
      Do you like to travel? Have you ever visited Lanyu before? If you haven’t, you can take it into consideration.Lanyu is a beautiful island. It’s famous for its beautiful scenery, fresh air, friendly people and the Flying Fish Festival. It lies to the southeast of Taiwan. Lanyu is also called “Orchid Island.” People of this island are called “Tao(達悟族).” They have lived on this island for a long time. The most important celebration on the island is the Flying Fish Festival. The Tao people catch flying fish only from March to June. They don’t catch flying fish all year round because they don’t want to overfish.
     Here are some dos and don’ts when you visit Lanyu.
 1.Don’t take photos of the Tao people without permission.
 2.If you are a female, don’t touch the boats during the Flying Fish Festival.
 3.Ask for permission first if you want to enter one of their traditional houses.
 4.Watch out for pigs and goats on the road.
If you keep these in mind, you will have a good time there.

■consideration 考慮   scenery 風景   lie 位於   southeast 東南方的   celebration 慶典 

permission 允許     female 女性    traditional 傳統的   northwest 西北的

【題組】42. When is it possible to see the Tao people catch flying fish?
(A) In February.
(B) In April.
(C) In October.
(D) In December.






【評論內容】你喜歡旅行嗎?你以前去過蘭嶼嗎?如果沒有,你可以考慮一下。蘭嶼是一個美麗的島嶼。它以美麗的風景、清新的空氣、友好的人民和飛魚節而聞名。它位於台灣東南部。蘭嶼又稱“蘭花島”。這個島上的人被稱為“達悟族”。他們在這個島上生活了很長時間。島上最重要的慶祝活動是飛魚節。達悟人只在3-6月捕飛魚。他們不會整年釣飛魚,因為他們不想過度捕撈。     以下是你訪問蘭嶼時的一些注意事項。 1. 未經允許,不得拍攝達悟人。 2.如果你是女性,在飛魚節期間不要碰小船。 3.如果你想進入他們的傳統房屋之一,請先徵得許可。 4. 注意路上的豬和山羊。如果你記住這些,你就會在那裡度過一段美好的時光。When is it possible to see the Tao people catch flying fish?  什麼時候能看到達悟人釣飛魚?(B) In April.  (B) 四月。