
(四). 閱讀測驗 A. Maria: Hi, Emma. What are you going to do on New Year’s Eve? Emma: My family and I are going to celebrate it in the USA with my grandparents.Maria: Great! You are going to have a white New Year because the weather report said it’s snowing over there.Are you going to stay at your grandparents’ house? Emma: No, we’re going to stay at a hotel in the amusement park. Maria: Wow! Are you going to ride the roller coaster on New Year’s Eve? Emma: No, it’s too scary. I tried it once and decided not to do it ever again. What are you going to do on New Year’s Eve?Maria: I’m going to a free concert at Taipei 101 on New Year’s Eve. Many famous singers will sing at that concert. I’ll see all my favorite singers there. Emma: Who is going with you? Maria: My sister, Susan, her boyfriend, Tommy and their friends. After the concert, we will join the final countdown.  Emma: Sounds exciting! Maria: Yeah. I will have an excellent New Year’s Eve. When will you come back? Emma: I’ll be back next weekend.Maria: Don’t forget to bring me some snow.  Emma: What? Maria: I’m just kidding. I would like to see your beautiful pictures. Emma: No problem.  & Eve前夕;amusement park 遊樂園;roller coaster雲霄飛車;countdown倒數
【題組】41. How’s the weather in the USA now?
(A) It’s cool.
(B) It’s warm.
(C) It’s cold.
(D) It’s hot.

