
1. Which of the following statements about student mistakes is NOT true?
(A) Slips are mistakes which students can correct themselves.
(B) Errors are mistakes which students can’t correct themselves.
(C) Attempts are mistakes that students make when they try to say something but do not yet know how to say it.
(D) Mistakes corrected on the spot can motivate learners to use the language for communication.






【評論內容】A mistake is a slip up: you know the correct thing to say, but by accident said the wrong thing. Often mistakes result in fun statements and students can get a kick out of them. Mistakes are not critical to correct. If you identify that it was a simple mistake, let it go. If it is repeated too often, it has become an error. Errors are when the student does not know the correct form, term, or usage. Errors need to be corrected for students to develop their skills and to avoid developing bad habits.On the Spot (Selective)On the spot can be dangerous to your students’ confidence. Do so with caut...



【評論內容】Task-based language learning has its origins in communicative language teaching, and is a subcategory of it. Educators adopted task-based language learning for a variety of reasons. According to N. S. Prabhu, there are three main categories of task; information-gap, reasoning-gap, and opinion-gap.[7]Information-gap activity, which involves a transfer of given information from one person to another – or from one form to another, or from one place to another – generally calling for the decoding or encoding of information from or into language. One example is pair work in which each member of...