【評論主題】________ after the Second World War that test pilots first attempted to break the “Sound barrier.”(A

【評論內容】謝謝^^ 想說it應該要代表時間這個虛主詞,把虛主詞又搞倒裝真的很畫蛇添足,哈哈謝謝喔~~

【評論主題】3. There are many exchange students ______ in Mandarin-taught university degree programs.(A) enrolle

【評論內容】(A) enrolled v. 登記; 入學; 登記; 成為會員; 參軍;入學 (B) declined v. 下降, 下跌; 衰退, 衰落; 減少 (C) rebuffed v. 斷然拒絕, 回絕(D) renounced v. 聲明放棄; 宣佈中止

【評論主題】Shifani: Oh, that's always difficult. Trying to tell a car _________ that he should not drive h

【評論內容】(D) enthusiast n. 熱心家, 愛好者, 狂熱者

【評論主題】20. On Saturday nights, I prefer going out to __________ home alone.(A) stay (B) to stay (C) staying


【評論主題】Linda became ________ when she had to wait in a long line.(A) micromanage (B) hazardous (C) impatien

【評論內容】(A) micromanage v. 微管理 (B) hazardous adj. 危險的; 碰運氣的;冒險的

【評論主題】1. The chef teaches people how to eat well on a tight _____ at a five-starrestaurant.(A) budget (B)

【評論內容】(A) budget n. 預算(B) crutch n. 拐杖; 幫助; 支撐(C) march n. 三月; 行軍; 行進; 行程#邊界(D) saucer n. 茶碟, 墊盤, 茶託


【評論內容】cope with 配合


【評論內容】(A) dedicated v. 獻; 題獻; 致力(B) compiled v. 編譯; 彙編; 編輯(C) eroded v. 腐蝕, 侵蝕; 受腐蝕(D) disgraced v. 使丟臉, 使蒙受恥辱; 貶黜;使失寵

【評論主題】1. 利用配方法解一元二次方程式: x2+4x-2=0(4 分)

【評論內容】looking forward to 期待

【評論主題】【題組】(2) =_________ 。


【評論主題】7. _________ curiosity, the little boy went into the room.(A) Out of (B) Because (C) Due (D) From

【評論內容】原來out of 也可以這樣用

【評論主題】【題組】⑵請於圖中有問號處(共 7 個)填入應為那個元件之 A 或 B 接點?(15 分)

【評論內容】(D) incongruous adj. 不協調的, 前後不一的,不一致的

【評論主題】Mary has not seen her mother _____ two weeks ago.(A)for(B)in(C)from(D)since
