone from time to time, human beings are _____ bynature. Ever



(A) dolorous悲哀的;悲痛的;憂傷的

(B) infectious傳染的;傳染性的;有感染力的,易傳播的

(C) facetious  滑稽的;好開玩笑的(D) gregarious群居性的;叢生的

【評論主題】3. Because of his illness, he gradually _____ his control of the company to his son.(A) relinquished


(A) relinquished放棄;撤出;棄絕;交出,讓與

(B) inhibited禁止;約束;抑制

(C) subjoined(在最後)增添,增補,添加

(D) subverted推翻;破壞


【評論主題】2. The Quest headset allows people to enter the so-called metaverse, an _____ online worldwhere they


(A) inactive不活動的;不活躍的;無生氣的;怠惰的;行動緩慢的

(B) immune免疫的;免除的;免於……的/免疫者

(C) immersive沈浸式的;身歷其境的;呈三維虛擬實境的

(D) intrinsic本身的;本質的;固有的;內在的


【評論主題】1. The _____ on her face when he asked her to the prom told him her answer was ‟no” beforeshe said a

【評論內容】(A) grimace(因疼痛或厭惡而)★★★,...

【評論主題】【題組】65. (A) of (B) it (C) from (D) them




to cure sb. of sth. 治好某人的某種病   cure+疾病。

【評論主題】【題組】64. (A) dialogued (B) devastated (C) digested (D) diagnosed



(A) dialogued對話;交談;(戲劇、小說等中的)對話,對白

(B) devastated身心交瘁的;極為震驚的

(C) digested消化(食物)

(D) diagnosed診斷

【評論主題】【題組】63. (A) translated (B) transformed (C) transmitted (D) translated



(A) translated翻譯,轉譯

(B) transformed使改變;使改觀;將……改成

(C) transmitted 傳播;傳染[(+to)]

(D) translated翻譯,轉譯

【評論主題】【題組】62. (A) innovated (B) innovation (C) novice (D) novel



(A) innovated創立,創始,引人;革新,改革,創新

(B) innovation n.革新,改革,創新[U];新方法;新制度;新事物[C

(C) novice新手,初學者[(+at)];【宗】見習修士(或修女)

(D) novel新的,新穎的,新奇的

【評論主題】【題組】61. (A) spreading (B) to spread (C) being spread (D) been spreaded



此題考文法,start後加ving或to VR皆可,start + to-V 表達開始行動的目的,start + V-ing 則強調開始進行的動作,冠狀病毒主動蔓延,因此不使用被動態。不定詞與動名詞相關文法請參考https://meicatenglish.com/to-vr-v-ing/

【評論主題】【題組】54. (A) welcoming (B) rejecting (C) stopping (D) readying



(A) welcoming 歡迎   (B) rejecting 拒絕

(C) stopping 停止     (D) readying 準備好

【評論主題】37. ________ yesterday’s test, your grades are posted at the back of the classroom.(A) Regardless of



(A) Regardless of不管, 不顧

(B) In regards

(C) Regarding 關於

(D) Regarding to

With regard to 或 in regard to (= in connection with) 意為「關於;至於」

Regardless of 的解析 選項(C)(D)用法皆錯誤。

【評論主題】【題組】53. (A) come to (B) sell in (C) cater to (D) refuse on



(A) come to 甦醒;(指船)停下

(B) sell in 出貨

(C) cater to滿足或提供(個人或團體的)願望或需求, 滿足,投合,迎合(尤指不受歡迎或難以接受的需求)

(D) refuse on 拒絕

【評論主題】45. I used to think that Kevin was a good kid, but ever since I overheard him bragging about cheatin



(A) on thin ice在薄冰上』,表示處於在危險或不確定的情況。

(B) on the ball機警,機靈,往往形容一個人對事物反應迅速

(C) in a pod 非常相像

(D) with a jaundiced eye有偏見的眼光。

【評論主題】43. A high school’s decision to ban unvaccinated students from its graduation ceremony ________ disc



(A) has sparked 點燃

spark火花,火星;(寶石等的)閃耀 vt.發動;點燃[(+off)];激勵;鼓舞 vi.發出火花;飛出火星;閃耀,閃光

(B) is brought about 被引起;被造成

(C) was initiated開始;創始;開始實施

(D) was ignited 被點燃

【評論主題】42. Children from underprivileged families have rough lives; sometimes the entire family ________ on



