
People who want to live longer should start with regular exercise. But many people find it difficult to follow the traditional physical guidelines for adults, which is to exercise for 30 minutes a day, five days a week. However, a 2011 study, which was conducted by the National Health Research Institute, shows that just 15 minutes of exercise per day can help people live longer and lower the risk of dying from diseases.     The study monitored the health of about 416,000 Taiwanese participants in a standard medical screening program from 1996 to 2008. The participants were divided into five groups: inactive, low, medium, high, and very high exercise activity.The study found that people in the low group who did speed-walking every day, for about 90 minutes a week, lived three years longer than the inactive participants, and also greatly lowered their risk of dying or having cancer, heart disease, diabetes(糖尿病), and many other diseases.      Those who are willing to exercise are rewarded with the most valuable asset — health. 

physical 身體的guideline 指導方針 risk風險conduct 實施 disease 疾病monitor 監測participant 參與者standard 標準的 medical screening 醫學篩檢 divide into 劃分asset資產
【題組】6.What are the traditional physical guidelines for adults?
(A) Thirty minutes of reading twice a week.
(B) Five minutes of exercise, thirty times a week.
(C) Fifteen minutes of exercise a week.
(D) Thirty minutes of exercise a day, five times a week.






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