
請依下文回答第 7 題至第 11 題:    What is particularly interesting about our species? For a start, we walk 7 on our hind-legs at all times, which is anextremely unusual way of getting around for a mammal. There are also several unusual 8 about our head, not least ofwhich is the very large brain it contains… Our forelimbs, being freed from helping us to get about, possess a very highdegree of 9 skill. Part of this skill lies in the anatomical structure of the hands, but the 10 element is, ofcourse, the power of the brain…The most obvious product of our hands and brains is technology. No other animalmaneuvers the world in the extensive and arbitrary way that humans do. The termites 11 constructing intricatelystructured mounds which create their own “air-conditioned” environment inside. However, the termites cannot choose tobuild a cathedral instead. Humans are unique because they have the capacity to choose what they do.




【用戶】Landy Yeh


【評論內容】upright 挺直的,筆直的




【用戶】Landy Yeh


【評論內容】upright 挺直的,筆直的