(A) relay  接替;接替人員;替換的馬(或獵狗等);接力賽跑;接力賽中的一程



(B) replies回答,答覆[(+to)];(以行動)答覆;回擊



(C) relies

(D) rely vi.依靠,依賴;依仗[(+on/upon)];信賴,相信;指望[(+on/upon)]

family 為「家人、家庭成員」的意思,代表「個體、成員」的概念,因此視為「複數」,後面也要接「複數動詞」

【評論主題】41. Freezing preserves meat because ________, slow down the rate of enzyme action, and lower the spe



because 需使用 子句because 子句,前後皆須有主詞與動詞。

A與D選項為名詞片語  because of N


【評論主題】36. Sam ________ left a lot of important facts out of his report.(A) knowingly(B) knowledgeably(C) n



(A) knowingly 熟悉地;會意地;故意地

(B) knowledgeably  adj.知識淵博地;有見識地

(C) noticeable  adj.顯而易見的,顯著的;值得注意的,重要的

(D) innocently adv.無罪地;純潔地

leave ... out of sth.  不包括或不提及; 排除在外; 忽略掉

【評論主題】18. People can meet, work and play using virtual reality (VR) headsets, ________ augmented reality g



(A) substantial  adj.真實的,實在的[Z];堅固的,結實的


(B) cultivated  耕種的;栽培的,非野生的

(C) increased  增加,增進,利益增加,加大增加,繁殖

(D) duplicated  復制,使加倍復制副本,復本,復製品復制的,二重的

【評論主題】2 Susan Lee is a sales manager at a travel agency. It specializes in selling flight tickets, hotelre



【評論主題】9. Hundreds of residents received free testing _____ from the city government to find out if their w


(☆) ☆☆☆☆(★★★★★★★★★★)...

【評論主題】15. One week after the typhoon, some bridges were finally opened and bus service _____ in the countr

【評論內容】(A) departed起程,出發;離★,★★  ...

【評論主題】13. The problem of illegal drug use is very complex and cannot be traced to merely one _____ reason.

【評論內容】(A) singular 單一的;獨個的 (☆) ...

【評論主題】11. The company is _____ and making great profits under the wise leadership of the chief executive o

【評論內容】(A) applauding鼓掌 (B) ...

【評論主題】1. Tom is really a naughty boy. He likes to _____ and play jokes on his younger sister when their pa

【評論內容】Tom 真的是一位頑皮的男孩,當他們的父...

【評論主題】【題組】50. How much should be paid if an originally NT$2,000 ticket is purchased on the Internet on Nov


list price 是定價 ,所以是原價的九折,再加上早鳥票的九折。因此是八折(10%+10%)

詳細中英文詳解版  英文打折怎麼算10%off打幾折


【評論主題】2 Susan Lee is a sales manager at a travel agency. It specializes in selling flight tickets, hotelre



A 船上




【評論主題】15. One week after the typhoon, some bridges were finally opened and bus service _____ in the countr


 (A) departed起程,出發;離開,離去   (B) resumed(中斷後)繼續,重新開始

 (C) transported 運送,運輸,搬運(D) corresponded符合,一致


【評論主題】13. The problem of illegal drug use is very complex and cannot be traced to merely one _____ reason.

【評論內容】(A) singular 單一的;獨個的 (☆) ...

【評論主題】11. The company is _____ and making great profits under the wise leadership of the chief executive o

【評論內容】(A) applauding鼓掌 (B) ...

【評論主題】15. If you had been more careful, you _____ such a mistake.(A) wouldn’t have made (B) won’t make (C)




If為條件子句,因此使用過去完成式,you所連接的為主要子句,使用would/could/should +have +p.p.


【評論主題】8. I remember ______ this movie on DVD three years ago.(A) watch (B) to watch (C) watching (D) have



remember 後面可接To VR 或V-ing,意思不同

remember +to VR 表示記得要去做(還沒做)

remember +v-ing 表示記得做過~(已做,且記得。)


【評論主題】14. We should use public transportation as often as possible ______ the problem of global warming be



(a)whether 是否

(B) in case 萬一

(C) so that 以致於

(D)lest 惟恐;免得

【評論主題】【題組】22. (A) The more often you use your brains, the sharper you will be.(B) For me, nothing is more


(A) The more often you use your brains, the sharper you will be.

The 比較級 S+V, the 比較級 S+V (愈…,愈...)

原句:If you use your brains more often, you will be sharper.

(B) For me, nothing is more precious than parents’ love in the world.

(C) It wasn’t until he lost the game did he realize the importance of practice.

Not until he lost the game did he realize the importance of practice.

It wasn't until he lost the game that he realize the importance of practice.

(D) My mother thinks it is essential that everyone in our family help with the household chores...