
42-43)Famous Athletes (1) Su-Wei Hsieh--- Birthday: January 4th, 1986--- She is a tennis player.--- She joined the Chinese Taipei team in the London Olympic Games.--- She lives in Taiwan.--- She is not married. (2) Tommy Chen--- Birthday: June 10th, 1986--- He is a current ultra marathon runner.--- He has run in many races around the world.--- He lives in Taiwan.--- He is not married. (3) Yen-Hsun Lu--- Birthday: August 14th, 1983--- He is a tennis player.--- He has ever played tennis well at Wimbledon.--- He lives in Taiwan.--- He is married and has one son. (4) Dai-Kang Yang--- Birthday: January 17, 1987--- He is a professional baseball player.--- He played for the Chinese Taipei national baseball team in the 2006 World Baseball Classic.--- He works and lives in Japan now.--- He is married and has one daughter. 

【題組】( ) 42. “Hobbies give people pleasure. Take Linda for example. She shows a great interest in sports. Shehas played tennis for ten years. She won many national tennis prizes. She hopes she will become afamous player like her favorite athlete in the future.” According to the description, who might be herfavorite athlete?
(A) Yen-Hsun Lu and Dai-Kang Yang.
(B) Su-Wei Hsieh and Yen-Hsun Lu.
(C) Yen-Hsun Lu and Tommy Chen.
(D) Dai-Kang Yang and Su-Wei Hsieh. 

