
Kids who live in northern U. S. states are used to having class canceled every now and then because of snow. But on Monday, a number of schools across the Northeast closed their doors _____16_____ a different reason: dangerously cold outdoor temperatures. Throughout the region, temperatures _____17_____ below zero. Schools canceled classes or delayed openings to protect students from the _____18_____ . The wind chill made it feel _____19_____ cold as 25 to 30 degrees below zero. The weathermen issued warnings about the _____20_____ of staying outside in the cold for too long. The cold was expected to last until Thursday.
(A) in
(B) for
(C) at
(D) on




【用戶】Shih Ying Tsa


【評論內容】c.   表原因或理由的介系詞 ·for可用來表「原因」或「理由」例如:forstealing the money 、 for bad conduct 、 for want of sleep 、 for it’s beautiful scenery等。·in可以用來表「使用的語言」例如:inEnglish 、 inChinese 、 inSpanish等。 c. 表狀態的介系詞·in可用來表「情況」例如:ingood condition 、 in safety、 indanger 、 indespair等。






【評論內容】Kids who live in northern U. S. states are used to having class canceled every now and then because of snow. But on Monday, a number of schools across the Northeast closed their doors _____16_____ a different reason: dangerously cold outdoor temperatures. Throughout the region, temperatures _____17_____ below zero. Schools canceled classes or delayed openings to protect students from the _____18_____ . The wind chill made it feel _____19_____ cold as 25 to 30 degrees below zero. The weathermen issued warnings about the _____20_____ of staying outside in the cold for too long. The cold was expe...