
If you are a museum person, the British Museum is a must-see. _(21)_in 1753, it is the oldestmuseum in the world. It displays objects and artifacts from many cultures, _(22)_ ancient Egypt,Greece, and the Roman Empire.  The Egyptian Rooms of the British Museum house one of the world’s most completemummy collections. The ancient Egyptians _(23)_ immortal. That is, they believed life continuedafter death. Therefore, the body of a dead person was preserved as a mummy _(24)_ his or herspirit could live in it after death. Mummies of kings and queens were often buried with jewelsand other goods, so they could use those things in their next life.  The British Museum is _(25)_ any time you’re in England. Go there and enjoy the colorful andinformative displays.
【題組】21 ( )
(A) To establish
(B) Having established
(C) It was established
(D) Established

