
五、下圖透水試驗試體面積為 25 cm2,在 20 cm水頭差下經 2 分鐘量得透水量為 10 cm3,試求該土壤之透水係數k。(3 分)若該土壤飽和濕重為 1.8 g/cm3,試問於靜水時試體中間點之有效應力為何?(5 分)若於試體下方緩緩注水,每秒鐘於上方量得出水量 0.025 cm3,試問此時之水力坡降(hydraulic gradient)為何?(5 分)又此土壤之臨界水力坡降(critical hydraulic gradient)為何?(5 分)此時之流量為何?(2 分) 



統計:A(16),B(25),C(19),D(130),E(2) #
個人:尚未作答書單:Healthy or Beauty、few, little, a few, a little 的用法、Word




【評論內容】er is stupid so he’s in school.” At a cattle market in Laikipia in northern Kenya, other Masai elders nod their approval. Herding is for bright sparks, school for “thickies,” all of them say. Only 35% of Masai children attend school. The reason is that pastoralists depend on their children’s labor, so even if persuaded of the merits of school, few could spare their ablest offspring. The result is an illiteracy rate of over 90%, leaving the Masai vulnerable to abuse from their more worldly neighbors. With their stretched ear lobes, their ochre-stained warriors, and gap-toothed brides, the ...



【評論內容】下列何者敘述與「Masai(馬薩伊人)有高比例的文盲」有關?D 大部分的孩子必須去幫忙牧羊