
II. 文意選填 (請從 A ~ J 中選出適合的選項填入空格中) (10%)    Misunderstood geniuses build a life around the notion that their talent sets themapart from others and 1 their lack of success is due to the misunderstanding,jealousy, and incompetence of others. Misunderstood geniuses are the ones who useexcuses as a cover; they are the 2 saying that their ideas are not mainstream orare too advanced for others to understand them, and cannot get the support they need.Authentic geniuses are often not appreciated or accepted in their time, but the real VanGoghs somehow find a way to work and create.    Misunderstood geniuses can be temperamental and3 the set, court, orplaying field, throw things, and generally engage in impressive displays of emotiondesigned to direct attention away from their 4 or failures and to suggest thatsomething or someone else is causing their failure. At the same time, these theatricaldisplays are meant to demonstrate how 5 they want to succeed and how hardthey are trying. 
(A) storm off
(B) shortcomings
(C) presumptuously
(D) what
(E) break in(F) desperately (G) that (H) attributes (I) those (J) ones




【用戶】楊翰傑 (小傑)





【評論內容】中華民國憲法增修條文第 2 條X 立法院提出總統、副總統彈劾案,聲請司法院大法官審理,經憲法法庭                   判決成立時,被彈劾人應即解職。第 4 條VII 立法院對於總統、副總統之彈劾案,須經全體立法委員二分之一以上之提                   議,全體立法委員三分之二以上之決議,聲請司法院大法官審理,不適用                   憲法第九十條、第一百條及增修條文第七條第一項有關規定。