
請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
The relationship between high heels and power depends on the historical time and place. In fact, they were originallyworn to convey__41__ . The heel was introduced to Europe from Asia in the late 16th century, and was originally wornby men for horse riding because the heel __42__ the foot in the stirrup when riding. __43__ in the European mindwith the military strength of Persia, the heel was enthusiastically adopted by men, and only later worn by __44__ . LouisXIV, who ruled France between 1643 and 1715, was one of the first heel influencers. His ornate shoes were __45__ anyphysical exertion – therefore emphasizing his powerful status.
(A) capitalism
(B) masculinity
(C) femininity
(D) consumerism






【評論內容】追本溯源,高跟鞋曾象徵權力。事實上,在數世紀以前一度被貴族們認為是表達剛健男子氣概的不二配飾,16世紀後期自亞洲傳入歐洲,最初是男人騎馬時穿的,高跟鞋可以幫助他們有效地固定馬鐙。在歐洲人心目中,高跟鞋與波斯王國(今伊朗)的軍事力量聯繫在一起,因此掀起男士一陣跟風,後期才逐漸影響女性與兒童的穿著。17世紀(1643-1715年間)法國國王路易十四引領了時代的潮流,他華麗高跟鞋的不實用與不舒適性--恰恰是權力與尊貴象徵。The relationship between high heels and power depends on the historical time and place. In fact, they were originally worn to convey masculinity . The heel was introduced to Europe from Asia in the late 16th century, and was originally worn by men for hors.....看完整詳解






【評論內容】The relationship between high heels and power depends on the historical time and place. In fact, they were originally worn to convey_男子氣概(B) masculinity41__ .



【評論內容】The relationship between high heels and power depends on the historical time and place. In fact, they were originally worn to convey_男子氣概(B) masculinity41__ .






【評論內容】追本溯源,高跟鞋曾象徵權力。事實上,在數世紀以前一度被貴族們認為是表達剛健男子氣概的不二配飾,16世紀後期自亞洲傳入歐洲,最初是男人騎馬時穿的,高跟鞋可以幫助他們有效地固定馬鐙。在歐洲人心目中,高跟鞋與波斯王國(今伊朗)的軍事力量聯繫在一起,因此掀起男士一陣跟風,後期才逐漸影響女性與兒童的穿著。17世紀(1643-1715年間)法國國王路易十四引領了時代的潮流,他華麗高跟鞋的不實用與不舒適性--恰恰是權力與尊貴象徵。The relationship between high heels and power depends on the historical time and place. In fact, they were originally worn to convey masculinity . The heel was introduced to Europe from Asia in the late 16th century, and was originally worn by men for hors.....看完整詳解






【評論內容】The relationship between high heels and power depends on the historical time and place. In fact, they were originally worn to convey_男子氣概(B) masculinity41__ .