
33. We all chipped in to buy the coffee machine in the office. Chipped in means ___.
(A) put in money
(B) put in a chip
(C) used a cell phone chip
(D) damaged




【用戶】Rita Liang


【評論內容】chip (sth) in 共同支付; 湊錢(to give some money when several people are giving money to pay for sth together)所以A. put in money 最符合原意。



【評論內容】笑死題目還出錯.... 還想說but在裡面,怎麼念都覺得奇怪



【評論內容】We all chipped in to buy the coffee machine in the office.



【評論內容】原本題目:33. We all chipped in to but the coffee machine in the office. Chipped in means ___.(A) put in money (B) put in a chip (C) used a cell phone chip (D) damaged修改成為33. We all chipped in to buy the coffee machine in the office. Chipped in means ___.(A) put in money (B) put in a chip (C) used a cell phone chip (D) damaged