
【題組】13. According to the article, which of the following is TRUE about smart homes?
(A) They can trap those breaking into your home and call the police.
(B) They can check your body temperature without touching you.
(C) They can water your lawns or flowers or give food to your dogs or cats.
(D) They can control many things from doors and windows to music players and air-conditioners.




【用戶】Wendy Wu


【評論內容】(A) They can trap those breaking into your home and call the police. 他們可以困住那些闖進你家的人並報警(B) They can check your body temperature without touching you. 他們可以不用觸碰你就能確認你的體溫(C) They can water your lawns or flowers or give food to your dogs or cats. 他們能澆花草或是餵食你的狗或貓原文For other people whose priority is convenience, a smart house might take care of feeding pets and watering plants(D) They can control many things from doors and windows to music players and air-conditioners. 他們能控制許多東西從門窗到音樂播放器跟空調原文 Most smart hom...





