
二、警察機關內部財物管理之分類、名稱有那些項目?並請逐項簡要說明之。(25 分)


統計:A(95),B(15),C(10),D(1),E(0) #
個人:尚未作答書單:grin 、grin 、鳳凰的象徵




【評論內容】Does using pictures instead of letters for writing sound like fun to you?That's what the people in Egypt 埃及 did a long time ago.This ancient 古老的 system of writing is called hieroglyphics 象形文字.In the old Egyptian system, each picture stood for an idea.These picture words were carved 雕刻 on temple walls and in other places where people gathered 聚集.They told stories about the Egyptian gods 埃及神 and rulers.They told stories about animals.The picture words were also used to keep records of taxes 稅 and other business information.You might find it hard to read Egyptian hie...



【評論內容】Does using pictures instead of letters for writing sound like fun to you?That's what the people in Egypt 埃及 did a long time ago.This ancient 古老的 system of writing is called hieroglyphics 象形文字.In the old Egyptian system, each picture stood for an idea.These picture words were carved 雕刻 on temple walls and in other places where people gathered 聚集.They told stories about the Egyptian gods 埃及神 and rulers.They told stories about animals.The picture words were also used to keep records of taxes 稅 and other business information.You might find it hard to read Egyptian hie...



【評論內容】Does using pictures instead of letters for writing sound like fun to you?That's what the people in Egypt 埃及 did a long time ago.This ancient 古老的 system of writing is called hieroglyphics 象形文字.In the old Egyptian system, each picture stood for an idea.These picture words were carved 雕刻 on temple walls and in other places where people gathered 聚集.They told stories about the Egyptian gods 埃及神 and rulers.They told stories about animals.The picture words were also used to keep records of taxes 稅 and other business information.You might find it hard to read Egyptian hie...



【評論內容】Does using pictures instead of letters for writing sound like fun to you?That's what the people in Egypt 埃及 did a long time ago.This ancient 古老的 system of writing is called hieroglyphics 象形文字.In the old Egyptian system, each picture stood for an idea.These picture words were carved 雕刻 on temple walls and in other places where people gathered 聚集.They told stories about the Egyptian gods 埃及神 and rulers.They told stories about animals.The picture words were also used to keep records of taxes 稅 and other business information.You might find it hard to read Egyptian hie...



【評論內容】Does using pictures instead of letters for writing sound like fun to you?That's what the people in Egypt 埃及 did a long time ago.This ancient 古老的 system of writing is called hieroglyphics 象形文字.In the old Egyptian system, each picture stood for an idea.These picture words were carved 雕刻 on temple walls and in other places where people gathered 聚集.They told stories about the Egyptian gods 埃及神 and rulers.They told stories about animals.The picture words were also used to keep records of taxes 稅 and other business information.You might find it hard to read Egyptian hie...



【評論內容】Does using pictures instead of letters for writing sound like fun to you?That's what the people in Egypt 埃及 did a long time ago.This ancient 古老的 system of writing is called hieroglyphics 象形文字.In the old Egyptian system, each picture stood for an idea.These picture words were carved 雕刻 on temple walls and in other places where people gathered 聚集.They told stories about the Egyptian gods 埃及神 and rulers.They told stories about animals.The picture words were also used to keep records of taxes 稅 and other business information.You might find it hard to read Egyptian hie...