
(B) “Napping should not be frowned upon at the office or make you feel guilty at home,” writes Dr.James B. Maas, a psychologist and sleep expert at Cornell. “It should have the status of dailyexercise.” In the old days, people would doze for an hour or so after the midday meal, and in some LatinAmerican and European countries siestas are still in vogue. In most industrialized nations, however,the usual response to afternoon sag in energy is to try to jump-start the system with caffeine. Butsleep experts say that tactic is actually counterproductive, creating only the illusion of efficiency andalertness and depriving the body and brain of much needed sleep. Now, however, there is growing evidence that restorative naps are making a comeback.Recognizing that most of their employees are chronically sleep-deprived, some companies have setup nap rooms with reclining chairs, blankets and alarm clocks. If unions are truly interested inworker welfare, they should make such accommodations a standard item in contract negotiations.Workers who take advantage of the opportunity to sleep for twenty minutes or so during the workdayreport that they can go back to work with renewed enthusiasm and energy. There are two kinds of naps: brief ones taken to revive the brain and long ones taken tocompensate for sleep loss. The reviving workday nap should not be longer than thirty minutes;otherwise, the body would lapse into a deep sleep, from which it is difficult to awake. Long napshelp when you’ve accumulated a considerable sleep debt. But long naps have a temporarydisadvantage: they cause what researchers call sleep inertia, a grogginess upon awakening that canlast about half an hour. Also, long naps can affect the body’s clock, making it more difficult to wakeup at the proper time in the morning. Dr. Maas suggests that naps be scheduled for midday (about eight hours after you wake up)because late-afternoon naps can cause a shift in your biological clock, making it harder to fall asleepat night and get up the next morning. Try to take your nap about the same time each day. Even ondays when you don’t feel particularly sleepy, he suggests taking a rest rather than a coffee break atyour usual nap time.
【題組】36. In the second paragraph, the author suggests that __________
(A) experts believe that people should count on caffeine to increase efficiency and alertness.
(B) caffeine increases efficiency and alertness in the long run.
(C) caffeine deprives the body and brain of needed sleep.
(D) caffeine is the main cause of sag in energy in the afternoon.

