【評論主題】5. In general, _____ behavior on the part of administration aggravates an already tense worker probl


autocratic 獨裁的 adj./alleviate 減輕 v,

meretricious 華而不實的 adj.

condone 寬恕 v,


【評論主題】07. Professor Smith was glad to ________ the topic he lectured on in class to us. (A)sully(B) elucid


sully 使丟臉

obliterate 忘掉

【評論主題】03. The young child seemed to be ________ by the program on the television. (A)catered (B) belabored

【評論內容】cater 迎合 belabo.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】9. A recent research found that too much calcium doesn’t help promote bonehealth because exceeding t

【評論內容】(A)discrepany 差異 (B)prospect 前景 (C) consent 同意 (D) threshold 門檻

【評論主題】1. Arriving in a strange city at night, I felt alone and _____.(A) amassed (B) embarrassed (C) under

【評論內容】(A).amass vt. 聚集 (C).underrate vt. 輕視

【評論主題】9. A recent research found that too much calcium doesn’t help promote bonehealth because exceeding t

【評論內容】(A)discrepany 差異 (B)prospect 前景 (C) consent 同意 (D) threshold 門檻

【評論主題】1. Arriving in a strange city at night, I felt alone and _____.(A) amassed (B) embarrassed (C) under

【評論內容】(A).amass vt. 聚集 (C).underrate vt. 輕視

【評論主題】【題組】19.(A) on (B) at (C) for (D) with

【評論內容】scorn .... for 輕蔑,藐視

【評論主題】24. as the reporter may be in his writing, he does not have a column of his own.(A) Interest (B) Int

【評論內容】Interesting 和 Interested 皆對

【評論主題】15. The relationship between parents and children is soinfluential to children. It is recommended th

【評論內容】It is recommended that every parent (should) examine his/her own behavior prudently.

【評論主題】07. Professor Smith was glad to ________ the topic he lectured on in class to us. (A)sully(B) elucid


sully 使丟臉

obliterate 忘掉

【評論主題】03. The young child seemed to be ________ by the program on the television. (A)catered (B) belabored


cater 迎合

belabor 責罵

retrieve 挽回

【評論主題】9. A recent research found that too much calcium doesn’t help promote bonehealth because exceeding t

【評論內容】(A)discrepany 差異 (B)prospect 前景 (C) consent 同意 (D) threshold 門檻

【評論主題】1. Arriving in a strange city at night, I felt alone and _____.(A) amassed (B) embarrassed (C) under

【評論內容】(A).amass vt. 聚集 (C).underrate vt. 輕視

【評論主題】Although the plan was _____ made, Brenda was not able to carry out the project efficiently.(A) close

【評論內容】minutely 仔細地;周密地

【評論主題】1.Our legal department will seriously ______ any copyright violations.(A)persecute (B) prosecute (C)


prosecute 對..起訴 vt.

David was prosecuted for murder.

【評論主題】This century has witnessed environmental destruction on a(n) __________ scale.(A) implicit (B) unpre

【評論內容】unprecedented 史無前例的

【評論主題】【題組】23. 聰明的

【評論內容】furtive adj. 偷偷的




【評論內容】An e-portfolio is a helpful tool for assessment, instruction, and management.

【評論主題】【題組】(2)  。答:【 11 】。


symbiotic  共生的 adj.




(A) metaphorical 隱喻

(B) militant 好戰

(C) metropolitan 都市的

(D) missionary  傳道士

【評論主題】2. What does Ben hate doing?(以「洗碗」回答)


Stages of language learning


【評論主題】1. 化簡下列各式:【題組】(1)=  1  。

【評論內容】in hot water 困境

【評論主題】【題組】⑵ MLDW

【評論內容】 tuberculosis 結核病

【評論主題】【題組】 (4)H2O

【評論內容】block out 阻擋

【評論主題】.教育評鑑有所謂CIPP模式,下列那一種屬於C? (A)環境 (B)成果 (C)財力 (D)內容.


C (Context)代表背景。I (Input)代表輸入。P (Process)代表過程。P (Product)代表成果。


【評論主題】The bull must be taken by the horns.(A)本末倒置 (B)逆來順受(C)勇往直前 (D)棄車保帥

【評論內容】The bull must be taken by the horns means that when faced by perils or difficulties we should meet them fearlessly, not try to to evade them. 答案應該是C

【評論主題】5. In general, _____ behavior on the part of administration aggravates an already tense worker probl


autocratic 獨裁的 adj./alleviate 減輕 v,

meretricious 華而不實的 adj.

condone 寬恕 v,


【評論主題】26. The Fourth nuclear power plant in Taiwan should be completed to supply highenergy-consuming indu


Amount 通常跟不可數 (uncountable)、無生命 (inanimate) 的名詞連用

The amount of work I got through in September was double the amount that Idid in August. (我九月份的工作量是八月份的兩倍)She spent a very large amount of money yesterday. (她昨天花了好大一筆錢)

Number 跟可數 (countable)、有生命 (animate) 或無生命 (inanimate) 的名詞連用

A small number of chickens were infected with the H5N1 strain of the birdflu. (少數雞隻感染了禽流感 H5N1 病毒)The president has made a large number of mistakes. (總統犯了許多錯誤)