
15. The mug in the shop looked _______ to those that Grandpa stored in the cabinet, so we got one to replace the one we broke.
(A) prior
(B) inferior
(C) identical
(D) forward




【用戶】Cassidy Tung


【評論內容】The mug in the shop looked  identical to those that Grandpa stored in the cabinet, so we got one to replace the one we broke. 這個擺在店裡的馬克杯,看起來跟爺爺放在櫥櫃裡的一樣,所以我們買了來替換我們打破的那個杯子。



【評論內容】D) look forward to +N.   = 期待

【用戶】Cassidy Tung


【評論內容】The mug in the shop looked  identical to those that Grandpa stored in the cabinet, so we got one to replace the one we broke. 這個擺在店裡的馬克杯,看起來跟爺爺放在櫥櫃裡的一樣,所以我們買了來替換我們打破的那個杯子。



【評論內容】D) look forward to +N.   = 期待

【用戶】Cassidy Tung


【評論內容】The mug in the shop looked  identical to those that Grandpa stored in the cabinet, so we got one to replace the one we broke. 這個擺在店裡的馬克杯,看起來跟爺爺放在櫥櫃裡的一樣,所以我們買了來替換我們打破的那個杯子。



【評論內容】D) look forward to +N.   = 期待

【用戶】Cassidy Tung


【評論內容】The mug in the shop looked  identical to those that Grandpa stored in the cabinet, so we got one to replace the one we broke. 這個擺在店裡的馬克杯,看起來跟爺爺放在櫥櫃裡的一樣,所以我們買了來替換我們打破的那個杯子。



【評論內容】D) look forward to +N.   = 期待