
Reading 2 Osteoporosis is a health problem caused by the loss of a person’s normal bone density and strength.Osteoporosis can cause frequent cramps, bone pains, a reduction in height, a hunched back, and bonefractures. Bone density is influenced by genes. People from Africa usually have a higher bone density thanCaucasians or Asians. Males usually have denser and stronger bones than females. A person’s family historyof osteoporosis may indicate a genetic risk. Bone density is also influenced by factors such as a sedentarylifestyle, an improper diet, an estrogen deficiency, old age, alcoholism, and cigarette smoke.Smoking can lower estrogen levels in women. Low estrogen levels can increase the risk of gettingosteoporosis. Walking, jogging, stair climbing, hiking and aerobics are especially useful for preventingosteoporosis. However, excessive exercise may damage our bones. Our body needs at least 1,000 mg ofcalcium per day. Calcium is found in dairy products, green leafy vegetables or vitamin D fortified milk.Vitamin D helps our body to absorb calcium efficiently. Vitamin D is produced when our skin is exposed tosunlight. During the winter months, many people suffer from a deficiency of vitamin D.
【題組】25. Which of the following sentences best summarizes this article?
(A) Males should pay more attention to osteoporosis than females.
(B) Old people are at high risk for a bone disorder called osteoporosis.
(C) Various factors may cause osteoporosis, but there are ways to reduce the risk of getting it.
(D) To prevent the loss of bone density, you should quit smoking from now on.

