
Nature is full of examples of cycles. The seasons come and go in a cycle of spring, summer,autumn, and winter. The days move in cycles of day and night. And all living things live, grow, anddie in cycles. For example, a sapling grows tall and strong. Then, one spring, the tree blossoms.These flowers later turn into fruit or other types of seeds. When these seeds fall, they land on theground. The seeds can then grow. If the seeds get enough sunlight and rain, they will become youngtrees. As the trees blossom, the cycle repeats itself.Rain also occurs in cycles. Water evaporates from the oceans and rises into the sky. Thismeans that the ocean water is warmed by the sun and some of it rises into the air. When enoughwater has gathered together, big rain clouds form. The clouds will release or drop the water. Therain falls on land and ocean alike. When the rain falls on land, the ground soaks up some of it. If alot of rain falls, the runoff flows into streams, rivers, and lakes. This water, in turn, flows into theoceans. When some of this water evaporates into the air, the cycle repeats itself.
【題組】41. This passage is mainly about .
(A) the growth of trees
(B) the cycles of nature
(C) the falling of the rain
(D) the seasons of the year

