【評論主題】34. 16 進位的 CB.D,以十進位表示為何(A)202.8120 (B)203.8125 (C)203.8120 (D)202.8125。


C= 12 , B = 11, D=1312*16 + 11*1+ 13*0.0625  = 192+11+0.8125 = 203.8125

【評論主題】【題組】13 (A)noise (B)smell (C)sight (D)touch


droning noise嗡嗡聲

【評論主題】【題組】50 What is the best title for this passage?(A) Data Collection vs. Shopping (B) RFID Tracking Ch


be aware that the ad could be watching you! Small cameras and special software are installed in the ad’s screen.

【評論主題】六、工程承攬或施工過程如有工程爭議發生,則可能引發索賠事宜,試詳述工程常見之索賠種類為何?同時為避免爭議發生進而減少損失,在平時應該有那些方法以保障自己之權利?(15 分)

【評論內容】for (m=1; m <=3 ; m++) printf(" %d ",c[m]);  印出 c[1]  c[2]  c[3]c[1] = 6c[2] = 19 註:跑 Q(c[1],&c[2]); 之後 , c[2]的值 因 7+12 值變成 19c[3] = 8所以答案應該是 6 19 8 

【評論主題】【題組】⑶蝦頭黑變之原因。(每小題 5 分,共 15 分)
