
Starbucks’ brand strategy can be best captured by its “live coffee” mantra, a phrase that reflects the importance the company attached to keeping the national coffee culture alive. From a retail perspective, this means creating an experience around the consumption of coffee, an experience that people could 31 into the fabric of their everyday lives.There are three components to this experiential branding strategy. The first component is indeed the coffee 32 . Starbucks prices itself on offering what it believes to be the highest-quality coffee in the world. To 33 its exacting coffee standards, Starbucks controls as much of the supply chain as possible, as well as the distribution to retail stores around the world. The second brand component is service, or what the company sometimes 34 as “customer intimacy.” The third component is atmosphere. Starbucks believes that people come to Starbucks for coffee, but 35 is what makes them want to stay. For that reason, Starbucks has seating areas to encourage lounging and layouts that were designed to provide an upscale yet inviting environment for those who want to linger.
(A) intrude
(B) weave
(C) incubate
(D) evacuate

