
Ⅱ. 閱讀測驗
         The name “Bollywood” is a combination of two words. The first word is Bombay, which is a city in India now called Mumbai. The second word is Hollywood, the center of the American film industry. Though Bollywood is a cousin to Hollywood, Bollywood does not exist as a real place, while Hollywood is a part of Los Angeles in California. The term “Bollywood” was invented in the 1970s, when it made more movies than Hollywood. Ever since then, Bollywood has been the largest film producer in the world.
        In addition, films made in Bollywood are very different from those done in Hollywood. The differences are as follows: first, Bollywood films are a minimum of three hours long, usually longer than most of the Hollywood movies; next, as they are longer, Bollywood movies usually stop in the middle, so people can take a short break. However, in most, if not all, Hollywood films, there is hardly any intermission; lastly, singing and dancing is far more common in Bollywood films than in Hollywood movies. It is said that in some Indian movie theaters, people who watch the movie will sing and dance with those actors and actresses on screen!
 combination 結合;film 電影;industry 工業; exist 存在; producer 製造者; addition附加;
minimum 最低限度
【題組】29. What is the main idea of the second paragraph? main 主要的; paragraph段落
(A) What a Bollywood film is.
(B) How a Bollywood film is different from a Hollywood one.
(C) Where the word “Bollywood” comes from.
(D) The songs and dances in Bollywood films.






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