
(2)Robert Lee Frost was born March 26, 1874 in San Francisco 51. Isabelle Moodie and William Prescott Frost, Jr., who had been a teacher, a journalist, a drinker, a gambler and a harsh disciplinarian. 52. his father, Robert Frost himself was a successful poet. In 1913 he published his first book, A Boy’s Will, 53. a year later by North of Boston. In England, he established his lifelong friendship with Ezra Pound, who helped to promote and publish his work. He also met Edward Thomas, 54. many walks in the woods with Robert Frost probably led to Frost’s beloved poem, The Road Not Taken. Frost was a man famous for contradictions, known as a cranky and egocentric personality – he once lit a wastebasket on fire on stage when the poet before him went on too long. However, 55. reads Robert Frost’s poems will be moved by his descriptions of nature and daily events that explore deep aspects of human experience.
(A) of
(B) in
(C) with
(D) to

