
二、填充題:根據上下文填入適當的字,每格限填一字,第1、9、12格請填介係詞(每格1分,計 14分)  1____ Christmas Eve, everyone in the Black family 2____ busy. Mr. Black is 3(r)____ a turkey in the kitchen; he’s a great cook. He’s also 4(m)____ a big apple pie and many cupcakes for the party tonight. Mrs. Black is 5(w)____ a card to her parents in Australia to wish them a happy new year. Timothy and Thomas, their twin sons, are 6(f)____ with each other and 7(s)____ at each other. Their loud noise makes Jean, their sister, very angry because she’s 8(t)____ 9____ her cellphone. She’s asking her best friend to dinner. Their grandparents are 10(p)____ on their Superman costumes to be 11(r)____ 12____ the party tonight. Lucky the pet dog is also busy. He is 13(r)____ around and jumping up and down.But nobody is 14(w)____ the gifts or decorating the Christmas tree! All the gifts are here and there on the floor! What a family!


