
B.Two great landmarks define the Mesopotamian achievement down to 1700 B.C. First, through the temple community organization of peasant life, the ancient Sumerians were able to create conditions for the emergence of civilization. Based upon a religious world-view, but sustained also by the practical services which the priestly colleges performed for the _____11____, the temple community permitted the concentration of a _____12_____ surplus of agricultural products and used this surplus to support priestly experts and a train of dependent craftsmen. Such specialization led to a rapid development of skill and to an early ___13_____ of artistic, intellectual, and technological traditions. By the end of the third millennium B.C., the temple communities of Sumer had been supplemented by other, lay types of agrarian social systems, within which landlords took over an economic role ____14____ to that of the priestly colleges, and were able to concentrate wealth in their own hands, not as agents of a divinity, but by virtue of military force or traditional prerogativesof social leadership.Agrarian communities of either the temple or lay type remained always thefundamental cell of ancient Mesopotamian society. Such communities provided the frame within which the vast majority of the population lived and worked; and their age-long ___15_____ over generations, centuries, and millennia – subject always to recurrent disruption by flood, famine, or war, but equally capable of rapid regeneration – gave Mesopotamian civilization its remarkable uniformity and extraordinary power of___16____ in the face of disaster.The second great Mesopotamian achievement was the slow and partial development of a looser social unit, the “great society,” which functioned like a fluid in the interstices between the separate agrarian communities and bound them into a larger whole. Its sanctions were partly religious, too, but less strongly so. In addition, law, administration, military force, and the impersonal relationship of the market all contributed to its organization. By comparison with the agrarian communities, the ___17___ of this greatersociety was weak and liable to more drastic breakdown. The way of life of the “great society” directly affected only a small minority of the people who lived in the land, and never ___18___ deeply into the daily round of the basic agrarian communities. Yet for allits initial weakness and instability, this type of social organization, especially in its___19____ aspects, was to provide the primary context for the future development of civilization in Mesopotamia itself and even more ____20___, beyond the borders of that ancient land.
(A) modification
(B) stability
(C) penetrated
(D) peasantry
(E) analogous(AB) conservatism (AC) secular (AD) considerable(AE) recuperation BC. conspicuously (BD) crystallization BE. cohesion






【評論內容】the priestly colleges performed for the _____11_:peasantry(農民)應選 (D)