
39~41)Many years ago, there lived three men in China who had a lot of problems. The first couldn’t hear, the second couldn’t see, and the third couldn’t speak. They spent most of their time talking about the things they saw, heard, and touched, and they seldom left their house. One day, a man came to their house. He was a thief. But the men stopped him from stealing by working together. The first man looked at the thief with angry eyes; the second called the police; and the third heard his footsteps on the stairs. 

【題組】 39. What is the most important idea of this story? 

(A) Disabled men often have a hard life.
(B) People who can not see, hear, and speak are always poor.
(C) Even disabled men can work together to do something for themselves.
(D) Disabled men are always in need of help, so they cannot do anything for themselves.

